severance_23's photos

Richard S. Prather - Lasciale Quando Son Morte

20 Apr 2013 293
Originally published in the U.S. by Gold Medal as "Always Leave 'em Dying" in 1954. This Italian hardback edition is number 53 in the "i Gialli Proibiti" series published by Longanesi in June 1957.

Samuel W. Taylor - The Man with My Face

18 Apr 2013 240
First published in hardback by A.A. Wyn in 1948. This paperback edition published by Pocket (639) in January 1950. Cover art by Harvey Kidder.

Ed Lacy - A Deadly Affair

18 Apr 2013 207
Published by Hillman (146) in 1960. Ed Lacy was a pseudonym of Leonard Zinberg. Cover art is not credited.

William Johnston - Girls on the Wing

10 Apr 2013 225
Published by Monarch (284) in November 1962. Cover art by Robert Maguire.

Steve Dodge - Shanghai Incident

09 Apr 2013 195
Published by Gold Medal (456) in January 1955. Steve Dodge was a pseudonym of Stephen Becker (2nd printing in 1960 used his real name). Cover art by Lu Kimmel.

Sax Rohmer - Sumuru

09 Apr 2013 297
Published by Gold Medal (199) in 1951. Cover art by Barye Phillips.

Bob McKnight - The Flying Eye

06 Apr 2013 172
Published by Ace (F-102) in 1961 as part of a Mystery Double. Cover art is not credited.

Clayton Fox - Never Forget, Never Forgive

06 Apr 2013 183
Published by Ace (F-102) in 1961 as part of a Mystery Double. Cover art is not credited.

Nick Carter - Doccia Scozzese Per Nick Carter

03 Apr 2013 239
Originally published in the U.S. by Award as "Spy Castle" in 1966. This Italian edition is number 187 in the (then) weekly "Segretissimo" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 29 June 1967. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.

Harry Whittington - Love Cult

25 Mar 2013 1 410
First published by Croydon in 1953 as by William Vaneer, which was a pseudonym of James W. Lampp. This edition published by Lancer (71-315), though undated, is from 1962 - and has been incorrectly credited to Whittington. Cover art is uncredited. The blue sticker is from the U.K. distributors, Thorpe & Porter.

Douglas Sanderson - Mark it for Murder

25 Mar 2013 197
Published by Avon (T-309) in 1959. Cover art is not credited.

Kenneth Bulmer - The Demons

20 Mar 2013 194
Originally published in the U.S. as part of an Ace Double in 1964 as "Demons' World." This re-titled U.K. edition published by Compact (F277) in 1965. Cover art is not credited.

Day Keene - The Brimstone Bed (Australian edition)

19 Mar 2013 345
Originally published in the U.S. by Avon in 1960. This Australian edition from Eclipse Books, Dee Why West, New South Wales, is undated but likely to be from the 70s. Cover art is ripped from the Gold Medal edition of Lawrence Block's 'The Girl with the Long Green Heart,' artist unknown.

Harold R. Daniels - In His Blood

19 Mar 2013 248
Published by Dell First Edition (73) in 1955. Cover art by Stanley Borack.

L.W. Blanco - Spykill

18 Mar 2013 225
Published by Lancer (72-136) in 1966. L.W. Blanco was a pseudonym of Lionel White. Cover art is not credited.

Harry Whittington - God's Back was Turned

14 Mar 2013 231
Originally published in the U.S. by Gold Medal in 1961. This U.K. edition published by Frederick Muller (582) in 1962. Cover art by James Meese.

Terry Harknett - Promotion Tour

14 Mar 2013 365
Published by New English Library (ISBN: 0450012786) in October 1972. Terry Harknett is better known for writing over 100 westerns under the pseudonym of George G. Gilman.

Adam Hardy - Operation Exocet

12 Mar 2013 192
First published in hardback by Macdonald & Co. in 1984. This paperback edition published by Futura (ISBN: 0708824897) in 1984. Adam Hardy was a pseudonym of Kenneth Bulmer. Cover art is not credited. The Falkland Isles have just overwhelmingly voted to remain British - who says vintage paperbacks can't still be topical!!

1665 items in total