Jerome Cornick's photos

Mad dogs of West Bay

31 Dec 2013 102
The sea water is bitterly cold in the English south-coast holiday resort of West Bay in winter month of December. Only mad dogs, and the occasional Englishman, go out into the midday sea.

On the up: Thames Cable Cars begin their ascent

19 Dec 2013 85
Gondola cable cars ascend 90 metres in height before crossing the River Thames. Emirates Air Line, London.

Scultpture in the sky

19 Dec 2013 88
A Thames Cable Car passes the 30 metre Quantum Cloud sculpture by Antony Gormley. Emirates Air LIne , London.

Giant Cockeral Sculpture

18 Dec 2013 90
Not something you will see everyday... this giant cockerel sits 4.72 metres high and weighs over 800kg. 'Hahn / Cock, 2013', made by German-born artist Katharina Fritsch, looks out over Trafalgar Square, London.

Blowing in the wind: Kwinana Port

05 Feb 2014 87
Ships load their cargoes in the clear blue waters of Kwinana Port. In the foreground is Wells Park, a popular spot for picnics and fishing.

Evening Dip

25 Jan 2014 103
A family enjoy an evening dip into the cool waters of the Swan River in Perth, Western Australia.

SS Kwinana remains

05 Feb 2014 80
This rusty piece of metal is what remains of the bow of the shipwreck—the SS Kwinana. In the year 1922, during a storm, the ship broke free from its of moorings and became beached. The ship was never removed and later gave its name to the area.

SS Kwinana

05 Feb 2014 79
Seagulls patrol the concrete surface of the 1922 shipwreck SS Kwinana. In the background is the busy Kwinana Port.

Just relaxing with my seaplane

15 Aug 2014 93
Unfortunately not my seaplane, but what better way to get to the beach for a relaxing hour or two.

Flower & Steel headwear

22 Mar 2014 132
A Morris dancer, with flowers in his hat, encounters the steel-helmeted knight fighter, during a recent medieval day in Perth.

Catamarans in the Swan River

01 Apr 2014 91
Pleasure seekers enjoy the hire of catamaran boats in the River Swan, on the foreshore of Perth, Western Australia. Yashica Mat 124g with Ilford XP2 Super film

Cutting the dawn: Wave Rock

01 Apr 2014 113
Dawn light creates a striking kaleidoscope of colours as the light rises over the Wave Rock, Hyden, Western Australia. Yashica Mat 124g camera

Wave Rock, Australia.

01 Apr 2014 108
Just a light breaks through the early morning clouds, a young couple photograph each other in front of the imposing Wave Rock, Hyden, Western Australia. Yashica Mat 124g camera

Wave Rock at dawn

01 Apr 2014 126
This is the diffused, blue-purple light of dawn, as the light paints the granite stone of Wave Rock in Western Australia. Yashica Mat 124g camera

Overshadowed: girl by the Wave Rock

01 Apr 2014 107
A young girl is overshadowed by the imposing Wave Rock as the first rays of light illuminate the 2700 million year old granite cliff. Yashica Mat 124g camera

Silhouettes on Wave Rock

01 Apr 2014 119
Shadows from the trees make interesting shapes on the granite Wave Rock, as dawn light changes the rock's colour. Yashica Mat 124g camera

Egg layers. c.1980

01 Jan 1980 93
Our motley crew of egg producers are let out of the chicken coop on a cold, snowy, winter's day, c.1980. The chickens were never keen on the snow. 22 Rowley, Cam, Gloucestershire, UK

Greenhouse bathed in snow. c.1980

01 Jan 1980 126
Our greenhouse and back garden under several inches of snow, c.1980. 22 Rowley, Cam, Gloucestershire, UK

94 items in total

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