Cloister in Cahors


A collection of photos taken over years. They just all have in common, that they were taken in area Midi-Pyrénées, a former administrative region of France. Since 2016 this is part of "Occitanie". Midi-Pyrénées was composed of eight departments: Ariège, Aveyron, Haute-Garonne, Gers, Lot, Hautes-Pyrénées,
Tarn, Tarn-et-Garonne.

And yes, when I visited places a second or third time - I continued ta…  (read more)

Cloister in Cahors

09 Jul 2009 1 307
.... My last day of just sitting around under an umbrella sipping strong french coffee. We passed Cahors and spent some time in the cloister of the cathedral.....

The valley of the Cele

09 Jul 2009 1 277
........From Figeac there are two trails to Cahors. One follows the river Lot and the other one the river Cele....

Later the donkey ate the flowers in Auvillar.

01 Jul 2009 1 276
.......When we returned we saw a lady walking up the cliff, a little donkey by her side, carrying the pack. After a while the lady and her donkey had reached the round market hall, where the donkey first produced quite an amount of - manure and after that ate all available flowers from the flowerboxes around.....

Walking through fields of sunflowers.

01 Jul 2009 2 1 260
...the first days I walked through fields covered by wheat - or sunflowers... Note the "balisage".


29 Jul 2009 202
......Next to the grotto is a big area, where the candles can be lightened - and burn. They are so many, that they have built special metal huts with chimneys - just for the thousands of candles....

Conques - Sainte-Foy

13 Jul 2008 298
.....from the window of our room, we could.....


13 Jul 2008 245
...had waited already, when I reached the church and stared at the tympanum....

Conques - St. Foy

09 Aug 2010 259
On a "typical evening" pilgrims and other visitors will gather at 8pm in the church to attend a service, ending with the blessing of the pilgrims. After that the Prior of the "Prieuré Sainte Foy", where most pilgrims stay, will stand in front of the church and explain the different scenes of the tympanum. He is very entertaining! At 9pm, one of the monks starts and organ-concert and visitors are allowed to climb up the stairs and walk over the gallery for the next hour. Surprising views are possible, as "upstairs" the capitals are really near. A very decorative capital. The main part shows a kind of "green man", the top row a fish - and on the top-corners two small mermaids. The decor on the very left seems older, maybe even carolingian. But compared to the the other parts - that cannot be.

Conques - St. Foy

09 Aug 2010 225
On a "typical evening" pilgrims and other visitors will gather at 8pm in the church to attend a service, ending with the blessing of the pilgrims. After that the Prior of the "Prieuré Sainte Foy", where most pilgrims stay, will stand in front of the church and explain the different scenes of the tympanum. He is very entertaining! At 9pm, one of the monks starts and organ-concert and visitors are allowed to climb up the stairs and walk over the gallery for the next hour. Surprising views are possible, as "upstairs" the capitals are really near. One of the small decorative mermaids on the corner of the capital, now a little larger.

Conques - St. Foy

09 Aug 2010 200
On a "typical evening" pilgrims and other visitors will gather at 8pm in the church to attend a service, ending with the blessing of the pilgrims. After that the Prior of the "Prieuré Sainte Foy", where most pilgrims stay, will stand in front of the church and explain the different scenes of the tympanum. He is very entertaining! At 9pm, one of the monks starts and organ-concert and visitors are allowed to climb up the stairs and walk over the gallery for the next hour. Surprising views are possible, as "upstairs" the capitals are really near. High on a capital in a corner is a mermaid. She is hardly visible from the ground of the nave.


14 Jul 2008 238
I left early next morning. Mist hanging over the valley....


01 Apr 2009 229
......over the door is a tympanum, that is so impressive, as it is so simple. Just Adam, Eve, a snake and a couple of apples...


01 Apr 2009 192
...and after a couple of hours, the valley widened and I saw Rocamadour....


10 Aug 2008 254
...after hours in pouring rain I reached Saint-Cirq-Lapopie and had the most expensive "cafe au lait" ever. It was hot and worth the money...

The Ultreia-Brothers

09 Jul 2009 1 345
...Reached Moissac and had a great evening having dinnner with them in the garden. Later we met the "Ultreia-Brothers", two young french guys, who had just got a nice "Ultreia" tattooed onto their wrists! Very fresh. Still swollen!....

Jeremiah in Moissac

09 Jul 2009 1 339
..reached Moissac. Stood again in front of the church, saw the tympanum, the trumeau again - and the cloister. At 6pm we listened to the nuns, singing in the church...

A perfectly restored station - without rails.

15 Jul 2009 210
... followed the former railroad-track and passed the little station of "Bretagne d` Armagnac", the owners had restored so perfectly, that it looked like a 1:1 model of a small railway station. Just that there were no rails next to the little platform. Maybe the owners sat inside wearing the old railway-uniforms and drinking coffee.....

The "Chateau" near Saint Girons / Castillon-en-Cou…

29 Jul 2009 251
...and after the pizza, we had a bottle of wine in the lovely garden behind the old building...

334 items in total