Peter Castell's photos

Showing it's age HFF

13 Aug 2020 29 28 206
Showing it's age, for friends who speak English it's pronounced Grooby the spelling was altered in the dim and distant past

Golden Rod


What big eyes you have

15 Aug 2020 16 16 209
What big eyes you have. Elephant Hawk Moth caterpillar

Cheap and Nasty HFF

13 Aug 2020 25 24 197
Cheap and Nasty

Almost time to go

11 Aug 2020 18 17 186
Almost time to go

Not all are yellow HFF

07 Aug 2020 30 23 193
Not all are yellow

Sea Urchin echinacea

06 Aug 2020 22 15 204
Sea Urchin echinacea,

Drifting Along

02 Aug 2020 23 15 268
Drifting Along

Happy 1st. of August

01 Aug 2020 20 13 196
Happy 1st, of August

Ascending HFF

Spike's new hair style

29 Jul 2020 16 11 184
Spikes new hair style ( it may be better large )

A Hint of Summer

26 Jul 2020 21 14 237
A Hint of Summer

Departed HFF

I Want to Break Free

19 Jul 2020 24 13 191
I Want to Break Free

Just the one

Full Speed Ahead HFF

22 Jun 2019 25 25 209
Full Speed Ahead The IMA needs your opinion if you haven't done so take the time to read their thoughts on the Esperanto interface then make you thoughts known. By commenting you show the IMA team that you appreciate all the efforts they make on your behalf to keep the site running smoothly

A flower for St. Swithun (Swithin)

14 Jul 2020 20 9 182
A flower for St. Swithun (Swithin)

1445 items in total