
Gudrun club

Posted: 08 Jul 2018

Taken: 07 Jul 2018

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1/500 f/5.6 152.0 mm ISO 250

Canon EOS 6D

EF70-200mm f/4L USM


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Wilhelma Zoo Wilhelma Zoo

Coup de coeur !!! Coup de coeur !!!


EF70-200mm f/4L USM

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Wilhelma: Pteropus vampyrus (2xPiP)

Wilhelma: Pteropus vampyrus (2xPiP)
TSC: Wings

In spite of their name large fruit bats/ large flying foxes are vegetarians! Our zoological- botanical garden has been breeding them for a long time.

Trotz des Namens sind Flugfüchse Vegetarier, die sich von Früchten ernähren. In der Wilhelma kann man sie im Schmetterlingshaus abhängen sehen.
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, Ronald Stachowiak, , Wierd Folkersma and 46 other people have particularly liked this photo

86 comments - The latest ones
cp_u club
Eine fantastische Serie!
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to cp_u club
Herzlichen Dank, cp!
6 years ago.
 Ko Hummel
Ko Hummel club
Jeden Abend ab 9:30 sehen wir sie hier so komisch fliegen. Noch nicht einer vor der Linse gekriegt, die sind auch ja viel zu schnell und wendig.
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Ko Hummel club
Vielen Dank, Ko! Die hier sind 30 cm lang und schlafen tagsüber meist, deswegen geht's;-) Die anderen hat's bei uns auch, die sind entschieden zu schnell (und zu klein). Jedes Jahr rückt irgendwann die Feuerwehr aus, weil sich welche durch ein geöffnetes Fenster in eine Wohnung verflogen haben...
6 years ago.
Uli F. club has replied to Gudrun club
30 cm - Gudrun - das ist schon eine beträchtliche Größe! Ich muss gestehen, ich möchte dieses Geschöpf nicht unbedingt durch mein Wohnzimmer fliegen sehen. Lieber sähe ich einen solchen Flugfuchs "upside down" in einem Zoo hängen, so wie du. Mit seinen kleinen Artgenossen habe ich in unserem Haus schon mehrfach Bekanntschaft gemacht, ich glaube, wir haben ein "Fledermaushaus". Vor vielen Jahren fand ich eine Zwergfledermaus in einer Mauernische, und im vergangenen Jahr die Kleine im Kaktus. In der Wohnung meines Sohnes fand ich unter einem Sessel ein totes Fledermäuschen :-(.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Uli F. club
In der Wohnung wollte ich so große Fledermäuse auch nicht sehen, aber denen ist's bei uns eh zu kalt;-) Auf heimische Fledermäuse unterm Dach wäre ich auch nicht so scharf, es riecht doch etwas streng...
6 years ago.
Chrissy club
ooooh sind die toll!
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Chrissy club
Danke dir, Chrissy! Im Schmetterlingshaus kann man die ganz bequem von einem Bänkchen aus ablichten, ohne Glas oder Gitter dazwischen...
6 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Beautiful image(s) Gudrun.
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Thank you, Jaap!
6 years ago.
Amelia club
Well this is so unusual, Gudrun. I love the series - the second PiP in particular.
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Amelia club
Thank you so much, Amelia! Until a few years ago they were hidden in the house for nocturnal animals where it was really dark. Now it's so easy to watch them among the tropical butterflies (didn't get a single decent shot of those;-)
6 years ago.
 Marie-claire Gallet
Marie-claire Gallet
FANTASTISCH, Gudrun !!! Eine wunderschoene Serie !!!
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Marie-claire Gallet
Besten Dank, Marie-claire!
6 years ago.
neira-Dan club
J'adore les roussettes ; elles ont une tête extraordinaire ; belle capture
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to neira-Dan club
Merci beaucoup, Dan!
6 years ago.
 Walter 7.8.1956
Walter 7.8.1956 club
Immer wieder schön diese Tiere aus nächster Nähe betaunen zu können.
Tolle Bilder Gudrun!!
VG Walter
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Walter 7.8.1956 club
Vielen Dank, Walter! Sie sind echt erstaunlich.
6 years ago.
uwschu club
Lass sie schlafen und weck sie nicht auf ;-)
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to uwschu club
Ich werde mich hüten;-) Manchmal haben sie ein halbes Auge aufgetan, aber aktiv werden sie erst, wenn die Besucher weg sind;-) Dank dir, Uwe!
6 years ago.
Thérèse club
Une chauve souris! J'adore
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Thérèse club
Merci beaucoup, Thérèse! They are quite big, 30 cm and a 1m wingspan!
6 years ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
Despite their size, they look almost cute!
Terrific shot and PiPs!
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Andy Rodker club
Thanks a lot, Andy! They do, don't they? No vampires at all:-)
