

14 Jun 2018

236 visits


I found that an artist friend of mine, Fyodor, in the Russian Far East, Saka Autonomous Republic, is celebrating his 70th birthday. this year. This is a book and one of his carvings he gave me back around 1999 when I visited his studio in Yakutsk.

12 Jan 2015

268 visits

NF paper in Sakha

I was digging through some old CDs and came across this picture of me when I used to work for a living. It was taken back in the early '90s In the city of Yakutsk the Saka Autonomous Republic, Russian Federation. If my memory serves me right, I was presenting a paper on water quality.

12 Mar 2014

274 visits

Once upon a time in Yakutia

In the Russian Far East.

14 Dec 2013

1 favorite


342 visits

Sunset on the Lena

Another memory from years ago in the Russian Far East.

14 Dec 2013

1 favorite

286 visits

Autumn in the Russian Far East.

Along the Lena River, Saka Republic (Yakutia), Russian Far East.

14 Dec 2013

292 visits

Foggy morn

Hydroplane docking on the Lena River, Saka Republic, Russian Far East.

14 Dec 2013

311 visits

and then I.....

Ah to be young(er) again, and in the Russian Far East, on the Lena River, on a beautiful autumn day.... -grin-

05 May 2009

196 visits

Mushroom pickers

I found this sketches from a trip I made to the Russian Far East in '02. I've already posted other pictures from another sketchbook I had with me. Just goes to show you, never carry more than 17 sketch books went travlin' -else you'll never find all your pics! :-) I later did a larger painting based on this but I'm far more satistied with this little sketch.

13 Feb 2009

1 favorite

197 visits

On the Lena

If your cruse up the Lena River, from the city of Yakutz, in the Saka Autonomous Republic, in the Russian Far East, you see this! I left a part of my shirt tied to a tree atop those cliffs & I spilled a portion of vodka upon the ground... but that's another story. Hey, it made the shamans happy!
25 items in total