William Sutherland's photos

April Snow

Garbage Easter Bunny

Pop Art Crucifixion

30 Mar 2014 76 90 1477
Larchmont, NY

Surrealist Face

29 Feb 2016 121 106 1628
Larchmont, NY

Purple Bloom

28 Feb 2016 102 77 1434
Mamaroneck, NY


15 Feb 2016 123 110 1713
Larchmont, NY

Frigid Valentine's Day

14 Feb 2016 100 111 1797
New York, NY Note: Today was the coldest Valentine's Day in New York City history. The mercury fell to -1ºF / -18.33º C breaking the previous mark of 2ºF / -16.67º C set in 1916. It was the first time since January 19, 1994 the temperature fell below zero (F) in New York City.


07 Feb 2016 119 87 1529
Mamaroneck, NY

Frozen Newsprint

01 Feb 2016 124 120 2372
Mamaroneck, NY


10 Jan 2016 92 93 1257
Mamaroneck, NY

Frog Pond

10 Jan 2016 104 94 1470
Mamaroneck, NY


01 Jan 2016 124 102 1710
Mamaroneck, NY

Imagine! Love

04 Jan 2015 121 127 2114
Times Square, New York, NY Created with Litter from the 2015 New Year's Celebration that was left in the street awaiting clean up. Wishing all a happy, healthy, prosperous and safe New Year! Note: Inspired by the below lyrics of John Lennon’s 1971 classic, “Imagine!” Imagine there’s no countries… Nothing to kill or die for… Imagine all the people living life in peace… Imagine… No need for greed or hunger… Imagine all the people sharing all the world… You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope some day you'll join us And the world will be as one. Rather than a world without religion, I imagine a world with no war over religion. I imagine a connected world where there are no ethnic differences but one human race. I imagine a world where life is sacred and protected from conception to the final breath. I imagine a world where there is no terrorism and no violence. I imagine a world free of slavery and compulsion. I imagine a world where there is no want or sickness. I imagine a world free of cruelty and evil. I imagine a world where the one and only standard is love, the basis for my title: Imagine! Love

Christmas Day "Summer" in New York + Additional Ph…

25 Dec 2015 97 104 1634
White Plains and Rye, NY

Garbage Nativity

21 Dec 2015 121 109 1707
Mamaroneck, NY

December 11-13, 2015 Images in New York

13 Dec 2015 94 107 1337
Bronx, Larchmont, Tarrytown, and White Plains, NY

El Niño Christmas: Wreath and Blooming Roses

10 Dec 2015 94 79 1424
Mamaroneck, NY

December "Spring"

06 Dec 2015 92 85 1614
Tarrytown, NY and White Plains, NY Note: As if to reinforce the COP 21 Climate Change Conference in Paris (http://www.cop21.gouv.fr/en), a strong El Niño has provided unseasonable warmth to the New York area. As a result a diversity of flowers are blooming here on December 6, 2015 ranging from but not limited to roses, Kousa dogwoods, violas, violets, black-eyed Susans and sunflowers. At the same time, Buffalo, NY known for its snow has broken an 1899 record for most consecutive days without measurable snow -- www.reuters.com/article/us-new-york-snow-idUSKBN0TN2HS20151204#tOKwhKBdMU2MHkR1.97 Roses and Christmas Decorations, Tarrytown, NY -- December 6, 2015 Additional December 6, 2015 Flowers, Tarrytown, NY and White Plains, NY

653 items in total