6 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
The first PiP is amazing Gudrun. Such beautiful detail. I like them all very much. I find bats so interesting. My mum once found one on her pillow!
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Rosalyn Hilborne
Thank you so much, Rosa! I'm not sure I'd ike to find a bat on my pillow;-) We have quite a lot of bats in twon (living in a church belfry;-) and every year you hear of some flying into people's open windows where the fire brigade has to help in getting them out again.
6 years ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Gudrun club
I have to admit that I would not like to pick one up but love to watch them. My mum picked it up with a towel ;-)
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Rosalyn Hilborne
Yes, watching is fine as long as they're not in my flat;-)
6 years ago.
 Jeff Farley
Jeff Farley
A superb capture Gudrun and many thanks for posting to Fur, Fin and Feather.
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Jeff Farley
Thanks very much, Jeff!
6 years ago.
niraK68 club
hanging around ;-)
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to niraK68 club
Das tun die den ganzen Tag:-) Nachts, wenn sie munter werden, dürfen ja keine Besucher mehr rein...
6 years ago.
 Graham Chance
Graham Chance club
Excellent series Gudrun. Love the light shining through the wings and lighting up the fur.
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Graham Chance club
Thank you, Graham! The backlight was quite helpful im some ways:-)
6 years ago.
tiabunna club
Beautiful images, Gudrun. Very much like our local flying foxes/fruit bats.
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to tiabunna club
Many thanks, George! We inly have "normal" smaller bats living in the wild, so these are very exotic for us- as is most of your antipodean fauna:-)
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
Wow, solche hab ich nie gesehen!
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Daniela Brocca club
Danke, Dany! Die sieht man bei uns auch nur in ganz wenigen Zoos.
6 years ago.
 Susanne Hoy
Susanne Hoy
Oh sind die süß!
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Susanne Hoy
Schönen Dank, Susanne!
6 years ago.
christel.k club
tolle Serie, Gudrun!
ich wüsste gar nicht, wo ich solche Flügel finden könnte ;-)
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to christel.k club
Besten Dank, Christel! Die gibt's in Deutschland außer in Stuttgart nur noch in einem einzigen anderen Zoo im Ruhrgebiet.
6 years ago.
Berny club
Da hast Du Dich aber nahe ran gewagt!
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Berny club
Vielen Dank, Berny! Tele;-) Aber die hängen tatsächlich nahe an den Besuchern, ohne jede Abtrennung.
6 years ago.
 Clickity Click
Clickity Click
Wonderful presentation for the challenge. I find bats fascinating although their quick movements are a little disconcerting to be honest. I have not seen any other than the ones that fly about at dusk/twilight.
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Clickity Click
Thanks a lot, Chris! As the zoo is only open during the day you won't see any quick movements from the fruit bats, they open half an eye and stretch their wings a bit, that's all;-)
6 years ago.
Clickity Click has replied to Gudrun club
Ah then the best time to see and photograph them is nap time .. :) People put up bat houses for them. It seems the ones we have like to eat insects.
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Clickity Click
Our "local" bats are also insect eating and smaller than the fruit bats, they are a protected species. Usually they sleep the day away in belfries or old barns.
6 years ago.
 H C
Whatt a great shot for the topic. I've never seen a bat close up like this.
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to H C
Thank you so much, Harriet! They are rather large bats and there are no barriers between them and visitors.
6 years ago.
 Boarischa Krautmo
Boarischa Krautmo club
v.a. das linke PiP ist toll!
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo club
Danke vielmals, Markus! Das linke PiP war auch mein Favorit, aber da sieht man die Flügel kaum, und die waren die Aufgabe;-)
6 years ago.
Stevia club
Erstaunlich, dass diese Tiere trotz der vielen Zoobesucher so cool dort hängen bleiben und sich beim Dösen nicht stören lassen. Zu drollig, wie sie dabei teilweise aus halbgeöffneten Augen blinzeln! Die Fotos sind dir wunderbar gelungen, Gudrun! Von Flugfüchsen hatte ich bisher allerdings noch nie etwas gehört, nur von Fledermäusen und Flughunden.
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Stevia club
