Sliced Butter-Nut Bread

Broadsides, Handbills, Signs, Posters

Folder: Ephemera
Broadsides, handbills, signs, posters, brochures, leaflets, etc.

Sliced Butter-Nut Bread

18 Jun 2013 1 1630
"Sliced Butter-Nut Bread. Convenient for toast, for sandwiches, for table use. It's made with milk." The greatest thing since sliced bread!? I've used the phrase but never knew that sliced bread was an innovation that only dates to 1928. This Butter-Nut Bread sign, probably used in stores in the late 1920s or early 1930s, uses sliced bread as a selling point, suggesting that it's convenient for toasting, making sandwiches, or just eating at the table.

Hey Kids! Look! The Bazooka Blow Gun!

17 Jun 2011 2 1173
"Hey kids! Look. New novelty. Thrills! Fun! Action! The Bazooka Blow Gun with approximately 10,000 rounds of ammunition. 10¢ complete."

Cyclone Twister Cigars

20 Sep 2013 1 1180
"Cyclone Twister. Looks crooked but smokes straight. Cigar, five cents."

James Brown, Halloween Show, Harrisburg, Pa., Octo…

14 Oct 2013 2 1 2466
Flier announcing James Brown's appearance at the State Theatre in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on October 28, 1966. The Big Show of the Year The Fabulous James Brown, Mr. Dynamite. "Man's, Man's, Man's World." "Is It Yes, or Is It No?" "I Got You." The Famous Flames. The Jewels, "My Song," "This Is My Story." Butterbeans & Dixie. Go-go dancing girls. James Crawford, "Honest I Do." Bobby Byrd, "Oh! What a Night." Extra added attraction, Swanee Quintette, "That's the Spirit," "Try Me, Father." James Brown's Big 18-Piece Band. Halloween Show, State Theatre, Harrisburg, Pa., Fri., Oct. 28. Two shows, 7:00 & 10 p.m.

Roadside America, Famous Miniature Village, Route…

22 May 2014 3 1347
"Visit Roadside America, famous miniature village, Route 22, Hamburg, Pa. Harry R. Dubbs, Allentown, Pa." A cardboard sign for Roadside America , the quintessential American roadside attraction.

Spelling Bee, Terre Hill, Pa., April 3, 1925

01 Oct 2012 1707
Spelling Bee to be held at the West Terre Hill School, Friday eve., April 3, 1925. There will be three classes: 1st--Spelling, open to pupils 14 years and under. 2nd--Spelling, open to all. 3rd--General information class. Three prizes given each class. A special program will be rendered, consisting of recitations, dialogues, and singing. Admission, 15c. Everybody invited. Doors open 7:00. Bee to buzz, 7:30. Helena Becker, teacher. Times Print, Terre Hill, Pa.

Special Requirements for Students in the Dormitory

26 Aug 2013 1425
It's hard to imagine a time when Victrolas, radios, and electric irons were banned in student housing, but here's the evidence! Although my copy doesn't bear any indication of its origin, these dormitory rules were apparently used at some time in the past at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa., according to an article, "It's After Midnight--Turn Down The Victrola!" , by J. L. Garner, that originally appeared in the April 16, 2001, issue of The College Reporter , an "independent student newspaper." Special Requirements for Students in the Dormitory 1. No student is allowed to have in his room animal pets of any kind, Victrola, radio, or electric iron. 2. Students must observe the regulation restricting unnecessary noise during the study period. 3. Students must not drive tacks or nails or use paste on the walls or woodwork of rooms and must not put up curtains at windows. Use picture rail hooks. 4. Observe good care of the dormitory with all its furnishings, and avoid clogging drains in lavatories. 5. Do not place lighted matches, cigars, or cigarettes on the furniture, as it is readily damaged. Use an ash tray. 6. Trunks ought to be stored in trunk room provided for the purpose. 7. Women are not allowed in the dormitory under any circumstances. 8. Students who are guilty of ungentlemanly conduct or disorder may be summarily removed and will be required to forfeit the room in the dormitory. 9. Students are not allowed to keep anything for sale in a dormitory room.

