Indira Nair's photos

The new....

21 Aug 2013 91 102 2401
Usher in the New... Greetings!!

Rose Apple

Echeveria crassulaceae flowers

02 Jun 2013 69 50 1929
A succulent plant


The cottage

08 Jul 2013 63 44 1974
Among redwoods A better view in lightbox

Soaring high...

10 Sep 2012 78 45 2078
A common sight in SFO Bay Area skies

Up close

Common crow butterfly

02 Sep 2013 82 48 2746
Indian common crow butterfly

I didn't go to space :-)

28 Oct 2012 67 43 1753
A 3D exhibit at Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley, California

Rose-ringed Parakeet

09 Apr 2014 87 44 1813
Having breakfast in my garden

It rained...

23 Oct 2013 75 41 1388
My first shot of rain

God's Own Country!

09 Jan 2014 72 41 1177
My Kerala.... an aerial view of my native place Please Click on the image and view.

Indian Palm Squirrel

11 Oct 2013 109 52 2568
Enjoying guava in my backyard

Western Scrub Jay

27 Mar 2013 80 52 1519
The Western Scrub-Jay combines deep azure blue with dusty grey-brown and white. The rounded, crestless head sets it apart from Blue Jays and Steller’s Jays. These birds are a fixture of dry shrub lands, woodlands, and pine-juniper forests, as well as conspicuous visitors to backyards.

Purple Queen

28 Nov 2013 94 49 1891
From my garden


12 Jan 2014 115 57 2308
Romantic moment, on a cloudy evening.... Click on the picture and view

Asian Koel- male

14 Oct 2013 73 38 1433
Having a meal of wild figs

Cashew Apple

07 Mar 2014 83 44 2021
With cashew nut For more info-

30 items in total

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