William Sutherland's photos

Thumbs Down for Corona(virus)

26 Apr 2020 81 88 652
Mamaroneck, NY www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries NYS Re-opening Metrics: forward.ny.gov/regional-monitoring-dashboard COVID-19 Reality: Yonkers, NY - 26 April 2020: COVID-19 Reality: Mamaroneck, NY - 26 April 2020:

COVID-19 NYC: A Day in Photos

12 Apr 2020 70 104 729
New York, NY Note: Created from graffiti scrawled on a wall and a section of a discarded water painting that resembles the COVID-19 Coronavirus. www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries Photos 1-3: Central Park Makeshift Hospital Tents, East Lawn Across from Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, NY: Photo 4: Empty Playground, Central Park, New York, NY: Photo 5: Social Distancing Measuring Sign, Central Park, New York, NY: Photo 6: Fifth Avenue Street Scene, New York, NY Photo 7: Canine Resistance to Social Distancing, Central Park, New York, NY: Photos 8-9: Fifth Avenue Views: Sanitizer Bottle, NYC History Ongoing and American Flag at Half-Mast for the COVID-19 Deceased, New York, NY (Taken 19 April 2020): Photos 10-15: Signs and Letters, New York, NY: Photo 16: COVID-19 Posters designed by Mirko Ilić (2020), New York, NY (Taken 19 April 2020): Photo 17: Eleven Thermo King® Freezer Trailers to store the bodies of the COVID-19 Deceased and a Hearse (waiting to collect a COVID-19 victim’s body when released by the Medical Examiner) behind Bellevue Hospital, New York, NY: Photo 18: Thermo King® Freezer Trailers behind Bellevue Hospital with the Landmark Empire State Building in the background, New York, NY: Photo 19: Monotonous Routine: Closing the Gate behind another NYC COVID-19 Deceased, New York, NY: Photo 20: Somber City, New York, NY (Taken 19 April 2020): Photo 21: Graffiti of Despair, New York, NY (Taken 19 April 2020): Photo 22: Discarded Gloves and Face Mask by Bellevue Hospital, New York, NY: Photo 23: Medical Examiner’s Van parked by NYU Medical Center to collect the body of a deceased COVID-19 victim, New York, NY: Photo 24: Couple Wearing Face Masks, East 35th Street, New York, NY: Photo 25: Message of Hope, New York, NY: Photo 26: NYC COVID-19 Sadness, Brooklyn, NY -- 3 May 2020: Photo 27: Brooklyn Bridge View, Brooklyn, NY -- 3 May 2020: Photos 28: # The Act of Love, Brooklyn, NY -- 3 May 2020: Photo 29: NYC Tough, Brooklyn, NY -- 3 May 2020: Photo 30: "We'll Get Through This!" Brooklyn, NY -- 3 May 2020:

Ash Wednesday Gloom and Hope

26 Feb 2020 87 260 1198
Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Mount Pleasant, NY “ [T] here is a… great silence, and stillness” and fear “over the earth” [1] on this Ash Wednesday as we are reminded – “You are dust and to dust you shall return.” [Genesis 3:19] It is 1347 again. COVID-19 is the Black Death of 2020. Though the number of afflicted rises, Medieval lock downs are expanded, isolation threatens social bonds and peoples worldwide are urged to prepare for an uncertain future with significant disruptions in life, gloom cannot extinguish hope for God has “posted [angels] to guard you” [2] and “will take away from thee all sickness” [Deuteronomy 7:15] with the promise, “I [W] ho am life… I [M] yself am united to you.” [3] We , humankind will get through this! ___________ [1], [2], and [3] From an Ancient Homily for Holy Saturday. 26 February 2020. www.vatican.va/spirit/documents/spirit_20010414_omelia-sabato-santo_en.html

COVID-19 Reality

16 Feb 2020 77 96 967
Larchmont, NY Note: This composition was created to promote awareness and provide images of precautionary supplies. While N-95 rated face masks (the only face masks manufactured to protect against airborne pathogens) are not needed at this time in much of the world, hand sanitizer and good hygiene are a good idea to prevent its spread as well as that of seasonal flu, the latter whose casualties rarely make the headlines. The rose, heart, and color scheme were used since Valentine's Day, the international day of love, falls in February and because love should be the pre-eminent approach to everything.


02 Feb 2020 84 113 832
With the proliferation of novel coronavirus cases (2019-nCov) -- officially named Covid-19 (Coronavirus disease-19) racism and xenophobia have cropped up in several Asian and European countries as well as the United States and Canada. Restaurants refuse to serve Chinese tourists, people cross the streets to shun Chinese people, refuse to patronize Chinese establishments and in one case a crowd even gathered in front of a hotel to demand its Chinese guests immediately leave and return to China. Such xenophobia and racism are repugnant and unacceptable without exception. It is because of this and to stand in solidarity with these victims and the Chinese people who are being unjustly discriminated against I created this derivative panoramic image from a photo I purchased from Shutterstock® and switched the 1st and 3rd letters of the city where 2019-nCov (placed over the facemask) originated and flipped the “W” over to spell the word “human” since these people are not a virus as clearly and concisely stated by the #JeNeSuisPasUnVirus ( #IamNotAVirus ) movement that originated out of France – but are human beings deserving of the same inalienable rights and dignity as every unaffected person. People get sick. Period! Such people deserve the best medical treatment possible and compassion instead of misguided blame and condemnation. Period! Wuhan:huMan. Let’s never forget that! Note: For those who elect to purchase and wear a facemask, it should be "N-95" rated.

