Shuttering Yukon's photos

04 Jul 2017

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21 Feb 2017

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219 visits


this is the original shot for my orb

03 Jul 2017

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626 visits

TSC: orb

Was helping my old person hang pictures so this is just the wire. I am really liking that you have to look hard to see the orb.

25 Jun 2017

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633 visits

TSC: back to basics

Well this was hard, I don't have a regular lens for my camera, I can't hold it up anyway this past week. So I set my phone on manual, that in itself was a feat. I took dozens of pics and they were all shit! This is the best of the bunch.

18 Jun 2017

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506 visits

TSC: fathers day

3 very important Dad's in my life, * left, my Dad.. this picture was almost 20 years ago to the day, it was Aug. 1997. My first baby girl is on the left, my nephew on the right. Dad passed away June 14 2002 * middle, my Father In Law, he is an awesome man! I love him with all my heart. *right, my hubby when our first was still brand new, this shot is 20 years and a few months old. and that malamute Ben was THE dumbest dog we have ever owned! I know the poem is hard to read, and I changed a few words, here is the original: © Michael Macdonald He wasn't faster than a speeding bullet, but he was quick to come to my defense. Unable to leap tall buildings, but could lift my spirits when life didn't make sense. He did not have the strength of a locomotive, but the size of his heart could crush any man. He faced all that the world could throw at him and always told us it was God's a glorious plan. He didn't wear a cape, a mask, or have any super powers, But ask any of his friends, he was there in their darkest hour. So now he has gone to heaven, and in God's Mom's arms he will be. But this loving father of eight five was a superman to me.

06 Jun 2017

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644 visits

TSC: shadow only

I actually love the way this came out! It's just a plant on my wall!

04 Jun 2017

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646 visits

TSC: a place you love

This is where I live in Tagish Yukon. I put a note where my house is, you cant see it but it's tucked away in there.

21 May 2017

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634 visits

TSC: metal

a metal wall sculpture from parts (that were surely destined for the landfill) inside a random little building in Shipyards Park, Whitehorse image is straight out of camera

14 May 2017

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566 visits

TSC: Moms, and vertical

Saw 2 bears Saturday, I was tickled.. haven't seen any in years and I see 2, about 15 km apart. I was snapping away and then thought right.. go vertical! I would have liked a bit more powerful lens. I watched this guy-girl for a very long time, he dug up roots, ate, peed.. and roamed around and just put on a show for me.Thank you Mr Bear! I do hope everyone had a happy mothers day! I dedicate this to my Mom who passed 7 years ago, almost to the day. She was always our protector!
72 photos in total

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