0014 Hepialus humuli (Ghost Moth [Swift])

Cornwall Moths: Small Macro Families 1

Folder: Moths in Cornwall UK
Macro Moths in the smaller families that we've recorded here in Cornwall, covering:

Hepialidae (Swifts),
Zygaenidae (Burnets),
Lasiocampidae (Eggars),
Saturniidae (Emperors),
Drepanidae (Hook-tips),
Thyatiridae (Blossoms & Lutestrings).

Number References at the beginning of the titles are from the UK Bradley 2000 List of Lepidoptera.

31 Mar 2014

193 visits

0014 Hepialus humuli (Ghost Moth [Swift])

31 Mar 2014

147 visits

0015 Hepialus sylvina (Orange Swift)

31 Mar 2014

165 visits

0017 Hepialus lupulinus (Common Swift)

31 Mar 2014

165 visits

0169 Zygaena filipendulae (Six-spot Burnet)

31 Mar 2014

1 favorite

161 visits

0170 Zygaena trifolii (Five-spot Burnet)

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08 May 2011

258 visits

1631 Poecilocampa populi (December Moth)

Lasiocampidae. Length: 50mm. The Caterpillar of this moth is very well camouflaged, whether it is resting in the leaf litter below its foodplant tree, or it is laying along a twig. The outline is obscured by a fringe of hairs along its sides.

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25 Dec 2006

235 visits

1631 Poecilocampa populi (December Moth)

Lasiocampidae Wingspan: 40mm. As its common name declares, this moth flies through December, when most other moths have closed down for the Winter. It has no feeding organs, so doesn't have to take time refuelling and just gets on with finding a mate, and producing eggs which overwinter until the Spring before hatching.

31 Mar 2014

190 visits

1636 Lasiocampa trifolii (Grass Eggar)

Lasiocampidae Wingspan: 50-64mm Predominantly a moth of coastal moorland which is found around the western perimeter of Cornwall. This quite dark male was recorded on the north-western cliffs, in an area of disused mine workings.

31 Mar 2014

239 visits

1637 Lasiocampa quercus (Oak Eggar) Female

Lasiocampidae Wingspan: 86mm. Larger and yellower than the male, the female flies at night to lay her eggs on their various moorland food-plants. In the day-time, the un-mated females broadcast their pheromones to pull in the fast flying males from quite long distances.
29 items in total