
Antique Photos

Harris Theatre

21 Feb 2013 182
Vintage photograph of the Harris Theatre in Tarentum, Pennsylvania - circa 1931.


21 Feb 2013 179
Vintage photograph of the New Theatre in Staunton, Virginia - circa 1930's - now operating as the Dixie Theater.

Regent Theatre

21 Feb 2013 177
Vintage photograph of the Regent Theatre in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - circa 1931.

Washington Theatre

21 Feb 2013 186
Vintage photograph of the Washington Theatre in Washington, Pennsylvania - circa 1930's.

Glass bottom

21 Feb 2013 1 274
Vintage photograph from the glass bottom boat ride at Silver Springs, Florida. Circa late 1940's to early 50's.

Queenly form

21 Feb 2013 2 248
Vintage photograph of Gloria Van Deweel, "a relative newcomer to the Broadway stage, has combined her perfect form and swimming ability to win the title of "1953 Legitimate Theatre Swim For Health Week Queen." Dated June 1953. Miss Van Deweel realized her dreams to some extent, appearing on Broadway in "Wish You Were Here" in 1953.


04 Dec 2014 227
Vintage 8 x 10 carnival photo.


04 Dec 2014 232
Vintage 8 x 10 carnival photo.


04 Dec 2014 1 247
Vintage 8 x 10 carnival photo.

Fine blend

17 Mar 2012 129
Antique photograph of a tobacco store from circa 1908. Location unknown, but possibly Chicago, as there is a preponderance of the Chicago-based Pocahontas brand cigar boxes in the display cases. Also visible are other well-known brands such as Sure Shot and Polar, both in pouches, as well as Three States Mixture in flat tins.

Taking a break

11 Mar 2012 192
Delightful antique photograph of a vernacular cross-gable Victorian home in the later stages of construction somewhere in the Mid or Middle West - possibly Kansas. Most of the exterior is complete except for the tower, and a few tools can be seen lying around in the foreground.

Down home

03 Jan 2012 160
Antique image of a homestead near Bartlett, Illinois, which I am fairly certain is long-gone.


10 Nov 2011 140
Real photo postcard view of Chicago streetcar workers - circa 1920's. The gentleman third from left leaning against the shack is my grandfather, who worked as a conductor.

Cheers to all our veterans!

10 Nov 2011 136
WWII vintage souvenir photograph folder from the "world famous" Kitty Davis Airliner Night Club of Miami Beach. p.s. The fellow on the left is one of my uncles.

A night club in the air

10 Nov 2011 168
WWII vintage souvenir photograph folder from the "world famous" Kitty Davis Airliner Night Club of Miami Beach. For having been so famous, very little is known about Miss Davis in general, especially after her Miami days. Apparently, Kitty went south after her welcome in Chicago ran out, despite operating a night club supposedly staffed by a refined, all college-girl staff. The authorities didn't seem to agree.

The tan

10 Nov 2011 145
This vintage WWII photograph bears the inscription, "How do you like the tan?" Location unknown.

First class

10 Nov 2011 145
Vintage WWII photograph of PFC Johnnie Caskey astride a 1945 Indian motorcycle - Florence, Texas.

At the ready

10 Nov 2011 145
My Uncle Dugan poses with his rifle.

26 items in total