"A flower for you!"


Folder: Toys and dolls

21 Jul 2018

118 visits

"A flower for you!"

It seems that Gretel has a new admirer. Domes Bond is a real ladies' man - I mean ladies' Domo. (Photo a Day, July 21: Flowers)

27 Jul 2018

146 visits


Hansel: "I think a cool juicy watermelon is just the right snack on a hot day like this." Seedy: "NOOOOOOO!!!!" (Photo a Day, July 27: Snack)

29 Jul 2018

161 visits

Alien attack

Tiberius: "HALP! A flying saucer is chasing us!" Bluey: "And it's full of alien life forms!" Candy: "I'll definitely win a Pulizer prize for this photo!"

30 Jul 2018

119 visits


Hansel: "On a hot day like this one must drink lots of water." Juicy: "I prefer orange extract *glug* *glug* *glug*" Wage: "Easy on the orange extract, it's strong stuff!" Juicy: *HIC* (Photo a Day, July 30: Water)

31 Jul 2018

131 visits


Hansel is fascinated by all the different shades of the yellow Domos. (Photo a Day, July 31: Yellow)

01 Aug 2018

202 visits

Tiger hunter

Ymir: "What are you doing?" Baron von Munchy: "I'm hunting tigers. Look, I already tranquilized two!" Brimir: "But those are just toy tigers..." Ymir: "And the third is not a tiger, only a Domo with tiger stripes." Baron von Munchy: "Whatever!"

04 Aug 2018

186 visits


Baron von Munchy: "Give back my boots!" Spark: "Don't disturb my throw!" Pyry: "You'll get your boots back after our boot throwing contest is over." (Photo a Day, August 4: Sport)

09 Aug 2018

148 visits


Nid: "Why do you have an acorn cup on your head?" Babo: "Ssssh! Its a satellite antenna. I'm watching the cookie channel." Baron von Munchy & Paisley: "We want to watch the cookie channel, too!" (Photo a Day, August 9: Purple)

18 Aug 2018

204 visits


Spooky & Airy: "GIDDYUP!" Kuura: "Are you sure the hippogriff does not eat domos?" Airy: "NOOOO! HALP!" (Photo a Day, August 18: White on white)
25 items in total