1663 Alsophila aescularia (March Moth)

Cornwall Moths: Geometridae

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Folder: Moths in Cornwall UK
A big update to Cornwall Geometridae, with a lot more species now illustrated. A few more have yet to be photographed for a reasonable reference picture, so hopefully they will be added through 2016. However, it will depend on whether we can record them in the right places at the right time of the year. Only time will tell.

This album lists the different species I've recorded over the years in th…  (read more)

1663 Alsophila aescularia (March Moth)

15 Mar 2016 154
Geometridae, Alsophilinae - Wingspan: 36mm. As the common name implies, this species flies around the March month, although in Cornwall it can be earlier or later, depending on weather conditions. It is one of a number of species which herald the coming of Spring.

1665 Pseudoterpna pruinata (Grass Emerald)

15 Mar 2016 156
Geometridae, Geometrinae - Wingspan: 36mm. One of a number of species which are grouped under the common name as "Emeralds". A common, but sporadic species which is widespread in Cornwall where-ever it's larval foodplant, Gorse, which is widespread here, occurs. The above picture shows a newly emerged specimen, but in time it fades to a pale brownish-green, so can often look quite different from illustrations.

1666 Geometra papilionaria (Large Emerald)

15 Mar 2016 141
Geometridae, Geometrinae - Wingspan: 58mm. The largest of the "Emeralds" in the UK, this is a truely beautiful species when freshly emerged. Flight time records show occurrences June to August.

1669 Hemithea aestivaria (Common Emerald)

14 Apr 2016 170
Geometridae, Geometrinae - Wingspan: 34mm. A smaller "Emerald", which is generally distributed in Cornwall. Records show that the flight time is mainly July, spreading into June & August here. The brown & white border may or may not be present on specimens, particularly older specimens where the fringe has been worn away.

1670 Chlorissa viridata (Small Grass Emerald)

14 Apr 2016 138
Geometridae, Geometrinae - Wingspan: 26mm. A Nationally Scarce A-list species. It occurs locally on grassy heathland, and can be found flying mainly in June, but can occur in early July. Unlike the Little Emerald, this species keeps its green colour.

1674 Jodis lactearia (Little Emerald)

15 Mar 2016 137
Geometridae, Geometrinae - Wingspan: 26mm. Another small "Emerald" which can be found everywhere in Cornwall, but is not very common, as only occasional specimens may be seen. A freshly emerged specimen is shown above, but this will quickly lose its colour fading to almost white later in life. Can be found flying between May and July annually.

1678 Cyclophora puppillaria (Blairs Mocha)

15 Mar 2016 149
Geometridae, Sterrhinae - Wingspan: 30mm. A scarce and irregular migrant which comes in along the south coast from Europe occasionally. In seven years, only nine specimens were recorded in Cornwall.

1681 Cyclophora linearia (Clay Triple-lines)

15 Mar 2016 170
Geometridae, Sterrhinae - Wingspan: 30mm. Although classed as a local species, restricted to mature woodland containing Beech (Fagus sps) trees, it is fairly common in the right environment in Cornwall. Local records show two peaks in the population in June and August, although the flight season spreads from April to September, suggesting possibly two generations per year.

1682 Timandra comae (Blood Vein)

15 Mar 2016 188
Geometridae, Sterrhinae - Wingspan: 36mm. A pretty, common species which is widespread in Cornwall. Variations are restricted to the degree of pink around the wing borders, sometimes being absent completely. Records show population peaks June and August, with only a slight lowering in July. Specimens can be seen, however, from late April to October.

1689 Scopula marginepunctata (Mullein Wave)

15 Mar 2016 162
Geometridae, Sterrhinae - Wingspan: 30mm. A locally occurring species, which is quite widespread. Not seen in great numbers, it is fairly common in Cornwall, particularly near coastal area where its food plants grow. The flight season is quite broad, with occasional specimens seen in April and October. There is a continued increase through the Summer, with highest numbers occurring in August and September.

1690 Scopula imitaria (Small Blood Vein)

15 Mar 2016 157
Geometridae, Sterrhinae - Wingspan: 30mm. A common species throughout Cornwall, it is nevertheless less common than the Mullein Wave. Occasional specimens can be found in May and October, but otherwise there is an increase through the Summer peaking in July.

1693 Scopula floslactata (Cream Wave)

15 Mar 2016 158
Geometridae, Sterrhinae - Wingspan: 32mm. This species can be difficult to determine, especially when the cross-wing jagged line markings are faded. It is considered a Local species, restricted to established woodland which contains its food plants. Peak flying times are in May and June, although individuals may be found in late April and August.

1702 Idaea biselata (Small Fan-footed Wave)

15 Mar 2016 157
Geometridae, Sterrhinae - Wingspan: 20-22mm. A common small species throughout the UK, and well established in Cornwall. Older individuals can be quite faded, but identification can be determined by the abdomen protruding beyond the hind-wings. The population peaks in July and early August, but individuals can be seen from June to October.

1708 Idaea dimidiata (Single-dotted Wave)

15 Mar 2016 147
Geometridae, Sterrhinae - Wingspan: 18-22mm. Another common small Wave, which is widespread in Cornwall. The common name seems to be a bit of a misnomer, as usually there are three spots evident along the rear border of the fore-wings. Mainly seen in woodland, hedgerows, and gardens where the larvae feed on a variety of foliage. The population peaks during July and August, although individuals can be seen from June to October.

1709 Idaea subsericeata (Satin Wave)

15 Mar 2016 143
Geometridae, Sterrhinae - Wingspan: 20-24mm. Another small Wave found in a variety of habitats. Individuals are often seen with faded wing patterns, making them difficult to identify for sure. No particular foodplant is known, although a wide range of low-growing plants seem to be acceptable for the larvae. This species can be seen from May to September, with the population peaking in June.

1713 Idaea aversata (Riband Wave - Banded Form)

15 Mar 2016 146
Geometridae, Sterrhinae - Wingspan: 28-32mm. A common species which is widespread and comes in two forms. One is the above Banded Form, where the area between the two cross-lines are darkened making a broad band. Population flight times are from late May to early September, peaking in July. It is considered that the Banded Form is more frequent in woodland of the southern counties, but often it is the reverse. The other form is shown next to this picture.

1713 Idaea aversata (Riband Wave) Variety

22 May 2016 187
Geometridae, Sterrhinae - Wingspan: 28-32mm. A variation on the "Banded Form", where the dark band is extended out to the wing edges. A rarely seen form, and un-named variety.

1713 Idaea aversata f-remutata (Riband Wave - Non-…

15 Mar 2016 221
Geometridae, Sterrhinae - Wingspan: 28-32mm. A common species which is widespread and comes in two forms. This is the Non-Banded Form, where the cross bands of the wings are left isolated. Population flight times are from late May to early September, peaking in July. It is considered that the Banded Form (see previous picture) is more frequent in woodland of the southern counties, but often it is the reverse.

158 items in total