Sliced Butter-Nut Bread

Broadsides, Handbills, Signs, Posters

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Broadsides, handbills, signs, posters, brochures, leaflets, etc.

The Famous Swedish Male Quartet in Their Picturesq…

25 Feb 2019 2 566
A concert broadside, circa 1880s. The Famous Swedish Male Quartet in their picturesque national costumes. To-Night The only opportunity to hear these celebrated singers, in their beautiful songs, assisted by Miss Carrie E. Hale, the finest of all lady readers in the country. Miss Vida J. Forrest, accompanist. The opportunity of hearing such a combination of artists is seldom offered. Don't miss it! Secure your seats early! Boston Job Print, Alden Street.

Simplified 1040 Tax Form

15 Apr 2019 1 417
In commemoration of Tax Day in the U.S., here's some humor from the time when photocopiers and fax machines were used to share jokes. Simplified 1040 Latest revision for 1040 Federal Income Tax Form. Department of the Internal Revenue Service 07. 19_____. Your Social Security Number ________. Part 1: Income 1. How much money did you make last year? ________ 2. Send it in ________

Eddie Gilligan and His Cosmopolitan Orchestra, Riv…

18 May 2019 2 828
A poster advertising a dance with music provided by Eddie Gilligan and His Cosmopolitan Orchestra, a popular jazz band. The Final Dance of the Clover Club Summer Series Eddie Gilligan and His Cosmopolitan Orchestra In a return engagement. The band that made so decided a hit earlier in the season. Featuring Edward Tracy and Frank Crisman, youthful singing and dancing wonders of vaudeville fame! Hear them at Riverside Park, Danville, Monday, Sept. 14th. Dancing 9 to 1 Ladies, 50c. Gentlemen, 99c.

Catherine Baker, Public Sale, Landisville, Pa., Oc…

18 May 2019 1 603
A large sale bill printed by D. B. Landis, Pluck Print, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I believe that the Catherine Baker who held this sale was probably the same person identified as Catharine W. Kauffman Baker (1835-1912). She was the mother of Nora K. Baker Landis (1858-1910), who was the first wife of D. B. Landis. In 1908, Catharine Baker was 73 years old, and she passed away four years later. Public Sale on Saturday, October 17, 1908 The undersigned will sell at public sale, on the premises in the village of Landisville, East Hempfield Township, Lancaster, Co., Pa., the following described household and kitchen furniture, to wit: 1 Bed and bedstead, 2 Bedsteads, bed spring, wardrobe, 2 washstands, large Starling Double heater and pipe, Oil stove, 2 sideboards, organ, centre table, 1-2 doz. chairs, 4 rockers, hall rack, 1 chest, 1 heavy walnut chest, wood chest, refrigerator, bench, quilting frame, mirrors, Brussels, ingrain, hall and stair carpets, stair rods, lamps, chandelier, rubber handle knives and forks, glassware, 2 wash bowls and pitchers, 2 feather ticks, feather bolsters, bed clothing, boxes, baskets, books, fruit jars, lard stand, lantern, ironing stand, iron kettle, brass kettle, pale fence, and a variety of articles not enumerated. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p.m., on Saturday, October 17th, 1908, when terms and conditions will be made known by Jonas L. Minnich, auct., Henry H. Koser, clerk. Catherine Baker. Pluck Print, Lancaster, Pa.

Gothic and Sans Serif Type, Specimen List No. 15,…

22 Oct 2019 1 480
This is an undated specimen list advertising some of the typefaces that David Bachman Landis (1862-1940) used at his letterpress print shop in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Landis originally named his shop Pluck Art Printery, but this specimen list dates to sometime after 1914, when he changed the name to Landis Art Press. Specimen List No. 15 Gothic and Sans Serif Type Landis Art Press Blair Gothic 4 sizes 6 pt. - One two three four 3 sizes 12 pt. - Five six and seven Steel Plate Gothic 3 sizes 6 pt. - Two three four 3 sizes 12 pt. - Five six and seven Inland Gothic 9 pt. - CAPS and Lower Case to 48 pt. Sans Serif Bold 24 pt. : with Lower Case 18 pt. CAPS : with Lower Case 14 pt. CAPS : with Lower Case 12 pt. CAPITALS : with Lower Case

Montour Park Fall Opening—Third Annual Corn Roast…

13 Sep 2020 1 445
A cardboard poster from Danville , Montour County, Pennsylvania, that dates to the 1920s or 1930s (September 12, 19, and 26 fell on Saturdays in 1925, 1931, and 1936). For a similar poster from the same town, see Eddie Gilligan and His Cosmopolitan Orchestra, Riverside Park, Danville, Pa., Sept. 14, 1925 . Montour Park Fall Opening Third Annual Corn Roast and Dance Saturday, Sept. 12 Saturday, Sept. 19 Pfeiffer's Imperials Saturday, Sept. 26 Alexander's Orchestra, with a Charleston Contest.

Something New — Vaudeville Show at Woodford Farm,…

12 Dec 2022 2 295
This is a handbill advertising a vaudeville show that took place at Woodford Farm, a venue in Ogdensburg, New York, from Thursday, July 9, through Saturday, July 11, 1903. The Ogdensburg Journal newspaper, in its issue for Friday, July 10, 1903, p. 4, didn't mention the Williard's Fun Makers or Burt Flower, but it had this to say about Prof. Hamnet's act (it spelled his name with an extra "t"); "Good Show at Woodford. Prof. Hamnett's Trained Animals and Birds Pleased Audience. Prof. Hamnett's trained animal show opened an engagement at Woodford Farm last night, giving a first-rate performance that pleased the 300 or more persons who assembled in the canvas pavilion. Prof. Hamnett's exhibitions are given by finely trained dogs, goats, geese and birds and the show is at all times bright and entertaining. It will be repeated tonight and Saturday night with a special matinee tomorrow afternoon for ladies and children." Almost as interesting as Prof. Hamnet (his full name was Florus Hamnet Frost) are the various typefaces used for this handbill. The typeface for "Woodford Farm" and "Don't Miss It" with its uniquely shaped "O" is particularly distinctive. Something New. Vaudeville Show at Woodford Farm Commencing, Thursday Ev'g, July 9, Three Nights, Saturday Matinee. Prof. Hamnet's Educated Dogs, Goats, Geese & Birds The Williard's Fun Makers Burt Flower in New Songs & Dances Don't Miss It. Doors Open 7 P.M., Performance at 8:15. Admission, 10c.

Grand Spelling Bee, Fair View School, Mechanicsvil…

17 Mar 2024 2 285
Katharine Hostetter Kauffman, later known as Katharine “Katie” Kauffman Herr (1886-1986), was the teacher who organized the spelling bee advertised on this handbill. For a similar item from a later event, see Spelling Bee, Terre Hill, Pa., April 3, 1925 . Come One! Come All! To a Grand "Spelling Bee" To Be Held at the Fair View School Near Mechanicsville along Manheim Trolley Road Saturday Eve., March 24, '06 Classes are as follows: Class I. Open to Pupils of 11 years and under. Class II. Open to all Public School Children. Class III. Arithmetical Contest, open to all. Class IV. General Information, open to all. 16 Valuable Prizes to be Distributed The Program will consist of Music, Phonograph and School Recitations and Dialogues General Admission - 10 Cts. Proceeds to be used for the School Library. Doors Open at 7 o'clock. Exercises begin at 7:30 o'clock. Katharine H. Kauffman, Teacher. Should the weather prove too unfavorable the Bee will be held the first fair evening following Monday. L. B. Herr Print, 51-53 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa.

98 items in total