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Folder: Deutschland
Photos from Stuttgart's zoological-botanical garden


25 Sep 2023 1 4 152
Wilhelma Stuttgart

Wilhelma: Pteropus vampyrus (2xPiP)

07 Jul 2018 50 86 933
TSC: Wings In spite of their name large fruit bats/ large flying foxes are vegetarians! Our zoological- botanical garden has been breeding them for a long time. Trotz des Namens sind Flugfüchse Vegetarier, die sich von Früchten ernähren. In der Wilhelma kann man sie im Schmetterlingshaus abhängen sehen.

Watch out!

21 Feb 2010 38 69 1357
Donations (refundable in case of failure to take over Ipernity) can be made here: More information: Please spread the word, time is essential! If the money can't be raised by the end of next week, there will be no Ipernity in April.

Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata

22 Feb 2023 33 40 284
SC 34: Rule of thirds (Another clickable one in the note) Wilhelma Stuttgart

The patriarch and one of his ladies (2xPiP)

16 Mar 2017 29 62 865
Geladas (Theropithecus gelada) in Stuttgart's Wilhelma Dscheladas (Blutbrustpaviane) in der Wilhelma.

Sun-flowers (PiP)

01 Aug 2009 23 22 700
Climbing campsis plant seen through an awning (see inset for mono version) Trompetenblumen hinter einer Markise (SW im PiP)


23 Aug 2016 38 69 1072
The Sunday Challenge (TSC): BIRDS/BIRD -Living birds, not dead or ornaments These wild storks made our zoo "Wilhelma" their home. They enjoy the easy life with abundant food- it remains to be seen whether they will migrate to Africa in the winter. Their predecessor stayed here because she had an injured leg and got used to the comfort of her surroundings ( the silly thing once foraged for food in the middle of a big road and got hit by a car...). If you look hard you can see sparrows bottom left- they build their nests underneath the storks' nest! Inset a wider view of the building with the nest on top. Other wild birds living in "Wilhelma" include cormorants, grey herons, mallards, coots and a large number of the usual birds found in parks and gardens.

Was guckst du? (PiP)

21 Mar 2009 33 42 830
Grey herons have made Stuttgart's zoological-botanical garden their home, breeding on the old trees and fishing in the river Neckar nearby. They are not averse to stealing fish when the sealions are fed;-) In Stuttgarts Wilhelma nistet eine Kolonie Graureiher auf den Bäumen der Platanenalle. Die Vögel sind alles andere als scheu und klauen gerne bei den Seelöwenfütterungen ein paar Fische. Ansonsten fischen sie im nahen Neckar.

Grey heron (PiP)

23 Feb 2019 48 60 582
Wilhelma, Stuttgart Bei der Pelikan-Fütterung stehlen die Zaungäste (Graureiher und Kormorane) immer ein paar Fische (s. PiP) When it's feeding time for the pelicans both grey herons and cormorants try stealing some of the fish (see note)

Fish thief

23 Feb 2019 47 62 617
Feeding time for the pelicans at Stuttgart's zoological-botanical garden Wilhelma. The herons stole their share;-)


23 Aug 2016 31 54 792

Red Eye (2x PiP)

31 Oct 2017 37 70 984
Saturday Self Challenge (SSC): Eyes Went to the zoo and braved the Halloween crowds to find some birds' eyes. The pink pelicans were the nearest I could get, inset kookaburra, peacock

Grey Heron (PiP)

23 Feb 2019 52 68 926
Grey herons have established a breeding colony in Stuttgart's zoological-botanical garden "Wilhelma" and aren't shy at all. Walking below the trees with nests is strictly at your own risk;-) Graureiher haben seit Jahren eine Brutkolonie in der Stuttgarter Wilhelma und sind überhaupt nicht scheu. Unter den Bäumen mit den Nestern bewegt man sich auf eigenes Risiko;-)


22 Feb 2023 20 18 170
Wilhelma Stuttgart Because of bird flu the zoo's birds are all indoors or in specially protected volieres but visitors from outside still come and go.

Thirsty Red Squirrel

23 Aug 2016 34 48 791
Seen in Stuttgart's Wilhelma, this squirrel stopped to drink from a puddle.Usually they are much too fast to photograph.

Panthera unica

22 Feb 2023 45 60 382
Wilhelma Stuttgart


23 Feb 2019 39 57 756
Wilhelma Stuttgart: Alpaca (Vicugna pacos)

Tachyeres pteneres

20 Oct 2020 8 4 253
SH13: a Water Bird Magellanic steamer duck, Wilhelma Stuttgart

45 items in total