Husband-Tested Recipes, 1945

Leading Men

Fathers, sons, tour guides, hat models-- and many more! From the Thirties to the Sixties.

19 Jun 2011

188 visits

Father's Birthday Card, 1935

I can never look at this card without thinking of creepy Mr. Durant from Dorothy Parker's short story of the same name. But it's a nice design, nonetheless. Front section (L) and the inside of the card (R).

26 Jun 2011

186 visits

Hawaiian Christmas Card, 1941

Signed by "H.B. Christian", on textured paper. The inside has a Christmas tree-shaped printing of the words: "A Wish For A Mele Kalikimaka And A Very Happy New Year From..." (Shown slightly larger than original size.)

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23 Aug 2011

153 visits

Reliance Menswear Ad, c1943

Back then, the twins conserved resources by working alternate shifts at the munitions plant and sharing a single-room apartment.

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29 Aug 2011

180 visits

National Confectioners' Association Ad, 1946

It's great to see that sugar helps them keep the magic alive, even after forty years together.

27 Feb 2012

242 visits

Dole Pineapple Ad, 1954

What explains the look of deep calm on the faces of Our Heroes? Is it: A) The pesky tourists are all whooping it up on some other island this week. B) Their pomade was paid for by the photographer. C) That giant mutant pineapple will feed all their families for at least two months. D) Thanks to Canoe-Makers Local 56, cross-marketers were not allowed to make them set sail in a boat made from old cardboard boxes (see page 18). E) All of the above. From the February issue of Everywoman's magazine.

09 Mar 2012

160 visits

Wilson Underwear Ad, 1946

"The Wilson label near, protects your man's--" Sorry. :o From the March issue of Good Housekeeping magazine.

09 Mar 2012

201 visits

Stetson Hat Ad, 1952

These guys look melancholy because they can foresee how much more all this stuff will cost in sixty years. From the March 17th issue of Time magazine.

01 Apr 2012

195 visits

Jacobsen Lawnmower Ad, 1950

Wow. They had some sweeeeet-smelling fuel back in the Fifties! From the March issue of Sunset magazine.

15 Apr 2012

162 visits

Pullman Train Ad, 1954

And pack a smaller hat, too! From the May 24th issue of Time magazine.
32 items in total