01 Heathrow T3 Waiting For Our Flight

1987 West Malaysia 1 - Langkawi Is.

Folder: Far East
Pictures from our Malaysia trip in 1987. Four areas were visited, Langkawi Island just offshore near the western Thailand border, Penang Island some miles south of Langkawi, then across the bridge to the Mainland and south by road to the Cameron Highlands, and finally onwards to Frazer's Hill.

This Album shows our Langkawi exploration and wildlife seen.

01 Heathrow T3 Waiting For Our Flight

18 Jan 2014 201
This trip was to use all Malaysian Air System (MAS) aircraft.

02 Rear Cabin of our Jumbo Jet

18 Jan 2014 244
For anyone who hasn't travelled on the big international aircraft, this is a view forward from the back cabin inside the Boeing 747. In Economy Class, seating is 3-4-3 across the cabin in each row.

03 Dubai Airport Stop-Off En-Route

18 Jan 2014 191
These were the days when flights to the Far East and beyond needed refuelling along the route, so a stop off somewhere in the Arabian area was always on the schedule. This time, the stop-off was at Dubai.

04 Our Dubai In-Transit Wait.

18 Jan 2014 203
Dubai was a modern airport, with contemporary styling to the buildings.

05 Dubai- Our Jumbo Jet being Serviced

06 Dubai Sea Front

18 Jan 2014 467
As we took off from the airport, the plane turned about over the Sea Front, before resuming the south-eastern heading out to the Indian Ocean.

07 Kuala Lumpur-Our Flight to Langkawi

18 Jan 2014 226
After an over-night stay in Subang, near Kuala Lumpur we picked up a local flight in a smaller Fokker F27 "Friendship" aircraft, linking to Penang and onwards to Langkawi.

08 Penang Airport Fly-by on Approach

18 Jan 2014 172
We had a nice view of Penang Airport, as our plane flew past, before doing a U-turn approach.

09 Penang New Bridge to the Mainland

18 Jan 2014 234
The U-turn gave us a nice view of the new Bridge linking Penang to the Mainland. From our planned itinerary, we would later be driving over this bridge from Penang down to the Cameron Highlands.

10 Penang Aerial View

18 Jan 2014 182
After passenger changes at Penang, we resumed our northerly flight, with signs that our arrival would actually be in the Monsoon season.

11 Langkawi Approach

18 Jan 2014 200
Langkawi is one of a large cluster of islands extending northwards along the Thailand Mainland. Here we are on final approach over one of the smaller islands.

12 Langkawi Island Monsoon Time

07 Sep 2013 168
A long view of Langkawi, confirming that the rainy season was well under way. At this time it is not ideal for Sun-lover type of holidays, but great for wildlife.

13 Langkawi Arrival

18 Jan 2014 202
When we booked the holiday, we were really not sure how we would get to this island, as there was no indication of an airport available. However, this nice new Airport showed interest in developing tourism for the area.

14 Our Only Map of The Island

18 Jan 2014 202
All maps we could find of Langkawi were small dots, no bigger than about 4mm across, so this map, which was on a packed lunch box for one of our later trips here was as informative as it got. An interesting fact was that the boxes were collected at 23.00 ready for an early morning start, only to find that two were warm to the touch. Opening them, we found them filled with hot chipped potatoes! We decided not to have them cold the following day, so had an almost midnight meal, so as not to waste them.

15 Langkawi Resort Entrance

18 Jan 2014 176
The Resort buildings were designed around typical Far-Eastern Malaysian styling, making quite picturesque subjects for pictures.

16 Langkawi Resort Central Complex and Pool

18 Jan 2014 187
Although a fairly new complex, with many of the trees only recently planted in the gardens, wildlife had already moved from the Jungle close by. The area around the pools had plenty of wild residents. Every morning, the pools had to be worked with long handled nets to remove frogs and toads swimming around. Also, whilst swimming, you had to be prepared to duck occasionally as the water was repeatedly skimmed by Swifts flying low and taking drinks.

17 The Island Panorama From Our Resort

18 Jan 2014 201
What can you say! The view from this hotel was amazing, no matter the weather, with this tranquil scenery. Occasionally, a ferry boat would pass back and forth from the Mainland, all adding to the interest.

18 Kaloula pulchra (Banded Bull-frog) in Grounds

18 Jan 2014 259
At our first Evening Meal, we queried the Staff about a deep sound which repeatedly sounded through the evening. It turned out to be this small frog which was around in numbers around the pools, taking advantage of the acoustics of the walls there. It is also known as a Chubby Frog.

83 items in total