0871a Oegoconia caradjai

Cornwall "Micro" Moths

Folder: Moths in Cornwall UK
Some of the often tiny moths we've recorded in our moth trapping around Cornwall. Some can also be found in our gardens, often flying in the day-time and looking like small erratic flies.

17 Oct 2013

212 visits

0050 Stigmella aurella

One of the smaller genus of moths, this tiny insect is only 5mm wingspan, shown against 2mm squares of graph paper.

24 Oct 2013

212 visits

0148 Nemophora degeerella

Wingspan about 18mm. One of the "Longhorn" moths, but the female shown has relatively short antennae. A fairly widespread species, although not very common.

17 Oct 2013

217 visits

0150 Adela reaumurella female

Wingspan around 16mm. This is one of the group of moths known as "Longhorns", as their antennae are much longer than their bodies mainly in the males. Female antennae, as shown here, can be shorter.Although jet-black in colour, this species has a beautiful iridescence when light reflects from the scales.

24 Oct 2013

216 visits

0150 Adela reaumurella male showing antennae length

Wingspan around 16mm. This is one of the group of moths known as "Longhorns", as their antennae are much longer than their bodies. Although jet-black in colour, this species has a beautiful iridescence when light reflects from the scales.

17 Oct 2013

198 visits

0288 Caloptilia stigmatella

Wingspan around 13mm. This is a member of a group of similar species, and can usually be found around woodland consisting of Salix (Willow and Sallow). To me, they belong to a group of moths which I call "Tripod Moths", as they always stand with their front and mid-legs together on each side, whilst the rear legs are put along the body, so from above they look like a small tripod.

17 Oct 2013

218 visits

0293 Caloptilia syringella

Wingspan around 11mm. Another "Tripod Moth" which is quite common around gardens which have Ligustrum (Privet) or Syringa (Lilac) growing. They can often be seen flying along hedges like tiny flies in the afternoon sunshine. The wing patterns are very variable, but can be quite pretty when looked at under a low-powered microscope.

17 Oct 2013

193 visits

0294 Aspilapteryx tringipennella

Wingspan about 11mm. A close relation of the Caloptilia species and also a "Tripod Moth", it occurs around Plantago lanceolata (Plantain).

17 Oct 2013

216 visits

0321 Phyllonorycter messaniella

Wingspan about 8mm. A fairly common species occurring where Quercus (Oak), Fagus (Beech), or Castanea (Sweet Chestnut) occurs.

17 Oct 2013

196 visits

0435 Zelleria hepariella

Wingspan about 12mm. A locally distributed species distinctive with its "nose down" rest position and its rich chestnut-brown colour. It can occur around Fraxinus (Ash) trees.
15 items in total