Aniane - Accent Sud

2011 Saint-Guilhem - Revel Walking

Continuing the Via Tolosana, I had started in Arles in 2010. Not a really long walk in 2011, but I had a long list of places I wanted to visit, that were further south (and north as well). So this was only a short hike, that was very enjoyable, thanks to Anne-Marie.
Merci beaucoup, Madame!

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01 Aug 2011

206 visits

Aniane - Accent Sud

As we had met friends, we needed a little more room over the first days, so we chose a chambres d'hôtes in Aniane. I had crossed the small town, known since Saint Benedict of Aniane, last year, heading to Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert. The stay in "Accent Sud" was very enjoyable, there was even a pool. Merci beaucoup, Robert!

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01 Aug 2011

229 visits

St-Guilhem-le-Désert - Chateau du Géant

When I reached St-Guilhem-le-Désert last year, I had the impression, that the abbey of Gellone was built near the end of the valley. Following the "balisage" now, I found out, that behind the parking lot, the valley continues and even widens. Later a steep ascent starts. For the next hours the "chemin" is steep and does not offer much shadow. If you plan to walk here, have in mind, that it can be very hot, so carry enough water with you. This mediterranean scrubland is called "garrigue" - and it is hot and dry. The ruins the chateau du Géant. The legend tells that St. Guilhem had to fight against this giant, before he founded the abbey of Gellone here. As St. Guilhelm, cousin and combatant of Charlemagne, used his miraculous sword, the giant had no chance. Most people visiting St-Guilhem-le-Désert notice the ruins on top of mountain above the village.

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01 Aug 2011

256 visits

Le Barry - Chateau de Montpeyroux

The chateau de Montpeyroux (= Castellas Montpeyroux) was founded around 1070, to secure the village Montpeyroux (seen right) and the strategic routes in the area. Severely damaged during the 100 Years War, later rebuilt, but finally abandoned during the 15th century. The large walls seen here are a result of a "reconstruction" of the 19th century. On the foot of the hill is the hamlet Le Barry. All the green areas seen from here are - vinyards!

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01 Aug 2011

197 visits

Arboras - Insect

Walking through the mediterranian area in summer brings a lot of different sights and smells. The fauna has some surprises to offer as well. I do not know, what species this insects is, but it was as giant, as it looks. And it moved pretty fast. I was so fascinated by the critter, that I lost my way, as the since 2011 the "chemin" does a kind of detour. I noticed that after about an hour - and had to walk back.

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01 Aug 2011

151 visits

Approaching Saint-Jean-de-la-Blaquière

There is (between no and) not much rain in the summermonths and during the heat, that can be pretty extreme, most small streams and creeks just dry out. I passed this green pond in a ditch was before reaching Saint-Jean-de-la-Blaquière.

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01 Aug 2011

243 visits

Prieuré Saint-Michel de Grandmont

This 12th century monastery, seen in the distance, is one of the Grandmontine monasteries, an order founded by Étienne of Thiers (1046–1124 and named after Grandmont, a place in Haute Vienne. Today this place is taken care of by "Les Amis du Prieure Saint Michel de Grandmont" and the "ami" I met now was very friendly and even stamped my "credencial". I had been here some years ago, but the person who was in charge by that time did not let me in. Near the priory are some outstanding menhirs.

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01 Aug 2011

159 visits


Approaching Lodeve, I passed the hamlet of Soumont. I took a rest on a nearby hill. Bushfires can be devasting in the garrigue-area and as this was a spot for a a fire lookout, and I met a fire man on duty with his binoculars. It was very hot and humid. Next night had a heavy thunderstorm and torrential rain. Temperture had dropped to a "frosty" 18C, when I continued.

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01 Aug 2011

197 visits

Joncels - Saint-Pierre-aux-Liens

The rain had finally eased, when I reached the small village of Joncels. What is the central square today was once the cloister of the benedictian abbey Saint-Pierre-aux-Liens, founded already within the 7th century, severely damaged during the Wars of Religion, sold and dismanteled after the French Revolution. Unfortunately the still existing church was locked. An old sign nearby told me, that the distance to Paris was - 753 kms.

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01 Aug 2011

218 visits

Lodève - St. Fulchran

I had visited Lodève before and have uploaded photos of St. Fulchran last year. This time, I was on a mission! About a year ago, widely read Baubo/Sonja had mentioned (protestant!) german satirist Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799). In one of the "Sudelbuecher" Lichtenberg claims "Monks in Lodève sainted a mouse, after it had eaten from a Host." So I tried to find somebody in Lodève, who knew about this. I asked three Lodevians, but even the guide inside St. Fulchran had never ever heard of Mr. Lichtenberg. Then I took photos of the reliquaries. Some were small, but most reliquaries are small. There was not a single trace of Lichtenberg´s mouse.... Well, for me this was a "Mission Impossible". Here is the quote (in German), see [169]. Here is what Wikipedia knows about Lichtenberg: .. and here is another photo of Lodève:
36 items in total