
Pinball Memories


02 Oct 2008 153
Playfield detail of a futuristic space siren from a 1963 Bally Star Jet.


02 Oct 2008 153
Playfield detail from a 1955 Williams Smoke Signal pinball.


02 Oct 2008 156
Manufactured in 1955, Williams Smoke Signal is a gleaming example of what is today termed a "woodrail" by pinball collectors because of the oak trim that framed the playfield and backbox. As the familiar mechanical scoring reels had not yet been invented, all the scoring was still tallied and displayed by lights on the backglass. The balance of the backglass allows for a wonderfully optimistic take on the great westward, pioneering movement. Surely the Sooners never looked as good as the backlit belle shown here!




I wanted to take her home...

02 Oct 2008 187
I wanted to take her home with me - can you blame me?? She wasn't all that prohibitively priced - somewhere around $500. The major drawback is she takes up space... valuable space. And to tell you the truth, she's not all that fun to play. No, instead, I would just gaze at her, transfixed on her grace and curvitude. She, by the way, sits atop a 1947 Bally Nudgy pinball machine, and for now I'm content to admire her from afar and no doubt ponder what could have been.