Peter Castell's photos
Dolichothle baumii
Beware of the trains
Beware of the trains. I wasn't trespassing a public footpath crosses the tracks, there are many such crossings in the UK bridges are being installed on the fastest lines people don't realise how little time they have to cross. The one in the distance was going away from me !!
Blushing Beauty
St. George's HFF
Fire and Water
The Privy, I hope you have had a HFF & your weeken…
Just a House Leek
Epiphyllum (unknown)
Just a shower HFF
Night Clouds
The Splash Pool HFF
Evening Primrose
The first this year, I know they are weeds but I like them dotted around the garden, they are fascinating that you can watch them open every evening
Two tins of paint ??? HFF
Days End
Days End. There were some microlights around but they wouldn't fly where I wanted them :((