Mercedes-Benz Automobile Ad, 1958

Magic Motors

All things automotive-related.

From the 1930s to the 1960s.

08 Jun 2011

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175 visits

Mercedes-Benz Automobile Ad, 1958

Are the ladies all discussing which of them gets to drive Mr. Wonderful home tonight? From the March issue of Sunset magazine.

21 Jun 2011

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Pontiac Automobile Ad, c1949

The first time I viewed this ad, I thought that the man's profile was some kind of weirdly stylized car key. :o Yeah, some days are slower than others.

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04 Aug 2011

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Volkswagen Automobile Ad, 1956

How did he get such a rosy tanned complexion while driving at night? From Time magazine.

28 Aug 2011

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181 visits

Mercury Automobile Ad, 1952

Yikes! Mr. America's lapels can shoot death rays!

30 Aug 2011

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Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight Automobile Ad, 1959

Every man back then dreamed of having his wife and his mistress dyed to match his gas guzzler. From the November issue of Sunset magazine.

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05 Sep 2011

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Jaguar Automobile Ad, 1954

Partial to off-street parking? Just ask your local dealer about the "Nul-Gravity" option! From the May 24th issue of Time magazine.

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05 Sep 2011

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Enjay Butyl Rubber Ad, c1958

Everyone's car should be large enough to double as a summer home, don't you think?

20 Oct 2011

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Avis Rental Car Ad, 1958

A lost opportunity. This ad just needed drizzle, a fog machine, and a smoking gun in Miss Avis' hand. Then it would've been Rental Noir.

23 Oct 2011

143 visits

Ford Automobile Ad, 1946

The duel of the century: Trowel vs. Rolled-Up Newspaper! From the March issue of Good Housekeeping magazine.
38 items in total