The Blue Goose Buying Guide, c1946

The Blue Goose Buying Guide, c1946

A Forties (?) fruit & veg. epic, custom-delivered right to your screen!

The Blue Goose Buying Guide, c1946

23 Sep 2018 1 161
I see no wartime propaganda in this very detailed 50-pager, hence my guess at the date. (Though with that always-pleasant cursive it could be as late as the mid-50s.) From American Fruit Growers, Inc., Chicago, Illinois.

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (2), c1946

17 Aug 2018 1 162
"When you enter a grocery store today, you are usually faced with racks and windows filed with many tempting fresh fruits and vegetables..."

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (3), c1946

23 Sep 2018 1 162
"...How should you decide which of these to buy, what are the indications of quality, how much should size, color, color and shape influence your selection? And what of Greta and her love for Gabe?!?!

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (4), c1946

23 Sep 2018 1 163
"...To answer such questions, to guide you in purchasing the best quality fresh produce is the purpose of this booklet."

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (5), c1946

23 Sep 2018 1 167
"It should be remembered, however, that fresh fruits and vegetables must frequently be described in general rather than specific terms..." Even though we're about to ramble on for 40+ pages about them... NO details okay?!

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (6), c1946

23 Sep 2018 1 163
"...For one thing, the quality of any product of the soil is dependent upon many circumstances beyond man's control." Such as the fact that I'm tired and would rather just open a can of beans. :/

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (7), c1946

23 Sep 2018 1 175
"...Thus, coloring, size, shape, even seasons in which products are available are often unpredictable..." Flavor, though, will always be drab and disappointing compared to the produce of your youth.

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (8), c1946

23 Sep 2018 1 178
"...Then, too, ever-changing marketing and distribution conditions-- the section in which a commodity is grown, the manner in which it is graded and packed, distance to the market and the available transportation facilities-- all influence the quality and price of the fresh fruits and vegetables you buy." Also laborers. You know how they are. Always expecting to be paid and stuff.

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (9), c1946

23 Sep 2018 1 188
"...But, in spite of these factors...each fruit and vegetable has some inherent characteristics which do not change..." but which you will obscure under heaps of mayo and/or sugar so your family will actually deign to eat them.

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (10), c1946

08 Oct 2018 1 152
"Whenever possible, these characteristics are described and explained in this Buying Guide..." So put away that Shakespeare you vowed to read back in January. The nuances of produce are way more important than some cranky prince whose Mom remarried right away.

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (11), c1946

08 Oct 2018 1 209
If they returned to calling it "Shaddock" or "Pomelo," I bet grapefruit would regain a lot of its lost prestige.

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (12), c1946

08 Oct 2018 1 221
The kumquat waits patiently for its chance at 21st Century superfood-dom.

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (13), c1946

08 Oct 2018 1 220
Yeah, I know it's all text, but I shared it to prove that I'm not superstitious. ;)

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (14), c1946

08 Oct 2018 1 4 283
If you have to wait five minutes for all the vitamins in your fresh fruit to die, it doesn't really count it as "quick peeling,"

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (15), c1946

11 Oct 2018 1 178
"Yeah, we're on our way to become wine so cheap that it's only served at Communion. What of it?"

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (16), c1946

11 Oct 2018 1 214
Ah, the good old days... before your produce had so many decals on it that NASCAR drivers were jealous.

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (17), c1946

11 Oct 2018 1 212
Can someone please go ask their dealer about watermelon-plugging and then get back to me re: the response? Thanks.

The Blue Goose Buying Guide (18), c1946

11 Oct 2018 1 172
If anyone dares to complain when I change my username to The Jersey Peach, I'll just make them read this page.

46 items in total