Centre-Val de Loire
Centre-Val de Loire is one of the eighteen administrative regions of France. It contains the departments of Cher, Eure et Loir,
Indre et Loire, Loir et Cher and Loiret
Indre et Loire, Loir et Cher and Loiret
...the cathedral in Bourges. Here I saw "Gert the Dutch" the last time,
when we waited to get the "tampon"...
Bourges - Halle Saint-Bonnet
Bourges had the Latin name Avaricum in ancient times. Here Caesar was victorious in 52 BC. against the rebellious Gauls under Vercingetorix in the Battle of Avaricum. The place was conquered, plundered and burned down after a lengthy siege. The then rebuilt town developed to the central place of the province of Aquitania. Belonging to the kingdom of the Visigoths since 478, Bourges passed into the possession of the Franks in 507. In 583 Bourges was conquered by Chilperic's armies and almost completely burned.
Rebuilt under the Carolingians, Bourges was the seat of the County of Bourges from the 8th century. In 1101 Eudes Herpin mortgaged the Viscountship to King Philip I of France. As a result, Bourges became part of the French crown domain. From the 14th century it was the capital of the Duchy of Berry.
1412 took place in Bourges a comparison between King Charles VI. and the Duke John the Fearless of Burgundy. In 1464 Louis XI founded the University of Bourges. In 1562, during the Huguenot Wars, Montgomery conquered Bourges for the Huguenots, but had to vacate it again to the Duke of Guise.
The Halle Saint-Bonnet opens every working day and supplies its customers with groceries
I have already uploaded many photos from previous visits. Now I only add a few.
Bourges Cathedral
Late afternoon sun in Bourges. The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade, seen here, was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal. The cathedral´s two western towers grew up very slowly. The northern tower, finally completed in the 15th century, collapsed in 1506, destroying the northern portion of the facade. The tower and the portal were rebuilt later in a more contemporary style.
Since 1992 the cathedral is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site". Pilgrims, following the Via Lemovicenis, have been here already in the early times. I got the "tampon" stamped in my "credencial" here in 2006.
Bourges Cathedral
Late afternoon sun in Bourges. The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was seen from the south on the previous uplaod. Here the pov is on the northern side. The facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide, as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal. The cathedral´s two facade- towers grew up very slowly. The northern tower, finally completed in the 15th century, collapsed in 1506, destroying the northern portion of the facade. The tower and the (left) portal were rebuilt later in a more contemporary, flamboyant style.
Since 1992 the cathedral is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site". Pilgrims, following the Via Lemovicenis, have been here already in the early times. I got the "tampon" stamped in my "credencial" here in 2006.
Bourges Cathedral
Late afternoon sun in Bourges. The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide, as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal. This is the central-portal, the largest and most ornate and sophisticated. The tympanum carries scenes related to the Last Judgement, a popular theme already on Romanesque churches (eg Conques, Autun, Moissac, Sangüesa). Here it is composed over three "levels" and carved in a delicate Gothic style.
Since 1992 the cathedral is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site". Pilgrims, following the Via Lemovicenis, have been here already in the early times.
Bourges Cathedral
Late afternoon sun in Bourges. The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal. This is the tympanum of the center-portal, the largest and most ornate and sophisticated one.
The "Last Judgment", a popular theme already on Romanesque churches (eg Conques, Autun, Moissac, Sangüesa) is seen on the tympanum in a delicate Gothic style.
Seen here are three levels. At the bottom souls arise from the open the graves. They all look young and healthy. Above Archangel Michael holds a scale. This is a Psychostasia, the "Weighing of the Souls". While the souls left of Saint Michael are escorted by angels, the souls to the right are tortured by devils. Above all Christ enthroned and flanked by angels. The angels show the "Arma Christi", the "Instruments of Passion".
Since 1992 the cathedral is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site".
Bourges Cathedral
Late afternoon sun in Bourges. The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal. This is the tympanum of the center-portal, the largest and most ornate and sophisticated one.
The "Last Judgment", a popular theme already on Romanesque churches (eg Conques, Autun, Moissac, Sangüesa) is seen on the tympanum in a delicate Gothic style.
Seen here are three levels. At the bottom souls arise from the open the graves. They all look young and healthy. Above Archangel Michael holds a scale. This is a Psychostasia, the "Weighing of the Souls". While the souls left of Saint Michael are escorted by angels, the souls to the right are tortured by devils. Above all Christ enthroned and flanked by angels.
There are a lot of astonishing (and explicit!) details to be seen on the "Highway to Hell" (AC/DC), so I will upload some of them next.
Since 1992 the cathedral is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site".
Bourges Cathedral
Late afternoon sun in Bourges. The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal. This is the tympanum of the center-portal, the largest and most ornate and sophisticated one.
The "Last Judgment", a popular theme already on Romanesque churches (eg Conques, Autun, Moissac, Sangüesa) is seen on the tympanum in a delicate Gothic style.
Here is the center of the middle level. Archangel Michael holds a scale doing the "Weighing of the Souls". He holds his arm around the small (innocent) soul on is side, while the grim looking, bearded, hook-nosed devil is waiting eagerly..
The souls on the left, entering heaven, have a faint smile on their faces, a smile I saw in Reims (and Bamberg) as well.
Since 1992 the cathedral is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site".
Bourges Cathedral
Late afternoon sun in Bourges. The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal. This is the tympanum of the center-portal, the largest and most ornate and sophisticated one.