Matrimonial Mistakes Lecture, Oberlin, Pa., Oct. 4…

14 Oct 2013 1615
Lecture To-night Rev. Thos. Coke Carter, D.D., will deliver his humorous lecture on Matrimonial Mistakes in the Oberlin U.B. Church, Thursday evening, October 4, 1900, at 7.45 o'clock. Dr. Carter is a lecturer of national reputation, and this is one of his most charming lectures. The press of the country speak in the highest terms of the lecture and lecturer. If you wish to drive away the blues, hear this lecture and have a good laugh. Admission, 15c. Two tickets, 25c. Advocate and Verdict Print, Steelton, Pa. -------- It's difficult to get a sense of what Rev. Thos. Coke Carter spoke about in his "Matrimonial Mistakes" lecture based upon this printed announcement, but the following account--published over six years later after Carter had become a bishop in his church--provides some details: Entertaining Lecture: Was "Matrimonial Mistakes" Delivered at the Court-house Monday Evening The lecture in the Court-house, Monday evening, by Bishop T. C. Carter, of Chattanooga, on Matrimonial Mistakes was a treat to all who heard it. From beginning to close the lecture was one of sound logic, interspersed with humor and adorned with sentiment. The many mistakes, their origins and fearful consequences were vividly pictured but the crowning feature, the full weight of the discourse, was directed to a higher and broader conception of matrimonial relations, the wisdom displayed in choice, and the blessings that reign over the homes of the fortunate in wedlock. If this lecture could be delivered throughout the country, it would prove a great blessing and would doubtless save many an erring one from a fatal step, disperse misery, and install happiness in many homes. The lecturer was introduced by Gov. J. R. Hindman in his usual happy manner, after listening to inspiring music made by the Columbia Band. In closing Bishop Carter dwelt on the tender memories of early life and paid a just tribute to home--one that impressed his many hearers with its many blessings, after which the Band played "Home Sweet Home." Adair County News (Columbia, Adair County, Kentucky), Wed., April 3, 1907, p. 1 , col. 1. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Library of Congress.

Fleetwood Jack and His Nevada Ranch Barn Dance Gan…

14 Oct 2013 4 607
St. Roch's Carnival, Weona Park, Pen Argyl, Pa., August 10 to 15, 1942 Free attractions. Fleetwood Jack and His Nevada Ranch Barn Dance Gang. Flo Irwin's Society Circus. Servais Sylvester the Magician. Doc Hudspeth and Mme. Iris. Rides and concessions. War stamps awarded nightly. Queen contest. Patriotic pageants. Amateur contests.

Let Me Cry Your Next Sale

21 Mar 2014 1 706
"Let me cry your next sale and get the money. My prices are right. J. H. Markle, auctioneer and notary public. Lock box 44, Hanover, Pa. Spangler, 113 Locust St., Hanover. Pa."

Public Sale of 125 Shoats, Ironville, Pa., Feb. 12…

10 Apr 2014 2 1224
A shoat is simply a "young, newly-weaned pig." "Public Sale of 125 Shoats. On Tuesday, February 12, 1889. will be sold at public sale, at Irwin's Hotel, Ironville, West Hempfield Township, the following, to wit: 125 Chester County shoats, weighing from 40 to 140 lbs. A few breeding sows. Stock can be seen three days before sale. A credit of 90 days will be given. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, when terms will be made known by A. H. Hershey. Isaac Hieneman, auct. H. L. Bard, clerk. (Please distribute among your friends.) The New Era Steam Job Printing House, No. 3 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa."

