Jaap van 't Veen's photos

Nederland - Elspeet, De Hoop

02 Sep 2020 62 66 567
Already in the year 1565 there was a windmill in Elspeet. Perhaps it was this mill that burned to the ground in 1893. The present windmill De Hoop - the successor of the burnt down mill - originates from Wateringen, where it was built in 1847 as a poldermill. The year it was rebuilt in Elspeet is probably 1894. De Hoop was restored in 1962 and 1972, but after the last restoration it was no longer in use. For years the mill was very desolate. In November 2010 this came to an end with the start of a thorough restoration. Both the exterior and the interior were restored. In the spring of 2013 the mill could be used as a corn mill again. De Hoop is a special mill, because it is a combination of a belt (= man made mound) and a stelling (= stage tower) mill. Originally, a platform was attached to the 3.60-metre-high mound. During the last restoration, the platform was removed. There is a mill shop in the mound, which sells various types of flour.

Italy - Finalborgo

05 Sep 2022 45 40 448
Finalborgo is a small walled town not far from the Mediterranean Sea. The name derives from “Burgum Finarii”, border land (for fines) to the times of the Romans and administrative center of the marquisate of the Del Carretto family between the 14th and the 16th century. The origin of the village dates back to the end of the 12th century, to the epoch of the marquis Enrico The Guercio. Recent important archaeological discoveries, however, date back its foundation to some centuries before. With the walls, the different city-gates and the semicircular towers which interrupted to treat the walls Finalborgo retains the characteristics of a fortified village in its 15th-century structure, rear to the destruction resulting from the war with Genoa (1448). The 15th-century and Renaissance palaces, altered during the period of Spanish domination, embellish the urban fabric. Nowadays Finalborgo is considered being one of the most beautiful villages in Italy due to its history, places to visit and natural beauty. The town belongs to il borghi pui bella d'Italia (the most beautiful villages in Italy).

Nederland - Winterswijk, Het Hemmink

22 Sep 2022 63 48 475
The farmhouse Het Hemmink is mentioned as early as 1331. In the mid-19th century, the Esselink family lived at Het Hemmink , a larger farmhouse that took its current form in 1903. Due to an inheritance issue, the farm fell into disrepair. In the 1950s, the owner along with his wife died in a car accident. The heirs could not agree on inheritance rights for a long time. In the end, Het Hemmink went to a relative in Hilversum, who did not care for his possession. In the 1980s, the farm was occupied by squatters and decayed completely. During 1995-96, most of the ruin was dismantled, leaving only a few remnants of walls standing today.

Nederland - Winterswijk, Jacobskerk

21 Sep 2022 44 42 500
The Jacobskerk (St James' Church) is medieval village church of Winterswijk and is located in the center of the village on the Markt. The Gothic-style building has the status of a national monument. The church is dedicated to St James the Greater, the patron saint of pilgrims to Santiago de Compostella. The history of the church dates back to around the year 785 when a small wooden church was built. Around 1225, the first stone church building was built here: a three-aisled nave and a single-aisled choir, remnants of which were found during the last restoration. Mid 15th century a large-scale renovation was started that would last no less than a century. At that time, the sacristy (now the garrison room) was created and the Romanesque nave and tower were retained. In 1507, the Romanesque tower was demolished and replaced by a tower in late Gothic style. Around 1550, rebuilding came to an end and the church, then called Jacobskerk , had its current shape. Nothing remains of the Romanesque part, although its stones were used to build the Gothic nave of today's church. During the Reformation, the name of the church changed into Jacobskerk . Nowadays the Jacobskerk is still used for worship services and is also designated as official wedding location of the municipality of Winterswijk.

