Corsica / Corse / Korsika
All photos were taken on
the island of Corsica.
the island of Corsica.
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came, just like neighbouring Sardinia, under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1729 the Corsican fight for independence from Genoa began. After 26 years of struggle the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed in 1755, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
The Strait of Bonifacio between the southern tip of Corsica (seen here) and the northern tip of Sardinia is just 12kms wide.
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got
invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came, just like neighbouring Sardinia, under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1729 the Corsican fight for independence from Genoa began. After 26 years of struggle the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed in 1755, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
The Strait of Bonifacio between the southern tip of Corsica (seen here) and the northern tip of Sardinia is just 12kms wide.
Corsica - Sartène
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got
invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came, just like neighbouring Sardinia, under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1729 the Corsican fight for independence from Genoa began. After 26 years of struggle the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed in 1755, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
Sartène, seen in the mist from the local cemetry, was built it on a rocky promontory by the Genoese to protect the inhabitants from invading pirates. Mid of the 16th century ramparts were erected, but despite the "Victory of Lepanto" (1571), barbarian raids continued. So a network of coastal towers responsible for alerting people got planned. The worst attack was undertaken in 1583 by pirates from Algiers after which 400 people were taken into slavery. These attacks continued till the 18th century. Corsica is historically known for "vendettas". One of these blood feuds lasted over decades in and around Sartène between two large families in the first half of the 19th century.
Sainte-Lucie-de-Tallano - St. Roch
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got
invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came, just like neighbouring Sardinia, under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1729 the Corsican fight for independence from Genoa began. After 26 years of struggle the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed in 1755, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
As the most easy accesable areas near the coast have over centuries have been threatened by attacks and raids of pirates (or sarazens or..) many old hamlets and dwellings are wide inland, high in the mountains. So are the old churches. This Romesque chapel, built over an older oratory and dedicated to St. Roch, remembers, that in 1345 the plague wiped out an entire village nearby.
Mela - Santa Maria Assunta
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got
invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came, just like neighbouring Sardinia, under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1729 the Corsican fight for independence from Genoa began. After 26 years of struggle the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed in 1755, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
As the areas near the coast have over centuries have been threatened by attacks and raids of pirates (or sarazens or..) many old hamlets and dwellings are wide inland, high in the mountains.
The remains of the old church of Santa Maria Assunta are on a small cemetery in Mela. According to tradition the church was founded in the 9th century, but it got obviously rebuilt rebuilt in the 10th century in Romanesque style. Most of what is seen today dates to the 16th century, when the church got reconsted following the original layout of a single nave church ith a semicircular apse. As it was way out of the village, it was given up in favor of the centrally located St. Peter's Church at the beginning of the 17th century.
Mela - Santa Maria Assunta
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got
invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came, just like neighbouring Sardinia, under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1729 the Corsican fight for independence from Genoa began. After 26 years of struggle the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed in 1755, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
As the areas near the coast have over centuries have been threatened by attacks and raids of pirates (or sarazens or..) many old hamlets and dwellings are wide inland, high in the mountains.
The remains of the old church of Santa Maria Assunta are on a small cemetery in Mela. According to tradition the church was founded in the 9th century, but it got obviously rebuilt rebuilt in the 10th century in Romanesque style. Most of what is seen today dates to the 16th century, when the church got reconsted following the original layout of a single nave church ith a semicircular apse. As it was way out of the village, it was given up in favor of the centrally located St. Peter's Church at the beginning of the 17th century.
Col de Bavella - Notre Dame des Neiges
Corsica is not only the fourth largest island in the Mediterranean, it is as well the most mountainous island in the Mediterranean. It is like a uge mountain in the sea, as mountains comprise two-thirds of the island . Monte Cinto is the highest peak at 2,706 m, but around 120 other summits reach of more than 2,000 m.
The Col de Bavella is a mountain pass (1218 metres) crosses the Bavella range. Located next to the pass is the "Notre Dame des Neiges", the patron saint of the area. Since 1955 a yearly pilgrimage takes place in August. The pilgrims obviously lit thousands of candles and so left many small, coloured plastic containers behind.
Col de Bavella - Aiguilles de Bavella
Corsica is not only the fourth largest island in the Mediterranean, it is as well the most mountainous island in the Mediterranean. It is like a uge mountain in the sea, as mountains comprise two-thirds of the island . Monte Cinto is the highest peak at 2,706 m, but around 120 other summits reach of more than 2,000 m.
