Sealtest Ice Cream Ad, c1956

Time For Ice Cream & More!

Cake, pie, and baked meringue are optional. From the 1940s to the 60s.

13 Apr 2012

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334 visits

Sealtest Ice Cream Ad, c1956

I love how Colonial Jack and Jill are levitating above dessert, don't you?

13 Oct 2018

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262 visits

Bakers Chocolate & Coconut Ad, 1953

One hell of a boring, lazy dessert, but it's hard not to admire their zeal for cramming a dozen different typefaces into a one-page ad. From the February issue of Good Housekeeping .

02 Feb 2011

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364 visits

Safeway Ice Cream Ad, c1955

From the Eisenhower era of Family Circle. Everything you could ever want in an ad: Multiple styles of illustration! A cute square Pyrex bowl that holds a serving of refined sugar and butterfat the size of Mt. Hood! Plus, check out that "gift box" ice cream carton ("Party Pride"). On the flip-side of this page is a diet formula ad that scolds Mrs. Middle America for not helping Mr. Middle America stay slim. Ah, Madison Avenue, never ever change! (Originally posted to flickr on February 2nd, 2011.)

08 Feb 2011

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199 visits

Time For Ice Cream (1), 1947/48

A promotion put out by the National Dairy Council, Chicago, IL. These drawings are what happens when Forties WPA Cubism meets a postwar daydream of Mom, Flag, and Apple Pie (a la mode). Watch them hang out together for hours, reveling in the wonder of icy cold vanilla-flavored FREEDOM! Also, they talk frequently about a variety of dessert called "New York Ice Cream." I once spent several hours in New York, but I have no idea what that is. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. (Enlarged to show detail. Originally posted to flickr on April 3rd, 2011.)

20 Feb 2011

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202 visits

Time For Ice Cream (2), 1947/48

The tomboyish little girl and Granddad both look they're putting away all the ice cream in the county at one sitting. From the introductory text: "Seldom do you find a food so ambrosial that is so good for you, too. It's fine to include in a reducing diet for it is high in protective values yet is relatively low in calories..."

20 Feb 2011

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182 visits

Time For Ice Cream (3), 1947/48

Seriously, this paean is over twenty pages long. I hope you only had a light supper. :D

21 Feb 2011

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224 visits

Time For Ice Cream (4), 1947/48

Pity poor Mother. Shunted back to the home when the boys returned, she spends this whole narrative working like a dog to get everyone else their delicious dairy treats. Not once do we ever see her sitting down to partake herself.

21 Feb 2011

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178 visits

Time For Ice Cream (5), 1947/48

Please consult your physician to be sure that you're getting enough sugar and butterfat. :D

21 Feb 2011

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195 visits

Time For Ice Cream (6), 1947/48

Hey, remember when we didn't tyrannize even little kids and old people with demands that they go on diets? Yeah, me neither. :/
16 items in total