Dinesh's photos

Bouleva Coffee

18 Jan 2023 2 40
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious - the knowledge of the existence of something unfathomable to us, the manifestation of the most profound reason coupled with the most brilliant beauty. I cannot imagine a god that rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, or who has a will of the kind we experience in ourselves. I am satisfied with the mystery of life’s eternity and with the awareness of - and glimpse into - the marvellous construction of the existing world, together with the steadfast determination to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the reason that manifests itself in nature. This is the basis of cosmic religiosity, and it appears to me that the most important function of art and science is to awaken this feeling among the receptive and keep it alive. ~ Albert Einstein

Interior ~Mesa Marcada

07 Jul 2024 1 1 50
A religious food experience. . . .~ Sr. Ernesto Delgado. ....the creator, founder and owner of Tequila Museo Mayahuel, La Cosecha Sacramento and Mesa Mercado in Carmichael.


Lawn of Rainbow Lava rock

09 Jul 2024 1 1 58
Volcanic rocks are among the most common rock types on Earth's surface, particularly in the oceans. On land, they are very common at plate boundaries and in flood basalt provinces. It has been estimated that volcanic rocks cover about 8% of the Earth's current land surface. (source Wiki) 1) Labour saving 2) Water Economy

Water Melon

08 Jul 2024 4 5 50
Watermelon is made up of mostly water (91%) and carbohydrates (7.5%), and it also contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants: Water: 91% Carbohydrates: 7.5%, mostly simple sugars like glucose, fructose, and sucrose Fiber: 0.4–0.6 grams per 100 grams or cup Protein: 0.6–0.9 grams per 100 grams or cup Fat: 0.2 grams per 100 grams or cup Calories: 30–46 per 100 grams or cup Vitamins: A, B6, and C, with 5–14% of the daily value (DV) of vitamins A and C in a cup Minerals: Potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron Antioxidants: Lycopene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, and lutein and zeaxanthin

Cadillac Margarita

07 Jul 2024 35
45 ml Patrón Reposado tequila 30 ml Grand Marnier liqueur 22.5 ml Lime juice (freshly squeezed)

Rainbow Lava Rock

20 Jun 2024 1 1 54
The lawns are covered by a plastic sheet and on top of it these lava rocks are spread, to save waer consumption -- Water consumption in the City Of Sacramento decreased 0.68 percent in August 2017 compared to August 2016. Overall, consumption in August has decreased 21.81 percent over the past five years. August 2013 2063 million gallons August 2014 1719 million gallons August 2015 1624 million gallons August 2016 1613 million gallons August 2017 1719 million gallons projects.scpr.org/applications/monthly-water-use/city-of-sacramento


Red Potato

04 Jul 2024 6 5 60
The Red potato was first cultivated in the mountains of Peru. Spanish explorers then brought the potato with them on returning voyages and introduced it to Europe in the 1560s. When potatoes became popular and spread across Europe, they were also carried to the United States.
29 Jun 2024 2 2 52
The side of the store where one finds mostly immigrants, this has to be cleaned cooked etc etc., nothing like what is sold in Fast food joints!!

Any time is right time....

28 Jun 2024 4 3 59
it's never too late......

Mummy,... I found it...


25 Jun 2024 1 1 56
www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyzSUMIdCiM Schema : 1. : a diagrammatic presentation. broadly : a structured framework or plan : outline. 2. : a mental codification of experience that includes a particular organized way of perceiving cognitively and responding to a complex situation or set of stimuli. ~ source WWW

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