Nederland - Winterswijk, Berenschot’s Watermolen

22 Sep 2022 63 52 647
Berenschot's Watermolen is located on the river Boven-Slinge and was built in 1749. An mention from 1652 refers to the predecessor of the current mill. Originally, the complex consisted of two mills: a corn mill (now Berenschot's Watermolen ) and an oil mill on the other side of the stream. Between 1652 and 1718, the two mills were owned by the Van Eerde family, owners of the Hazezate Plekenpol (a manor or fortified farmhouse). A new owner had the present mill building built in 1749. Probably the old mill had fallen into too much disrepair. In 1848, the oil mill collapsed and was never rebuilt. In 1911, G.W. Berenschot bought the corn mill, to which it owes its name. In 1960, the mill fell out of use after a major flood and lasted until the 1980s. All those years, there was talk of a restoration, but no action was taken. By the end of 1984, the time had come and the mill was given a major overhaul. Between 1988 and 1991, part of the mill building was restored and converted into a restaurant. The mill/restaurant (a Dutch national monument) is still owned by the Berenschot family.

Nederland - Winterswijk, Den Helder

22 Sep 2022 79 77 624
Watermill Den Helder is a former double undershot corn and oil watermill on the course of the Boven-Slinge near Winterswijk. The watermill is a Dutch national monument. The earliest known mention of the mill dates back to 1303 when it was part of Havezate Plekenpol (a manor or fortified farmhouse). For many years, the mill was called Plekenpolsemolen . At the end of the 19th century, the mill came into the possession of "Jan Helder" and was named Den Helder ever since. In 1922, the mill was sold by auction to “Derk Jan Berenschot”, owner of another water mill nearby. He bought the mills to eliminate competition for his own mill. From 1923, therefore, the mills are no longer in operation. An ice cream parlour was established in the oil mill and the corn mill became a cafe after a conversion in 1934. From the 1970s in the last century, the water mills slowly fell into disrepair. A thorough restoration was completed in 2016 and the watermill is once again operating, albeit for electricity generation. The two buildings have since been used as homes.

Italy - Finale Ligure, Chiesa di Santa Maria di Fi…

27 May 2022 41 34 394
The Abbey of Santa Maria di Finalpia is an ancient centre of Catholic worship in Finale Ligure, located in the hamlet of Finalpia on the banks of the Sciusa stream. The church and the Benedictine abbey of Santa Maria constitute one of the most important monastic centers in Liguria in religious and artistic terms. The origins of the abbey date back to the 12th century, when the presence of a small chapel held by the Abbey of San Quintino di Spigno in the area is mentioned. The current monastery building is dating back to the 16th century. The church was erected only between 1724 and 1728, based on a design by Girolamo Veneziano. The church has an interesting façade in Baroque style with stuccoes, columns and round windows. The importance of the medieval church is testified by the majestic bell tower. The interior is embellished with numerous works of art of a classical religious nature, dating back to the 14th-20th centuries.

Nederland - Borculo, De Olliemölle

20 Sep 2022 62 50 551
De Olliemölle consists of two separate water wheel mills. The one on the left was formerly an oil mill and was changed to a flour mill in 1920. The mill on the righthand side is a corn- and hulling mill. The mills and their predecessors have traditionally belonged to Heerlijkheid Borculo , which came into the possession of the Van Bronckhorst family at the end of the 14th century. Borculo came into the possession of Stadholder Willem V van Oranje via inheritance in 1777. In 1812, during the era of the French Empire, the complex was sold at a public auction. Around 1875, the right-hand mill building housed a chicory factory, which burned down in 1880 but was rebuilt a year later. On 10 August 1925, a tornado destroyed much of Borculo. Damage at the water mills was limited: all the roof tiles were gone but the rest remained intact. In 1957, the Borculo municipality came into possession of the entire mill complex and had it restored in 1966. At the end of 2007, both mill buildings were sold. The new owners established catering establishments in both buildings. De Olliemölle is located in the heart of Borculo on a side brench of the river Berkel.

Nederland - Eibergen, Mallumsche Molen

20 Sep 2022 49 46 497
The Mallumsche Molen is a breastshot mill on the Berkel. A predecessor of the current mill is mentioned as early as 1424. In the 17th century, there were two mills on both banks of the river Berkel: a corn and a paper mill. In the 18th century, there is talk of a corn and oil mill. The corn mill, which burned down in 1746, was rebuilt two years later. The oil mill also burned down in 1755 and was rebuilt, but was demolished in 1917. The corn mill remained in operation until 1943 and became the property of the foundation De Mallumsche Molen in 1948 (since 2004 Stichting Eibergse Molens). This foundation started restoration that year; thirty years later, the mill was restored again. The Mallumsche Molen almost always has sufficient water and is still regularly used by volunteer millers.

