Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne


A collection of photos taken over the years. They just all have in common, that they were taken in "Centre" (since 2016 "Centre-Val de Loire") in France. Formed by the départements Cher (18), Eure-et-Loir (28)
Indre (36), Indre-et-Loire (37), Loir-et-Cher (41), Loiret (45).

Some were taken, when I crossed "Centre" following the "Via Lemovicensis" in 2006, or when I started the "Via Turonensis" i…  (read more)

Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

01 Aug 2013 262
This unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis. OK, this photo was a try. The stair turret is by far not the main feature of this church.

Neuvy-Sainp-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

01 Aug 2013 259
This unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis. The roof of the rotunda seen here is newer. Still in the 1920s there was a small cupola.

Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

01 Aug 2013 219
This unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis.

Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

23 Aug 2013 239
This unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis. There are many capitals all around the arches on the outside walls of the rotunda. Here is one of them. A deer tries to escape, but the manticore waits around the corner. I doubt, that this is a centaur. A strange round object is near the tail.

Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

01 Aug 2013 254
This unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis. Eleven pillars form the rotunda, that has a diameter of 8,30m. The number "11" may stand for the number of apostles after Judas left. The pillars have massive capitals. Since Louis IX (aka "Saint Louis" an aedicula, symbolising the tomb, was placed in the center. Within this shrine relics of the crown of thorns and the true cross were kept.

Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

01 Aug 2013 232
This unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis. Eleven pillars form the rotunda, that has a diameter of 8,30m. The number "11" may stand for the number of apostles after Judas left. The pillars have massive capitals. Here is one of them.

Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

01 Aug 2013 259
This unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis. Eleven pillars form the rotunda, that has a diameter of 8,30m. The number "11" may stand for the number of apostles after Judas left. The pillars have massive capitals. While the wild men were dancing on the previous upload, here the carvers concentrated on the wild men´s faces with nicely combed beards and phrygian caps.

Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

01 Aug 2013 299
This unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis. Eleven pillars form the rotunda, that has a diameter of 8,30m. The number "11" may stand for the number of apostles after Judas left. The pillars have massive capitals. Note the apes/monkeys on the corners of the capital in der center - and the small lion between them.

Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

01 Aug 2013 287
This unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis. Eleven pillars form the rotunda, that has a diameter of 8,30m. The number "11" may stand for the number of apostles after Judas left. The pillars have massive capitals. Here is a detailled photo of one of the monkeys or apes, seen on the previous upload. The monkey (aggressive facial expression!) holds a stone over its head, ready to throw it on to the onlooker. The monkey´s penis is very long.

Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

01 Aug 2013 1 274
This unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis. Eleven pillars form the rotunda, that has a diameter of 8,30m. The number "11" may stand for the number of apostles after Judas left. The pillars have massive capitals. Here is one of the agressive apes (previous upload) seen in profile.

Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

01 Aug 2013 2 336
This unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis. Eleven pillars form the rotunda, that has a diameter of 8,30m. The number "11" may stand for the number of apostles after Judas left. The pillars have massive capitals. Standing in the center of the rotunda - and staring up to the dome.

Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

01 Aug 2013 1 2 310
This unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis. Eleven pillars form the rotunda, that has a diameter of 8,30m. The number "11" may stand for the number of apostles after Judas left. The pillars have massive capitals. The center of the rotunda seen from above.

Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

01 Aug 2013 1 314
This unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis. Eleven pillars form the rotunda, that has a diameter of 8,30m. The number "11" may stand for the number of apostles after Judas left. The pillars have massive capitals. The center of the rotunda seen from above.

Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

01 Aug 2013 4 356
This unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis. Eleven pillars form the rotunda, that has a diameter of 8,30m. The number "11" may stand for the number of apostles after Judas left. The pillars have massive capitals. Actually the rotunda has even 22 pillars in total. Here are the pillars of the second level.

Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-Étienne

01 Aug 2013 245
Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre - Saint-ÉtienneThis unique church complex, once part of a collegiate and dedicated to Saint-Jaques, combines a round church and attached to this a rectangular basilica. A local noble named Eudes of Deols, who had traveled to the Holy Land in 1027, founded this church around 1040, a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Over centuries this was a major stop-over for pilgrims following the Via Lemovicensis. Eleven pillars form the center of the rotunda. The number "11" may stand for the number of apostles after Judas left. All the pillars have very elaborated capitals. The style of the capitals, that are part of the wall around the center, is much rougher. This is one of them: a huge fire-spitting (?), winged dragon - and a small centaur /sagitarius.

Bourges Cathedral

01 Aug 2013 1 247
Late afternoon sun in Bourges. The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324. The western facade, seen here, was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal. The cathedral´s two western towers grew up very slowly. The northern tower, finally completed in the 15th century, collapsed in 1506, destroying the northern portion of the facade. The tower and the portal were rebuilt later in a more contemporary style. Since 1992 the cathedral is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site". Pilgrims, following the Via Lemovicenis, have been here already in the early times. I got the "tampon" stamped in my "credencial" here in 2006.

Bourges Cathedral

01 Aug 2013 2 1 323
Late afternoon sun in Bourges. The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324. The western facade was seen from the south on the previous uplaod. Here the pov is on the northern side. The facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide, as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal. The cathedral´s two facade- towers grew up very slowly. The northern tower, finally completed in the 15th century, collapsed in 1506, destroying the northern portion of the facade. The tower and the (left) portal were rebuilt later in a more contemporary, flamboyant style. Since 1992 the cathedral is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site". Pilgrims, following the Via Lemovicenis, have been here already in the early times. I got the "tampon" stamped in my "credencial" here in 2006.

Bourges Cathedral

01 Aug 2013 257
Late afternoon sun in Bourges. The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324. The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide, as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal. This is the central-portal, the largest and most ornate and sophisticated. The tympanum carries scenes related to the Last Judgement, a popular theme already on Romanesque churches (eg Conques, Autun, Moissac, Sangüesa). Here it is composed over three "levels" and carved in a delicate Gothic style. Since 1992 the cathedral is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site". Pilgrims, following the Via Lemovicenis, have been here already in the early times.

332 items in total