The Col de Bavella is a mountain pass (1218 metres) crossing the Bavella range. Many hiking trails start at the parking lot here, some lead to the "Aiguilles de Bavella", a line of rocky spikes of red granite.
Aléria - Pizza
Greek settlers from Asia Minor lived here around 560 BC and Herodot mentioned the settlement under the name of "Allalia". Then Alalia became Etruscan, Roman, Carthaginian and after the First Punic War Roman again. This history is common for coastal towns on Corsica. An ancient Hellenistic necropolis was found in Aléria. Little south are still remains of the city walls, the amphitheatre and the forum. In 465 it was sacked by the Vandals, but still in the late 6th century it held a bishopric.
In the 13th century, Aleria became of interest to the Republic of Genoa. Over the century the Italian influence grew so strong, that, despite the French and Corsican cuisine, Aléria hosts a nice pizzeria, that is open even late at night.
Altiani - San Giovanni Battista
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came, just like neighbouring Sardinia, under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1729 the Corsican fight for independence from Genoa began. After 26 years of struggle the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed in 1755, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
As the areas near the coast have over centuries have been threatened by attacks and raids of pirates (or Saracens or..) many old hamlets and dwellings are wide inland, high in the mountains.
The chapel San Giovanni Battista is a Romanesque building of the 10th century located next to the Genoese bridge called "Pont d'Altiani", spanning over the Tavignano river since the 14th century. The church served the parish of Rogna, but Annie Arnoux-Gabrielli, the author of "Eglises Romanes des Corse", claims that once a second building existed here, erected by monks (like the chapel), who came to the area for evangelisation. These monks provided for maintenance and security for a medieval bridge and accommodated travellers for the night.
The chapel got altered many times and seems to be locked since ages.
Altiani - San Giovanni Battista
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came, just like neighbouring Sardinia, under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1729 the Corsican fight for independence from Genoa began. After 26 years of struggle the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed in 1755, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
As the areas near the coast have over centuries have been threatened by attacks and raids of pirates (or Saracens or..) many old hamlets and dwellings are wide inland, high in the mountains.
The chapel San Giovanni Battista is a Romanesque building of the 10th century located next to the Genoese bridge called "Pont d'Altiani", spanning over the Tavignano river. The church served the parish of Rogna, but Annie Arnoux-Gabrielli, the author of "Eglises Romanes des Corse", claims that once a second building existed here, erected by monks (like the chapel), who came to the area for evangelisation. These monks provided for maintenance and security for a medieval bridge and accommodated travellers for the night.
The chapel got altered many times and seems to be locked since ages. There are many inscriptions or graffiti around the building. Here are some letters, I could not read.
Altiani - San Giovanni Battista
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came, just like neighbouring Sardinia, under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1729 the Corsican fight for independence from Genoa began. After 26 years of struggle the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed in 1755, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
As the areas near the coast have over centuries have been threatened by attacks and raids of pirates (or sarazens or..) many old hamlets and dwellings are wide inland, high in the mountains.
The chapel San Giovanni Battista is a Romanesque building of the 10th century located next to the Genoese bridge called "Pont d'Altiani", spanning over the Tavignano river. The church served the parish of Rogna, but Annie Arnoux-Gabrielli, author of "Eglises Romanes des Corse", claims that once a second building existed here, erected by monks (like the chapel), who came to the area for evangilisation. These monks provided for maintenance and security for a medieval bridge and accommodated travelers for the night.
The chapel got altered many times and seems to be locked since ages. There are many inscriptions or graffiti around the building. I could only read a name, but Annie Arnoux-Gabrielli could decipher the complete inscription "A.ALISANDRO LA FIT EN 1600". So obviously Mr. Alisandro did a brilliant repair job and installed a new lintel. He must have been pretty proud,
Valle de Rostino - Santa Maria di Riscamone
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1755 after a long fight for independence from Genoa the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
As the areas near the coast over centuries have been threatened by attacks and raids of pirates many old hamlets and dwellings are wide inland, high in the mountains. So most of the old churches are in the mountains and some of them are hard to find.
