severance_23's photos
Richard Deming - Anything But Saintly
Melton S. Davis - All Rome Trembled
First published in hardback in 1957 by G.P. Putman (U.S.) and Barrie Books (U.K.). This first U.K. paperback edition published by Panther (901) in May 1959. Cover art by Roger Hall.
Robert Sylvester - Night in Havana
Originally published as "The Big Boodle" by Random House (hardback) in 1954 and by Permabooks (paperback) in 1955. This re-titled U.K. edition published by Corgi (S531) in 1958. Cover art by Roger Hall.
The Gordons - Captive
First published in the U.S by Doubleday (hardback) in 1957. This U.K. paperback edition published by Corgi (SC768) in 1960. The Gordons was the byline of Gordon and Mildred Gordon. Cover art by John Richards.
A.A. Fair - Some Women Won't Wait
First published in the U.S. by William Morrow (hardback) and Dell (paperback) in 1953. This U.K. edition published by Corgi (S682) in 1959. A.A. Fair was a pseudonym of Erle Stanley Gardner. Cover art by John Richards.
Lionel White - The Snatchers
Robert Martin - The Widow and the Web
First published in hardback by Dodd, Mead & Co. in 1954. This paperback edition published by Bantam (1397) in December 1955. Cover art by Mitchell Hooks.
W.L. Heath - Violent Saturday
First published in the U.S. by Harper and Brothers (hardback) in 1955 and Bantam (paperback) in 1956. This U.K. edition published by Corgi (SC781) in 1960. Cover art is not credited.
Ledru Baker Jr. - Il Peccato di Velluto
Originally published in the U.S. by Gold Medal as "The Cheaters" in 1952. This Italian hardback edition is number 27 in the "i Libri Che Scottano" series published by Longanesi in September 1957. Cover art tended to be swiped from U.S. paperbacks, this one originally appeared as the cover to "77 Rue Paradis" by Gil Brewer (Gold Medal, 1954) with art by James Meese.
Robert Martin - Bargain for Death
First published in the U.K. by Robert Hale Ltd. in 1964. This first U.S. paperback edition published by Curtis (502-07183-075) is undated but is circa 1972.
Lin Carter - Under the Green Star
Basil Heatter - Virgin Cay
Dan Cushman - Naked Ebony (4th printing)
First published by Gold Medal in 1951. This fourth printing (s828) is dated November 1958. Cover art by Barye Phillips.
Hank Janson - Flight from Fear (Roberts & Vinter e…
Originally published as "Pursuit" by New Fiction Press in 1953. This re-titled edition published by Roberts and Vinter (E192) in 1962. Co-written by Stephen D. Frances and Geoffrey Pardoe. Cover art by Michel Atkinson"
Milton K. Ozaki - Murder Doll
First published by Phantom in 1952 under Ozaki's Robert O. Saber pseudonym. This Berkley edition (D2016) is dated November 1959. Cover art is uncredited, though there is a signature at bottom left.
Ed Lacy - Double Trouble
First published in the U.K. by T.V. Boardman in 1965. This first U.S. edition published in paperback by Lancer (72-162) is dated 1967. Ed Lacy was a pseudonym of Leonard Zinberg. Cover art is not credited, though there is a signature (Weston?)
Andrew Quiller - The Land of Mist (Pinnacle editio…
First published in the U.K. by Mayflower in 1976. This U.S. edition published by Pinnacle (ISBN: 05230089610 is dated October 1976. Andrew Quiller was a pseudonym use by Kenneth Bulmer, Laurence James and Angus Wells, in this instance by Bulmer. Cover art by Ken Kelly.
Laurence James - Starcross
Published by Sphere (ISBN: 0722149808) in 1974. Second in the "Simon Rack" series. Cover art by Bruce Pennington.