Italy - Finale Ligure, Basilica di S. Giovanni Bat…

27 May 2022 50 39 516
The Basilica di S. Giovanni Battista (Basilica of Saint John the Baptist) is located in the center of Finale Ligure. It is considered being one of the most beautiful Baroque churches in the region. The construction of the church started in 1619; fifty-five years the church was inaugurated. The design is usually attributed to Gian Lorenzo Bernini, but most probably designed by local architects, who did work in Bernini's style. The façade, rich in artistic emblems and stained-glass windows, is the work of a local architect and was completed in 1762. The dome of the basilica has a height of 24 meters. The interior is characterized by a great harmony and simplicity of proportions. The central nave is separated from the two aisles by two rows of paired columns. Twelve very rich chapels - decorated with architectural motifs - are situated in the two aisles. The high altar - built in 1767 - is inlaid with polychrome marbles.

Nederland - Watermolen van Ruurlo

23 Sep 2022 53 31 531
The two buildings of the Watermolen van Ruurlo (Ruurlo water mill) are dating back from 1786. Until about 1830, the double water mill was in use. On one side an oil mill, on the other a flour mill. They are now somewhat hidden in the woods - next to Ruurlo Castle - on the old Ruurlose Beek. Presumably, there was already a water mill on this spot in the mid-16th century. Between the two buildings is a bridge with an iron barrage from around 1840 The water wheels have disappeared over time and the mill is also no longer in operation as a water mill. This is partly because it was feared that the mill would draw too much water from the moat of Ruurlo Castle. On the other hand, the owners of one of the buildings do not want to cooperate with the plans to restore and reinstate the watermill.

Italy - Noli, Cattedrale di San Pietro

27 May 2022 52 43 506
The Baroque style Cattedrale di SanPietro (Cathedral of San Pietro) dates back to the 13th century, but in the first version it was a small chapel named after San Pietro. After being chosen as the cathedral of the town diocese in 1572, it was renovated and enlarged, as it looks like nowadays; but some signs of the original building are still visible on the facade and on the right side of the church. The main treasure inside the cathedral is a Roman sarcophagus in polychrome marble known as “Sant'Eugenio's Ark”, because it was used as the patron saint's relics. The current aspect of this sarcophagus is the result of some restorations made between the 15th and the 16th centuries. Also noteworthy are the bishop's chair in carved walnut wood , the pulpit and a processional case in polychrome wood.

Nederland - Kasteel Ruurlo

23 Sep 2022 61 49 495
The history of Kasteel Ruurlo or Huis Ruurlo (Ruurlo Castle) is dating back to the beginning of the 14th century, when it was first mentioned in the archives as a property of Graaf Reinhoud I van Gelre . The castle was first inhabited bij the family Van Roderlo, after which it is most probably named. Kasteel Ruurlo was several times renovated and expanded and shows architecture from five centuries. Its original lay-out is alomost inatct. Its current appearance dates from the 15th and 17th century. In the 15th century, it passed into the hands of Jacob van Heeckeren, the founder of the noble and distinguished family of Van Heeckeren. Castle and estate were owned and managed by the family for more than five centuries through to 1977. During World War II the castle was used as the headquarters of the German General Staff. In 1977 it passed into the hands of the municipality of Ruurlo and was used as town hall till 2005. Hans Melchers, a Dutch art collector, bought Kasteel Ruurlo in 2013. Four years later - after a thorough restoration - it became part of MORE (a museum for Dutch MOdern REalism) with paintings of famous painter Carel Willink and some special creations by the Chinese-Dutch fashion designer Fong Leng.

Italy - Noli

27 May 2022 50 35 514
Noli - probably founded by the ancient Greeks - is located along a beautiful Ligurian bay, and borders Bergeggi to the east and Capo Noli to the west. The location of the village was an important factor in trade and Noli flourished. It was the capital of the Maritime Republic of the same name between 1193 and 1797, when it celebrated its heyday. Noli played an important role in the defence of the Ligurian coast against attacks. The historic centre of Noli has a maze of small narrow streets surrounded by medieval towers and colourful houses. The most interesting buildings are dating back to the 13th century; among them the Torre del Comune, the Palazzo del Comune (town hall) and the cathedral. The town is surrounded by steep hills and one can enjoy beautiful views over the roofs of the village. For instance from the old Castello di Monte Ursino (main image). Noli belongs to il borghi pui bella d'Italia (the most beautiful villages in Italy).

