Alison Meier's photos

After the Dream

20 Sep 2012 142
The night brings us darkness, sleep and dreams. Sometimes we remember the dreams and take them with us, where they can colour the day. And sometimes, the coming of the new day banishes all memory of our night-time experiences. They flee before the light, wraith-like, before disappearing into their own darkness.

There's a Dark Side IV

22 May 2012 1 113
Wool - a natural fibre. Grown on healthy, happy sheep

There's a Dark Side V (The Truck is Coming)

22 May 2012 153
When we look at a sheep, we think "Wool.... meat....sheepskin...." We do so because we are trained to think of a sheep as a unit, a commodity, as something we use. This sheep is looking at an approaching truck. It has no experience of a truck, no curiosity about it, as by its nature, it can have no forethought. All it sees is the truck coming.....

Light I

14 Jul 2012 166
We strive as photographers to present the best view, the most interesting aspect, the sharpest detail. Sometimes, we need to stop and simply look for the light.


25 Jun 2012 162
Gem is a delightful, elderly Jack Russell Terrier. She gets around a lot more slowly and creakily these days than she did when she was a scampering pup, but has remained interested in all that life offers her. You can see much of her inquisitive and enquiring nature in this portrait.

Mmmmm....fresh bread!

17 May 2012 144
This home baked bread is based on my maternal grandmother's recipe. It is a one-rise recipe and can be ready to eat, from go to whoa in a little over an hour or so. Great as fresh bread and makes brilliant toast, too.

There's a dark side III

Blue Doors and Vine

09 May 2012 1 128
This is the blue doors and vine with a conventional treatment. Some sharpening, levels and curves to bring out the natural texture of the wall and more importantly, the wonderful old vine.

More and Darker

09 May 2012 124
Textures courtesy Jerry Jones, with thanks. This has been given some extra treatment as it just begged for it. The image was made at the Trentham Racecourse recently on an overcast day. The light was superb and I had a ball clickin' my way around the buildings.

Beneath the Stairs

Vine in Autumn

Under the Ramp II

09 May 2012 109
Better On Black

Under the Ramp I

Underneath the Stands II

09 May 2012 123
Textures courtesy Jerry Jones, with thanks.

Underneath the Stands I



Jetty, Lake Rotoiti

76 items in total

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