
2007 Périgueux - Saint-Jean- PdP Walking

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26 Jun 2007

191 visits


..... "Saint Front". The cathedral was clearly "over restaurated" during the late 19th century. Paul Abadie, the architect, created a new coupole-style roof. Mr. Abadie later built another church, using a very similar design: Sacré-Cœur in Paris.

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01 Jul 2006

198 visits


....the corner an old pilgrim was a looking down to the place behind the cathedral.....

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22 Jul 2006

254 visits


... a side tour to one of our favourite places. A place of pilgrimage over hundreds of years, with a legend, similar to that of Santiago de Compostella . Here the grave of Zacchaeus the Tax Collector (Luke 19) was found. He had moved from Jerusalem to this place in Gaul / France in his older age and lived here as a hermit under the name of Amadour. Yes, people did believe that.........

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26 Jun 2007

186 visits


...passed an old baptisterium. It was locked - and I could only see the outside...

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29 Jun 2007

166 visits

Saint Foy la Grand

..crossed the Dordogne and walked into Saint Foy la Grand, an old bastide...

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01 Jul 2007

171 visits


... a modern bridge - some 500 years ago...

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01 Jul 2007

156 visits

Le Reole

..crossed the Gironde in La Reole via another impressive bridge. Looked like a model of the Golden Gate Bridge. Maybe...

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30 Jun 2007

146 visits

What a surprise!

.....yes! yes! The very first turtle I ever saw in Europe. Well, the first wildone at least. Later that day I saw a huge 20feet-Anaconda, but just for a 1/1000 second. Nobody believed me. Maybe it was just too hot that day...

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28 Jun 2007

150 visits

A Grotto

...the second half of the 19th century, this kind of Grottos were very fashionable in the catholic areas in Europe. A small "Lourdes" for every garden...
35 items in total