Shuttering Yukon's photos

23 Feb 2015

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465 visits


hard to do but the outcome can be pretty.

18 Oct 2017

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815 visits

TSC: abstract

so here we go.. I have put in the notes the original, the second step (that's clickable) and the final abstract. I will get to everyone as soon as I can. I have looked for the last few weeks at the small shots but not been able to comment.

18 Oct 2017

1 favorite

422 visits


just a small adjustment to some very beautiful flowers!

27 Jan 2018

10 favorites


628 visits

TSC: prickly

wasn't sure if they would make the cut so it's my second shot

27 Jan 2018

7 favorites


750 visits

TSC: prickly

soft and prickly! beautiful contrast second clickable shot in the note and NTSC

06 Jan 2018

14 favorites


948 visits

TSC: the backside

We got more snow here in 36 hours than we have had the last 4-5 winters. I am running out of places to put it. So I present the backside of my shovel as it awaits to gets used again. It's going to get cold here again so it will get a rest.

31 Dec 2017

12 favorites


540 visits

TSC: last or ended

Roses a nice customer bought my daughter at Christmas. It's been bitter cold here so they didn't last long, they just cant take that few minutes getting them to the car! Happy New Year to all my friends and their family here.

20 Dec 2017

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577 visits

TSC: tradition

lights under snow.. our tradition is to drive around and look at Christmas lights. We have some pretty awesome displays. One place in our city had an amazing light show to music, you tune into a radio station for it.

10 Dec 2017

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721 visits

TSC: a truck or part of one

there ya have it! Original is in the notes... it got ridiculous warm here this week and it rained (needed umbrella's for the Santa Claus parade yesterday) the roads are a mess as you can see by the original photo, that is one trip downtown. All our snow has melted, it's mucky, icy and puddley, the lakes and rivers have pretty much thawed out. Really not good.
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