Schönen Dank, Stevia! Das sind offenbar recht gelassene Tiere, wie sie da hängen, erinnern sie mich ein wenig an Faultiere;-) Seit sie im Schmetterlingshaus sind, nimmt man sie viel besser wahr und da sie dort jetzt schon seit einigen Jahren sind und auch Junge bekommen haben, scheinen sie die Besucher wirklich nicht zu stören.
6 years ago.
Ecobird club
Fabulous shots Gudrun. Both my son and my younger daughter would be very impressed - they are bat mad and both even have bat tattoos!
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Ecobird club
Many thanks, Carol! It was a good idea by the zoo to move them into the house for exotic butterflies where you can watch them easily and without bars in between. But maybe your son and daughter would miss the action because they basically only sleep during the day;-)
6 years ago.
 Mario Vargas
Mario Vargas club
great details wow
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Mario Vargas club
Thank you, Mario!
6 years ago.
 Helena Ferreira
Helena Ferreira
Great capture!
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Helena Ferreira
Thanks a lot, Helena!
6 years ago.
Esther club
Very nice shot of this flying rodent.
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Esther club
Thank you so much, Esther! They are easy to photograph when they are sleeping;-)
6 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Great find! =O
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Thanks a lot, Sami! Actually I had planned to take photos of the butterflies there, but I messed up all attempts;-) A good thing the bats were so sleepy...
6 years ago.
 PhLB - Luc Boonen
PhLB - Luc Boonen club
what a superb and interesting series of bats
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to PhLB - Luc Boonen club
Thank you, Luc! They're quite common in SE Asia but only a few zoos here have them.
6 years ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
IMPECCABLE et les notes sont parfaites +++++++
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Malik Raoulda club
Merci beaucoup, Malik!
6 years ago.
LotharW club
Ich hoffe, Du hast sie nicht geweckt...*** PiP 2 ist mein FAV!
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to LotharW club
Schönen Dank, Lothar! Ich war ganz still;-) Die blinzeln nur manchmal und schlafen dann weiter...
6 years ago.
WOW Amazing capture !!!
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Jan
Thanks a lot, Jan!
6 years ago.
 Uli F.
Uli F. club
Zum Thema Fledermäuse noch kleiner Scherz ein am Rande:
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Uli F. club
Hmm, Zugriff verweigert?
6 years ago.
 Gillian Everett
Gillian Everett club
Interesting to see, great close up
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Gillian Everett club
Thank you, Gillian!
6 years ago.
 Leo W
Leo W club
Die sind ganz schön groß, gut eingefangen. Hoffentlich hast du danach nicht von Transylvanien geträumt.
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Leo W club
Vielen Dank, Leo! Keinerlei transsylvanische Alpträume!:-) Die bekomme ich allenfalls bei den heimischen Fledermäusen, wenn ich mir vorstelle, dass ein Schwarm sich nachts durch's geöffnete Fenster in die Wohnung verirrt (kommt in der Stadt jedes Jahr vor).
6 years ago.
 Wierd Folkersma
Wierd Folkersma club
great series, well taken
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Wierd Folkersma club
Thanks a lot, Wierd!
6 years ago.
 Diane Putnam
Diane Putnam club
Fabulous shots!!! The close-up is especially brilliant. I saw "flying fox" bats in Australia - huge! - but I guess it is a different species, or sub-species. There are so many.
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Diane Putnam club
Thanks a lot, Diane! I used a tele but the distance to the animals was only a few meters. I think they may be related to Australian flying foxes.
6 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Gudrun club
Yes, that's what I think, too. I did look up "fruit bats" and there are many kinds with that common name. They all live from India, south to Australia.
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Diane Putnam club
I must say fruit bats sound much nicer than some of the bats you find in the Americas like the so called vampire which transmits rabies....
6 years ago.
Xata club
This is really outstanding... and I LOVE bats...
6 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Xata club
Many thanks, Isabel! I wouldn't want a group of bats flying in through my windows though. They don't find their way out again and you'd have to call the fire brigade;-)
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.

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