Italy - Varigotti

27 May 2022 46 38 415
Varigotti - once a fishing village and nowadays a seaside resort, is characterized by bright coloured houseswith their ‘feet’ in the sand. Due to its beaches the villages is a popular tourist destination. Varigotti is also known as “Saracen hamlet”. Varigotti has experienced varied dominations over the centuries. In late antiquity times, it was known as Varicottis. In 643, when it was home to a Byzantine fortification, it was destroyed by the Lombard king Rothari. Later it suffered from Saracen raids, and in the 12th century it was contended between the marquisses of Noli and the Del Carretto family. Later it was a possession of the Republic of Genoa, and became an autonomous commune after the French Revolution. Once an independent municipality, in 1927 it became part of Finale Ligure.

Nederland - De Alde Feanen

07 Sep 2020 46 30 434
Nationaal Park De Alde Feanen (meaning: The Old Fenlands) is one of the twenty national parks in the Netherlands. The park is located in the heart of the province of Friesland . De Alde Feanen is a unique area; a result of the peat excavations, which were carried out here in the past. Nowadays it is an area of freshwater lakes, reed lands, forested marshland and grasslands. The park contains approximately 425 hectares of surface water, about the same as 650 football pitches! It consists of ditches, canals, peat pit ponds, other ponds and lakes. The reed beds in De Alde Feanen cover a significant part of the total surface, with extensive belts occurring alongside the open waters of lakes and smaller water bodies. In the area at least 450 plant species and 100 bird species can be found. Since 1934 De Alde Feanen is owned by It Fryske Gea , a provincial nature protection organisation in the province of Friesland. The park can be visited free of charge.

Nederland - Oldeberkoop, Bonifatiuskerk

10 Sep 2020 50 44 471
The Bonifatiuskerk (Saint Boniface Church) is one of the oldest churches in southeast of the province of Friesland . The church building is the historical centre of the village. At its foundation the church was dedicated to Bonifatius . In a document from 1553 the church is referred to as the Parish Church of “H. Vitus te Antiqua Bercoop in Stellingwerff”. The construction of the oldest parts of the church was probably completed around the year 1125. The old churchyard of the church is surrounded by a rustic ring wall, made of Frisian bricks. The ring wall probably dates from the beginning of the 17th century, the same period in which the tower was restored after earlier destruction. The wall was intended to separate the consecrated soil around the church from the unconsecrated ground outside. Old prints show some entrance gates with stepped gables; probability there were four of them in total, one for each cardinal direction. The western (main image) gate was reconstructed in 2012. After the reformation, the church was given a Protestant signature. The complex ofchurch, churchyard and ring wall is a national monument owned by the local protestant congregation.

Nederland - Zeeland, Oosterscheldekering

11 Feb 2011 57 44 517
The Oosterscheldekering (Eastern Scheldt Barrier) is the largest and best known of the Delta Works (a series of dams and storm surge barriers, designed to protect the Netherlands from flooding from the North Sea). The barrier is a 9 km long structure which seals off the Oosterschelde if there is a threat of flooding. The Oosterscheldekering Barrier connects the islands of Schouwen-Duiveland and Noord-Beveland in the province of Zeeland and was built between 1976 and 1986. It is the largest storm surge barrier in the Netherlands. The Oosterscheldekering has 65 colossal pillars, separated by sluice gates that are roughly 42 meters wide and 6 to 12 meters high, each weighing between 260 and 480 tonnes. It is designed to withstand a flood that is statistically unlikely to occur more than once in 4,000 years. The barrier will be closed if the water level of the North Sea is predicted to rise to more than 3 meters above “Normal Amsterdam Level”. At the press of a button, all 62 sluice gates are lowered and it takes 82 minutes for them all to close completely.

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