severance_23's photos
John Trinian - The Big Grab
Hallam Whitney - Shack Road
First published by Original Novels in 1953. This revised edition published by Star Novels (753) in 1956 - same company, just a re-titled imprint. Hallam Whitney was a pseudonym of Harry Whittington. Cover art is not credited.
Charles Williams - L'assassino Guarda il Fiume (Pr…
Originally published in the U.S. by Gold Medal as "River Girl" in 1951. This Italian hardback edition is number 35 in the "i Gialli Proibiti" series published by Longanesi in December 1955.
Richard Glendinning - Who Evil Thinks
Richard Telfair - Io Ti Tradisco, Tu Mi Tradisci,…
Originally published in the U.S. by Gold Medal as "The Bloody Medallion" in 1966. This Italian edition is number 186 in the (then) weekly "Segretissimo" series published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on 22 June 1967. Richard Telfair was a pseudonym of Richard Jessup. Cover art by Carlo Jacono.
Carter Brown - The Deadly Kitten
Richard Cowper - Profundis
Originally published in hardback by Gollancz in 1979. This paperback edition published by Pan (ISBN: 0330261789) is dated 1980. Cover art by Ian Pollock.
John D. MacDonald - Bright Orange for the Shroud
First published by Fawcett Gold Medal in 1965. This 3rd printing (T2134) is dated September 1969. Cover art by Ron Lesser.
Louis Trimble - Girl on a Slay Ride
Norman Daniels - Lady for Sale
Bruno Fischer - Stripped for Murder
First published in hardback as "The Paper Circle" by Dodd, Mead & Co. in 1951. This re-titled paperback edition published by Signet (988) in January 1953. Cover art by Carl Bobertz.
Gordon Davis - Where Murder Waits
Published by Fawcett Gold Medal (k1531) in May 1965. Gordon Davis was a pseudonym of E. Howard Hunt. Cover art is not credited (Abbett?)
Mark Derby - Womanhunt
First published in hardback by Viking Press in 1959. This paperback edition published by Ace (D-458) in 1960. Mark Derby was a pseudonym of Harry Wilcox. Cover art is not credited.
Charles Williams - L'assassino Guarda il Fiume (Lo…
Originally published in the U.S. by Gold Medal as "River Girl" in 1951. This Italian edition is number 87 in the "i Gialli Longanesi" series published by Longanesi on 10 January 1973. Cover art is not credited.
Ed Lacy - Dead End
First published in hardback as "Be Careful How You Live" by Harper & Brothers in 1959. This re-titled paperback edition published by Pyramid (G471) in January 1960. Ed Lacy was a pseudonym of Leonard Zinberg. Cover art by Darcy (Ernest Chiriaka).
Hank Janson - Play it Quiet
First published as "Some Look Better Dead" by S D Frances in 1950. This re-titled edition published by Roberts and Vinter (E185) in 1962.
Charles Williams - Dead Calm (Avon edition)
First published in hardback by Viking in 1963. This paperback edition published by Avon (G1255) in June 1965. Cover art by Bill Johnson.
Jack Karney - Cut Me In
Published by Pyramid (G444) in September 1959. Cover art is not credited, but it looks like Ernest Chiriaka to me.