Alison Meier's photos

Looking into the Future

13 Mar 2017 14 8 348
This image has a great deal of personal resonance for me, for reasons that I won't go into. For me, it epitomises the uncertainties and anxiety of new motherhood. The mother leans protectively over her child, tenderly holding the little foot, while the baby sucks on her fingers and gazes out at her new world. It was a real "grab" shot, made in an instant, with no chance to focus carefully or change camera settings. I have removed an unattractive background and converted to mono.


17 Aug 2013 5 2 250
Made while travelling across the Hakataramea Saddle (North Otago, New Zealand) mid August, just as the seasons are starting to turn. Winter is very cold and dry here, as can be seen from the condition of the grass. Just before we reached the summit on our return home late in the afternoon, a storm cloud approached and cast some gloomy light over the scene. Quite apart from the harsh natural environment, the locals seem to take delight in firing shotgun blasts at the summit sign.


09 Dec 2012 2 260
Sometimes we can be mistaken about the value of the simple things we come across.

Birds on a Wire

09 Oct 2012 10 5 314
Variation on a Theme.

Cosmic Steam.

11 Nov 2012 4 1 284
Although the early evening steam from this wood-pulp processing factory chimney near Nelson, New Zealand looked impressive from close up, getting some distance on the factory revealed a different reality. The setting sun gave the whole image a very pleasing warmth. Processed initially with three bracketed images using SNS_HDR Lite, then taken into Photoshop CS5 for final adjustments.

Rainbow at Rarangi.

22 Nov 2012 2 1 230
As the sun began to get near the hills behind us, a rainshower passed by. As it swept out to sea, a beautiful double rainbow appeared in the sky. The rainbow lasted for ages, as the squall moved directly away from us across the water.

Rainy day washing

08 Oct 2012 3 244
We are parked up beside this colourful, old sheep shearing shed. It made a great backdrop to the washing yesterday. The faint diagonal lines you may be able to see are the raindrops as they drive by in the howling wind. The washing, needless to say, didn't get dry. A portrait view, this time.

What's that thang?

24 Sep 2012 169
Pukeko at a recent campsite, checking out the bikes.

Don't nag, Martha, I'm getting off.

24 Sep 2012 113
Pukeko at a recent campsite, checking out the bikes.

Not fit to eat.

24 Sep 2012 126
Pukeko at a recent campsite, checking out the bikes.

Waxeye feeding (crop.)

06 Aug 2012 1 1 194
In early Spring we visited a friend who has a beautiful flowering cherry tree. The tree was in full blossom and the waxeyes were feeding on the insects on the blossom. They are real acrobats and frequently hang upside down to feed. I was pleased with the way the new D7000 performed here, as the birds move so quickly. Thanks for looking.

Matey at the gate.

01 Oct 2012 2 1 234
There's a small house next door to our current park up spot and Matey lives there. He is a good guard dog and constantly watches the world outside in protection mode. I like the way the shape of the gate is reflected by the shape of the trees around it.

Waxeye feeding in Spring blossom.

30 Sep 2012 1 240
In early Spring we visited a friend who has a beautiful flowering cherry tree. The tree was in full blossom and the waxeyes were feeding on the insects on the blossom. They are real acrobats and frequently hang upside down to feed. I was pleased with the way the new D7000 performed here, as the birds move so quickly. Thanks for looking.


23 Sep 2012 2 215
It's a lens, baby.


23 Sep 2012 2 187
It's a lens, baby.


23 Sep 2012 1 189
It's a lens, baby.


23 Sep 2012 1 172
It's a lens, baby.


23 Sep 2012 182
It's a lens, baby.

76 photos in total

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