Peter Castell's photos

Dinner is served

31 Dec 2019 23 9 380
Dinner is served

Enjoying the ride

04 Jan 2020 19 13 318
Enjoying the ride

No Walking HFF

28 Dec 2019 21 19 265
No Walking I have a vision of someone chest deep in the water nailing the rails on below the surface

At the going down of the sun

29 Dec 2019 23 17 273
At the going down of the sun Wishing you a peaceful night

Who needs flowers

28 Dec 2019 23 14 421
Who needs flowers. While I was taking these I realised the leaves I was standing on were actually floating on a mixture of water and mud into which my boots were disappearing !! Given the number of fungi I take I really should try to learn some names

No Escape HFF

Ripples and Reflections

21 Dec 2019 13 7 336
Ripples and Reflections

The World of Fungi

19 Dec 2019 26 18 343
The World of Fungi, It's growing on my Dog Wood which is a bit worrying

A Christmas HFF from St Giles church

07 Dec 2019 24 20 392
A Christmas HFF from from St Giles church

Blue and Brown

14 Dec 2019 18 9 363
Blue and Brown

Sea Sick Ducks ??

14 Dec 2019 17 8 264
Sea Sick Ducks ?? It's NOT B&W

Skeletons HFF

World of fungi

07 Dec 2019 18 10 290
World of fungi

HFF from Kinver Edge

30 Nov 2019 21 23 334

Another view of natures light show

30 Nov 2019 41 13 413
Another view of natures light show

Let there be light

30 Nov 2019 71 29 877
Let there be light, probably best viewed large Thank you very much for all your kind comments and stars they are greatly appreciated, it was of course pure luck of being there at the correct moment, it does show the benefit of stopping and looking around I was walking away from the light, the path soon starts to climb and the stops get more frequent !!!!!!

No Peeing HFF

02 Nov 2019 25 21 372
Ladies must have made their own arrangements !!!

It's All Over Now

06 Oct 2019 13 8 255
It's all over now

1447 items in total