Mary Maxim Catalog, c1957

Mary Maxim Catalog

Dorky and endearing as only 1950s knitwear can be!

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30 Jul 2011

174 visits

Mary Maxim Catalog, c1957

Even her hair was custom-knitted from the finest wool in 20th Century NORTH AMERICA!! Front cover of a twenty-page catalog published by Mary Maxim, Port Huron, MIchigan.

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30 Jul 2011

189 visits

Mary Maxim Catalog (2), c1957

If you'd go flying with a falling plane on your back, or to a bar full of drunks with a dartboard on your back... uh, you're a braver man than I, Sir.

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30 Jul 2011

178 visits

Mary Maxim Catalog (3), c1957

Bowling Sweater Dude looks happiest, because he's the one closest to the exit.

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31 Jul 2011

159 visits

Mary Maxim Catalog (4), c1957

I am sad that Holstein Cow is not available to be my team's sports logo. Not that I have a team yet, but I like to be prepared.

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31 Jul 2011

178 visits

Mary Maxim Catalog (5), c1957

I always bundle the upper part of my body to step out into a Midwest blizzard while leaving my lower half in pantyhose and heels. Don't you?

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31 Jul 2011

165 visits

Mary Maxim Catalog (6), c1957

I wonder why the Fourth Birdman of the Apocalypse never showed up...

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31 Jul 2011

141 visits

Mary Maxim Catalog (7), c1957

Beaver Kid would've looked even better if he was chewing on a piece of wood.

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31 Jul 2011

142 visits

Mary Maxim Catalog (8), c1957

"I'm a Rocket Man, knitting on the streets out here, alone..."

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31 Jul 2011

149 visits

Mary Maxim Catalog (9), c1957

Given that it was the Fifties, I'm surprised that there's no grown-up version of the "Clown & Elephant"-- with a Martini glass on the sleeve and the elephant in pink, of course.
18 items in total