severance_23's photos
Peter O'Donnell - Amante do Perigo
First published in the U.K. in hardback as "The Silver Mistress" by Souvenir Press in 1973. This Brazilian edition published in trade paperback by Distribuidora Record is undated (possibly 1973).
Peter O'Donnell - Köpekdişi
First published in hardback in 1966 as "Sabre-Tooth" by Souvenir Press (U.K.) and Doubleday (U.S.). This Turkish edition published by Gelisim Yayinlari is undated but is circa 1984.
Allen O'Quinn - Strangers in My Bed (2nd printing)
First published by Gold Medal in 1955. This 2nd printing (871) is dated April 1959. Cover art by Barye Phillips.
Thomas B. Dewey - My Love is Violent (Consul editi…
First published in the U.S. by Popular Library in 1956. This U.K. edition published by Consul (N1038) in 1961. Cover art is not credited.
Hank Janson - Enemy of Men
Hank Janson - Prey for a Newshawk
First published as "Sister, Don't Hate Me" by S D Frances in 1949. This re-titled edition published by Roberts and Vinter (E168) in 1961. Cover art is not credited.
Basil Heatter - The Trouble with Love
Eric Allen - The Man Who Chose Death
First published in the U.K. in hardback by Hammond, Hammond & Co. in 1959. This paperback edition published by Corgi (SC947) in 1960. Eric Allen was a pseudonym of Eric Allen-Ballard. Cover art is not credited.
Tom Goane (edited by Christopher Nolan) - Journal…
Published by Coronet (ISBN: 034021791X) in 1977. Supposedly the diaries of Victorian adventurer, Thomas Goane, as edited by Christopher Nolan, this series of six books was actually written by Laurence James.
David Alexander - Terror on Broadway
Fist published in hardback by Random House in 1954. This paperback edition published by Bantam (1408) in January 1956. Cover art by MCD (John McDermott).
Ray Gaulden - Rita
John D. MacDonald - The Crossroads
First published in hardback by Simon & Schuster in 1959. This paperback edition published by Crest ( s400) in September 1960. Cover art by Ron Lesser.
Erle Stanley Gardner - The Case of the Terrified T…
First published in the U.S. in hardback by William Morrow & Co. in 1956. This U.K. paperback edition published by Pan (X291) in 1964. Cover art by Harry Sheldon.
Norman Daniels - Per un Pelo
Originally published in the U.S. by Gold Medal as "Suddenly by Shotgun" in 1961. This Italian hardback edition is number 114 in the "i Gialli Proibiti" series published by Longanesi in November 1962.
Charles Williams - Don't Just Stand There
First published in the U.S. in hardback as "The Wrong Venus" by New American Library in 1966. This re-titled U.K. paperback edition published by Panther (ISBN: 058602848X) in 1969. Cover photography by Andrew Cockrill.
Richard Wormser - Drive East on 66
Lawrence Block - The Specialists
Alec Waugh - Fuel for the Flame
First published in the U.K. in hardback by the Book Club in 1959. This paperback edition published by Pan (M24) in 1962. Cover art by J. Oval. (Ben Ostrick).