Dinesh's photos
Rudraksha "mala"
Rudraksha (IAST: rudrākṣa) refers to the dried seeds of the genus Elaeocarpus specifically, Elaeocarpus ganitrus. These stones serve as prayer beads for Hindus (especially Shaivas), Buddhists and Sikhs.
Indira and Nehru shortly after Independence
In School and College days there was an anti-establishment mentality amongst us all boys. Most of us were anti-Government in each aspect!! Now I understand what exactly it was. It was actually the part of "Crooked Timber of Humanity" as Immanual Kant nomenclatureedm
These houses once belonged to local successful businessmen of early 1900s. The road in front was black topped somewhere in very late 1940s. And dust from those days is still sticking. I have seen this place during my Elementary school days and the image is dated 11th Setpem ber 2015. The owners these days cannot afford to get it white washed.
Avacado / Persea americana
Many years back I was reading a comic book in which an elephant was going mad and was shouting because it didn’t have its quota of avocados for the luncheon. I personally thought Avocado is a fictitious vegetable. That was a time one can find information only in Encyclopedia in the college libraries. And there was no college where I grew up!
Dinosaur memorial at the epicenter of the asteroid impact in Chicxulub Puerto, Yucantan, Mexico
Free Pizza
Gulab Jamun is known to originate from medieval Iran and was derived from a fritter made from refined flour (maida) dipped in sugary syrup that Central Asian Turkic invaders brought along with them to India.
All the philosophers, including Kant, who have sought the origin of our idea of time, have agreed that it comes from change. Aristotle noted “that time . . . does not exist without changes.” But what changes? The changes in our sensations or the changes in our thoughts? The answer to this question depends on every philosopher’s individual conceptions of the idea.
Basically these temporal conditions all stem from the fact that we live in physical, technical, and social backgrounds which are changing all the time. We do not only undergo these changes, we create them, for our own activity is itself nothing but a succession of changes. ~ Paul Fraisse
Change Vs. Alteration
A further upshot of the First Analogy is a useful distinction between ‘change’ and ‘alteration’. A change occurs when one thing or quality goes out of existence and is replaced by another. An alternation occurs when a thing persists, but undergoes a change of quality. For example, with respect of a leaf’s transition in colour from green to brown, one would say that leaf itself undergoes an alteration of colour. In the broadest comprehension of sensory experience, Kant maintains that the projection of the category of substance onto experience as a whole entails that ultimately, there are only changes of sensory quality, and no changes in substance. To express this with greater profundity, he mentions the Latin phrase, ‘gigni de nihilo nihil, in nihilium nil posse reverti,’ which translates as ‘nothing comes from nothing, and nothing returns to nothing’. ~ Page 100