severance_23's photos

John Gardner - S.S.S. Sicario Servizio Speciale

30 Aug 2018 2 267
Originally published in the U.K. by Frederick Muller as "The Liquidator" in 1964. This Italian edition is number 70 in the (then) bi-weekly "Segretissimo" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 10th January 1965. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

James Leasor - Le spie non hanno amici

30 Aug 2018 2 253
Originally published in the U.K. by William Heinemann as "Passport to Oblivion" in 1964. This Italian edition is number 69 in the (then) bi-weekly "Segretissimo" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 27th December 1964. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

M. G. Braun - Partita a tre

04 Sep 2018 1 261
Originally published in France by Fleuve Noir as "Meurtre Inclus" in 1963. This Italian edition is number 55 in the (then) bi-weekly "Segretissimo" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 14th June 1964. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

Bryan Edgar Wallace - Operazione: Sterminio

26 Aug 2018 1 255
Originally published in the U.K. by Hodder & Stoughton as "The Device" in 1962. This Italian edition is number 52 in the (then) bi-weekly "Segretissimo" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 3rd May 1964. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

Donald Hamilton - Doppio gioco

31 Aug 2018 1 237
Originally published in the U.S. by Gold Medal as "The Silencers" in 1962. This Italian edition is number 49 in the (then) bi-weekly "Segretissimo" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 22nd March 1964. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

James Hadley Chase - Il muro del silenzio

26 Aug 2018 1 236
Originally published in the U.K. by Jerrolds as "Mission to Venice" in 1954. This Italian edition is number 38 in the (then) bi-weekly "Segretissimo" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 20th October 1963. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

James Dark - Operazione anti-catastrofe

31 Aug 2018 1 251
Originally published in Australia by Horwitz as "Impact!" in 1962. This Italian edition is number 30 in the (then) bi-weekly "Segretissimo" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 30th June 1963. James Dark was a pseudonym of James Workman. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

Richard Caron - Agente Joss 113

04 Sep 2018 1 292
Originally published in France by Presses de la Cite as "Un certain Coronella" in 1962. This Italian edition is number 28 in the (then) bi-weekly "Segretissimo" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 2nd June 1963. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

John D. MacDonald - Nemico alle spalle

18 Aug 2018 1 244
Originally published in the U.S. by Dell as "Area of Suspicion" in 1954. This Italian edition is number 24 in the (then) bi-weekly "Segretissimo" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 7 April 1963. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

Martin Fallon - Paul Chavasse: operazione ricupero

30 Aug 2018 1 263
Originally published in the U.K. and U.S. in hardback by Abelard-Schuman as "The Year of the Tiger" in 1963. This Italian edition is number 136 in the (then) weekly "Segretissimo" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 7 July 1966. Martin Fallon is a pseudonym of Henry Patterson, best known for another of his pseudonyms - Jack Higgins. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

John McPartland - The Kingdom of Johnny Cool (Aust…

05 Mar 2019 2 1 207
First published in the U.S. by Gold Medal in 1959. This Australian edition published by Eclipse is undated but is circa 1970.

Douglas Sanderson - Black Reprieve

05 Mar 2019 1 246
Published in the U.K. in hardback by Robert Hale in 1965. Cover art by Eileen Walton.

Jean Bruce - Fermi tutti arriva OS 117

26 Aug 2018 1 201
Originally published in France by Fleuve Noir as "OSS 117 joue le jeu" in 1950. This Italian edition is number 86 in the (then) weekly "Segretissimo" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 22 July 1965. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

Richard S. Prather - Strip for Murder

21 May 2018 2 229
First published in the U.S. by Gold Medal in 1956. This U.K. edition published by Five Star in 1973. Cover art is not credited.

A. E. van Vogt - Slan

18 May 2018 2 245
First published in the U.S. in hardback by Arkham House in 1946, with a revised edition pulished by Simon & Schuster in 1951. This paperback edition published by Dell (696) in 1953. Cover art is uncredited, but online I've seen it credited to both Richard Powers and Robert Stanley.

Lindsay Hardy - The Nightshade Ring

18 May 2018 2 285
First published in the U.S. in hardback by Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. in 1954. This paperback edition published by Signet 91283) in March 1965. Cover art by Robert E, Schulz.

Duane Yarnell - Mantrap

10 Apr 2018 1 343
First published in paperback by Crest in 1957, This 2nd printing (346) is dated January 1960.

Andrew York - The Predator

10 Apr 2018 1 264
First published in the U.K. in hardback by Hutchinson in 1968. This paperback edition published by Arrow (ISBN: 0099152207) is dated 1977. Andrew York was a pseudonym of Christopher Nicole.

1665 items in total