John S. Keller's Sale of Fine Shoats, Lebanon Coun…

10 Apr 2014 833
"John S. Keller's sale of fine shoats. Will be sold at public sale on Tuesday evening, August 21, 1917, on the premises, in Millcreek Township, Leb. Co, Pa., on the farm of Thos. L. Becker, on the road leading from Millback to Kleinfeltersville, Pa. 50 head of fine shoats, 7 Chester Whites, the rest are Jersey Reds. This is one of the best lots you ever saw. Sale at 5:30 p.m. Conditions made know by John S. Keller. L. B. Kurtz, Auc. T. L. Becker, Clk."

Public Sale at Shirk's Hotel, Kleinfeltersville, P…

A Positive Sale! Marietta, Pa., Dec. 29, 1887

28 Dec 2014 3 2 1290
A nineteenth-century sale bill announcing an auction of livestock, vehicles, and agricultural equipment. A Positive Sale! Third monthly sale at the Bazaar! Cross Keys Hotel, Marietta, Pa., on Thursday, December 29, 1887. The following will be sold, to wit: One horse, a fine Jersey bull calf that drew first premium at the Lancaster County Fair. Also a full Alderney cow and calf, two fat hogs, weighing about 200 pounds each. One new shifting top buggy, one new Cortland road cart, one market wagon (second-hand), a few sleighs (Albany cutters). One Root corn planter with fertilizer attachment, good as new. One Perry spring tooth harrow (new), two Princess plows, two double harpoon hay forks, sleigh bells, and other valuable articles. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p.m. Terms 60 days. Simon L. Brandt, secretary. N.B. No articles will be withdrawn. Marietta Times Print.

If You Can Sell Harmonicas You Can Surely Sell Cla…

28 Dec 2014 3 999
See also the back of this handbill: Blowbell Clapper Horns, the Greatest Fun and Noise Makers (below). "If you can sell harmonicas you can surely sell Clapper Horns (Trade mark). A horn, a bell, a rattler, 3 in 1 for the price of one. U.S. Patents, Feb. 25, '08, March 31, '08. Other patents pending. Trade supplied by Albert M. Deichler, 20-22 Chestnut St., Lancaster, Pa."

Blowbell Clapper Horns, the Greatest Fun and Noise…

28 Dec 2014 3 869
See also the front of this handbill: If You Can Sell Harmonicas You Can Surely Sell Clapper Horns (below). "Blowbell Clapper Horns (Trade Mark), the greatest fun & noise makers procurable, are made with patent clapper, patent corrugated bell and knocker. Best quality tin and handsomely colored."

Look Out for Santa Clause!

06 Dec 2013 2 1134
Look out for Santa Clause! Christmas games given away free! To drinkers of Lion Coffee. Boys and girls, mothers, fathers, here's good news for you! A large assortment of fine Christmas Games may be obtained without cost by using Lion Coffee, which from now until Christmas day will have an amusing game in every package. These games are of many different kinds, some for grown persons, others for the children, but all intensely amusing, and during the long winter evenings will create much merriment in the households who use Lion Coffee. Don't forget also that by using Lion Coffee you get the finest coffee in the world, besides a game or picture card in each package, and fine premiums given in exchange for the large Lion Heads mailed to Woolson Spice Co., Toledo, O., and Kansas City, Mo. Drink Lion Coffee and get these games for Christmas.

Don't Walk! Ride a Bicycle

10 Mar 2014 3 1723
"Don't walk! Ride a bicycle. Horses are high, but bicycles are low. Good second-hand bicycles from $1.75 to $8.00....Special: new bicycles, $12.75....Geo. H. Muhlenberg, the experienced jeweler. Closed on Sundays. Phone 105. Box 8, Morgantown, Pa." Mouse over the image to see enlargements of the spot illustrations depicting a Brownie riding a bicycle and a Brownie standing beside a "Look" sign . For another example of an advertisement that uses Brownies, see What Have You Found Now, Christopher Columbus? . For more on these creatures, see Wikipedia's articles on The Brownies and their creator Palmer Cox (1840–1924).

98 items in total