"A flower for you!"


Folder: Toys and dolls

20 Aug 2018

129 visits


Jippo: "Now you'll see the incredible trick of a tiger jumping through a hoop!" Tiggy: "I'll jump only if I get a dozen donuts!" Jippo is always doing tricks to make people smile. Domos are not always cooperative unless bribed, though. (Photo a Day, August 20: Smile)

21 Aug 2018

152 visits


Tarzan loves wild animals (Photo a Day, August 21: Wild)

24 Aug 2018

139 visits

Nine domos

Algol: "Look! There are 9 customized domos!" (Photo a Day, August 24: Nine)

26 Aug 2018

170 visits


Ymir: "Are you sure you have the right equipment for robot maintenance?" Brimir: "What? Do we need a bigger hammer?" Borgy: "HALP!" Rusty and Robby are always enjoying taking things apart. But Borgy is not always enjoying their efforts. (Photo a Day, August 26: I enjoy...)

28 Aug 2018

156 visits


Brimir: "What do you see?" Ymir: "Nothing. Domos' brains are so small that they can't be seen even with a large magnifying glass."

28 Aug 2018

123 visits


Haitula rides a white horse while Bones prefers a black horse. (Photo a Day, August 28: Black & white)

31 Aug 2018

178 visits

Antares and Strawberry

The last themed photo this month. (Photo a Day, August 31: Red)

14 Sep 2018

194 visits

Making school desks

Brimir: "We are supposed to make one more desk and chair. How do these parts go toether?" Billder: "I think this part should be glued to this one..." Pup: "Can we make something from the leftover pieces?" Tarzan: "How about a climbing tree for my cousins?" Ymir: "Look! The desks open! I can put stuff inside."

19 Sep 2018

274 visits

Domo racing at Ascot

If you go to races, you should wear a fancy hat.
25 items in total