J.Garcia's photos
Ephemeral art~~HWW!
Lisbon at the Restaurant Table!
International and Multicultural Crafts Fair in Lis…
Going upstairs...~~HFF!
Tribute to Fado instruments: arms of Portuguese a…
Portuguese canned fish...the difficulty of choosin…
Tribute to women who are the main productive force…
Toward the lighthouse
The lighthouse marks the former boundary of the island before the eruption.
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Capelinhos Volcano
Capelinhos is a volcano located on the western coast of Faial Island in the Azores.
A volcanic eruption lasted for 13 months, from September 27, 1957 until October 24, 1958 and enlarged the land by 2.4 km².
It is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the Azores, namely due to the uniqueness of its scenic beauty, of very recent origin and almost virgin
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Happy Red Fence Friday!
Not blind...
Her head is a green balloon...~~HWW!
Artificial Mountain (Panasqueira Mine)
Almada Negreiros Tapestries ~~ HBM!
They served as the basis for the gigantic Panel in Rocha de Conde de Óbidos an old maritime stations of the port of Lisbon.
The narratives based on vibrant colors and rigorous geometry, portray riverside Lisbon with strong-bodied "varinas", fishermen, sailors, and in drama of those who have to leave to escape poverty.
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Crossing the Sky...
Fountain and Watercarrier
The chronic lack of water suffered by the city of Lisbon until the mid-nineteenth century, and which the construction of the Águas Livres Aqueduct did not fully resolve, either in terms of quantity or quality, made the wealthier classes resort to to water carriers who supplied them with better quality water.
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