The "Last Judgment", a popular theme already on Romanesque churches (eg Conques, Autun, Moissac, Sangüesa) is seen on the tympanum in a delicate Gothic style.
Here is a details of the middle level´s right side. The "Highway to Hell".
The devils who lead the souls to the hell - are in deed fantastic! What a fantasy! The evil devils are horned and have grim ugly faces. Actually they have at least two faces! The left (male) one has second (belly-) face and an anatomically innovative, large and aggresive genital. The right (female) devil has buttocks-wings, breasts and lower abdomen have faces. Very frightening!
Since 1992 the cathedral is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site".
Bourges Cathedral
Late afternoon sun in Bourges. The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal. This is the tympanum of the center-portal, the largest and most ornate and sophisticated one.
The "Last Judgment", a popular theme already on Romanesque churches (eg Conques, Autun, Moissac, Sangüesa) is seen on the tympanum in a delicate Gothic style.
Here is a details of the middle level´s left side.
Ugly devils throw the souls into the hellmouth, but on top of the mouth stands a large boiler. Seem the hell only accepts them cooked. The two devils on the sides use bellows. The devil to the right has a second face, yes some may call this a ...../Sorry!
Since 1992 the cathedral is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site".
Bourges Cathedral
The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal.
There are even two more portals, older ones. Here is the southern (side) portal. It is Romanesque, probably created around 1150/60). It was once part of the Romanesque cathedral, that got demolished and was replaced end of the 12th century, by the structure seen today.
The tympanum has Christ in Majesty holding the bible, flanked by the Evangelist´s symbols ("tetramorph"). Below are the 12 apostles. The large trumeau (Christ blessing the passers by) is pretty damaged, on the sides statues of kings and prophets.
This portal is similar to the side portal ("portail royal") in Chartres, that may be about the same age.
Bourges Cathedral
The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal.
There are even two more portals, older ones. Here is the southern (side) portal. It is Romanesque, probably created around 1150/60). It was once part of the Romanesque cathedral, that got demolished and was replaced end of the 12th century, by the structure seen today.
Here is a detail of that portal. On the left side is Samson, tearing the lion apart. To the right a knight fighting a dragon. The knight seems in a pretty helpless situation, but he just spears the dragon from below the shield. Saint George!
Bourges Cathedral
The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal.
There are even two more portals, older ones. Here is the southern (side) portal. It is Romanesque, probably created around 1150/60). It was once part of the Romanesque cathedral, that got demolished and was replaced end of the 12th century, by the structure seen today.
Here is a detail of that portal. On the left side is a nice harp player, while on the right is a very strange creature. I man with wings (?) pulling somthing out or pulling something out a dragon´s / snake´s mouth?
Bourges Cathedral
The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal.
There are even two more portals, older ones. Here is the southern (side) portal. It is Romanesque, probably created around 1150/60). It was once part of the Romanesque cathedral, that got demolished and was replaced end of the 12th century, by the structure seen today.
Here is a detail of that portal. Just behind the corner a giant bear awaits the artless rider in the dense forest.
Bourges Cathedral
The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal.
There are even two more portals, older ones. Here is the northern (side) portal. Like the southern one (previous uploads) it is Romanesque and was once part of the Romanesque cathedral, that got demolished and was replaced end of the 12th century, by the structure seen today.
The portal is vandalized and mutilated, what may be a result of an attack of Huguenot troops in 1565. The attempt to burn down the cathedral failed, but lots of carvings were damaged.
Bourges Cathedral
The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal.
There are even two more portals, older ones. Here is the northern (side) portal. Like the southern one (previous uploads) it is Romanesque and was once part of the Romanesque cathedral, that got demolished and was replaced end of the 12th century, by the structure seen today.
Here is the mutilated tympanum of the southern side portal. The Virgin and Child in the center, flanked by angels. I could not find out, what the scenery near the right angel stands for. Are there waves? Below on the left side the "Adoration of the Magi" and the "Visitation" on the right.
Bourges Cathedral
The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal.
There are even two more (side-) portals, older ones, that were once part of the Romanesque cathedral that got demolished and was replaced end of the 12th century, by the structure seen today.
The walls near the portals are covered with carved graffiti, what is very common in France. This one is pretty elaborate, as a stone driller was used, to create the coat of arms. The vandal, who used the driller, may have been a member of the Huguenot troops, that tried to burn down the cathedral in 1565. They failed. Of course the graffitto could as well have been carved in after the French Revolution, but coats of arms, being a symbol of nobility, where a bit out of fashion then.
Bourges Cathedral
The "Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges" was erected as a replacement for a 11th-century structure. The construction started probably in the last quarter of the 12th century, around the same time, when the builders and bricklayers started in Chartres. The choir of the cathedral was in use by 1214, the nave was finished 1255. The cathedral was consecrated in 1324.
The western facade was finished by 1270. It is very wide (42m), as the four side aisles and central nave each have their own portal.
There are even two more (side-) portals, older ones, that were once part of the Romanesque cathedral that got demolished and was replaced end of the 12th century, by the structure seen today.
Near the northern portal are some mutilated carvings. This one may be created within the 15th century. I am sure, that seen here is the "Adoration of the Magi". To the left is the head of an ass, symbolizing the nativity scene. Mary is seated in the center. One of the Magi is already on his knees. The very right Magi holds a vessel (frankincense?).
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