The ruins of Santa Maria di Riscamone are located at the end of a long and winding dirt road. Archeologists could find the remains of a Roman dwellings up here. A first small church may have been erected on the site of the Roman settlement in the 5th centuryt. It got enlarged and remoldeled over the centuries but the ruins of the former parish church, that - like the apse - still exist date to the 11th and 12th century.
Valle de Rostino - Santa Maria di Riscamone
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1755 after a long fight for independence from Genoa the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
As the areas near the coast over centuries have been threatened by attacks and raids of pirates many old hamlets and dwellings are wide inland, high in the mountains. So most of the old churches are in the mountains and some of them are hard to find.
The ruins of Santa Maria di Riscamone are located at the end of a long and winding dirt road. Archeologists could find the remains of a Roman dwellings up here. A first small church may have been erected on the site of the Roman settlement in the 5th centuryt. It got enlarged and remoldeled over the centuries but the ruins of the former parish church, that - like the apse - still exist date to the 11th and 12th century. The weather was really bad - and I had no gumboots.
Valle de Rostino - Santa Maria di Riscamone
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1755 after a long fight for independence from Genoa the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
As the areas near the coast over centuries have been threatened by attacks and raids of pirates many old hamlets and dwellings are wide inland, high in the mountains. So most of the old churches are in the mountains and some of them are hard to find.
The ruins of Santa Maria di Riscamone are located at the end of a long and winding dirt road. Archeologists could find the remains of a Roman dwellings up here. A first small church may have been erected on the site of the Roman settlement in the 5th centuryt. It got enlarged and remoldeled over the centuries but the ruins of the former parish church, that still exist date to the 12th century. According to Geneviève Moracchini-Mazel, late director of "Cahiers Corsica" and author of "Corse Romane", the reliefs at the church are 12th century. This one may depicts weapons connected to medieval jurisdication.
Valle de Rostino - Santa Maria di Riscamone
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1755 after a long fight for independence from Genoa the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
As the areas near the coast over centuries have been threatened by attacks and raids of pirates many old hamlets and dwellings are wide inland, high in the mountains. So most of the old churches are in the mountains and some of them are hard to find.
The ruins of Santa Maria di Riscamone are located at the end of a long and winding dirt road. Archeologists could find the remains of a Roman dwellings up here. A first small church may have been erected on the site of the Roman settlement in the 5th century. It got enlarged and remoldeled over the centuries but the ruins of the former parish church, that still exist date to the 12th century.
Valle de Rostino - Baptisterium San Giovanni Batti…
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1755 after a long fight for independence from Genoa the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
As the areas near the coast over centuries have been threatened by attacks and raids of pirates many old hamlets and dwellings are wide inland, high in the mountains. So most of the old churches are in the mountains and some of them are hard to find.
The ruins of the medieval pieve-church Santa Maria di Riscamone are located at the end of a long and winding dirt road. Archeologists could find the remains of a Roman dwellings up here. A first small church may have been erected on the site of the Roman settlement in the 5th century. It got enlarged and remoldeled over the centuries but the ruins of the former parish church, that still exist date to the 11th and 12th century.
Just a few metres west to the church, the immense baptistery was erected in the 12th century. By now there are only ruins left, but it is still visible, that the baptistery was octogonal with a diameter of 11 metres.
Valle de Rostino - Baptisterium San Giovanni Batti…
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1755 after a long fight for independence from Genoa the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France.
As the areas near the coast over centuries have been threatened by attacks and raids of pirates many old hamlets and dwellings are wide inland, high in the mountains. So most of the old churches are in the mountains and some of them are hard to find.
The ruins of the medieval pieve-church Santa Maria di Riscamone are located at the end of a long and winding dirt road. Archeologists could find the remains of a Roman dwellings up here. A first small church may have been erected on the site of the Roman settlement in the 5th century. It got enlarged and remoldeled over the centuries but the ruins of the former parish church, that still exist date to the 11th and 12th century.
Just a few metres west to the church, the immense baptistery was erected in the 12th century. By now there are only ruins left, but it is still visible, that the baptistery was octogonal with a diameter of 11 metres. Within the ruins of the baptistery are two tympana (?), that according to Geneviève Moracchini-Mazel, late director of "Cahiers Corsica" and author of "Corse Romane", these carvings are older than the baptistery and may come from an earlier church and got reused here. The evil snake is always a frightening symbol.
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