January 2020 Record Warmth New York Metro Region

12 Jan 2020 77 105 745
Mamaroneck, New Rochelle, and Bronx, NY The 2019-2020 autumn-winter season resulted in anomalous blooms for Forsythia and Periwinkles -- Mamaroneck and Larchmont, NY, respectively on 27 September 2019 (record early for the New York City metro region. Other observations include a blooming Weglia Red Prince Bush (record early 28 September 2019), purple violets (record early 4 October 2017) and scattered apple blossoms (record early 14 October 2019) -- the former two in Mamaroneck, NY and the latter in Larchmont, NY. Quince also bloomed in Central Park, NY (record early 7 October 2019). On 11 and 12 January, 2020 the temperature rose to record highs of 69 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit, respectively. With only a few short bursts of cold weather, vegetables such as cabbage, kale, and thyme continued to grow while frogs and turtles, both cold-blooded amphibians have yet to hibernate and now have been present for a record late length into meteorological and seasonal winter. Their habits may perhaps be changing because of climate change such that one day they may no longer hibernate, vegetables (that include cabbage, curly kale, thyme, Swiss chard, have continued to grow through the duration of meteorological winter (1 December 2019-29 February 2020) in the metro NY area) will experience extended growing seasons and plants such as forsythia may experience double blooms every year. Also of note, many chipmunks did not go into hibernation for the duration of meteorological winter with sightings at the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY (12 January 2020), in Mamaroneck, NY (January and February 2020) and in Greenwich, CT (15 February 2020). Adonis blossoms were present as of 8 February 2020 at the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY while crocuses also began emerging on this same date in Mamaroneck, NY. Japanese apricot blossoms and irises were present by 17 and 23 February 2020, respectively at the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY and daffodils were present by 22 February 2020 in Rye, NY. In addition, marsh marigolds began blooming in Larchmont, NY on 23 February 2020 and a primrose plant which had bloomed through 12 January 2020 in Mamaroneck, NY produced additional flowers that began to bloom on 24 February 2020. Hyacinths were present in Mamaroneck, NY as of 27 February 2020 followed by viburnum at the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY on 29 February 2020. Top. l.-r: Pansy (Mamaroneck, NY - Jan. 11, 2020), Cabbage and Curly Kale (New Rochelle, NY - Jan. 12, 2020); Middle l.-r.: Camellia, Frog, Bee (New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY - Jan. 12, 2020); Bottom l.-r.: Turtle (Bronx Zoo, Bronx, NY - Jan. 12, 2020), Mahonia (New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY - Jan. 12, 2020) and Viburnum lantana (Bronx Zoo, Bronx, NY - Jan. 12, 2020) Sample Documentation: Additional: l.-r. Forsythia, Mamaroneck, NY (27 September 2019) and Periwinkle, Larchmont, NY (29 September 2019) l.-r. Cherry Blossoms/Bee and Lady Bug, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY (12 January 2020) -- Courtesy of Don Sutherland l.-r. Forsythia, New York, NY (15 January 2020) and Cherry Blossoms, Central Park Garden, New York, NY (15 January 2020) l.-r. Chipmunk, Mamaroneck, NY (31 January 2020) and Adonis Blossoms, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY (8 February 2020) -- the latter, courtesy of Don Sutherland l.-r. Daffodil, Rye, NY (23 February 2020), Japanese apricot blossoms and Irises, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY (23 February 2020) -- the latter two, courtesy of Don Sutherland

Merry Christmas!

Graffiti: Unfiltered

Anthropocene Love

10 Nov 2019 64 87 906
Marshlands Conservancy, Rye, NY

Autumn Joy

20 Oct 2019 79 91 1035
Jay Estate Grounds/Marshlands Conservancy, Rye, NY Additional: “Find joy in what is.” [Anonymous] “Be joyful always.” [Thessalonians 5:16] Top left: Remains of a sink, piping, a brick and section of tiled floor from an early 20th century two- story house of which only the foundation remains. Bottom left: Recent garbage consisting of paper, plastic, a discarded water bottle and toothpaste tube. Right: Broken glass and boards from a small greenhouse once used to grow delphiniums during the 1930s along with fallen leaves and a fallen black walnut ( Juglans nigra ). This section has been abandoned since the 1950s and appears to be set for a makeover, in which most of the trees and imbedded appliances and garbage, some entrenched deep in the soil, will be removed. This area was abandoned in the 1950s and now consists of the foundations of two houses, the remains of a greenhouse used to grow delphiniums before outdoor planting, and the remains of these buildings reclaimed by nature as well as recent garbage and litter. And for Halloween created from recent garbage in this same area consisting of a toy axle and wheels, discarded plastic, a wrapper, eye glasses arm, fishing rod float, and plastic eye ball:

"Hidden Gem" Waterfalls

07 Oct 2019 79 87 804
Central Park, New York, NY Related Article: The Hidden New York City


09 Jun 2019 59 83 814
Mamaroneck, NY Note: I created this image using discarded garbage that consisted of broken glass, broken glass, a pair of spoons and other debris. I created the title since the two spoons represent the fatigue and mental anguish we can experience during trying times symbolized by the chaos of the broken plastic and glass, and selected the main rouge/red color to represent humanity, life, renewal and most importantly love. The circle represents continuity and the eternal nature of life while the white colors of the broken glass bits represent light and goodness. The fact we are all saved through universal salvation – goodness to be celebrated since the darkness of death cannot keep us within its grasp is sufficient reason to rejoice represented by the tiny happy face.


18 Sep 2019 87 78 879
New York, NY Note: Vessel consisting of “154… interconnecting flights of stairs,” 2,500 individual steps and 80 landings was created by British designer Thomas Heatherwick (b. 1970) as the centerpiece of the Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project on the west side of Manhattan. Construction began in April 2017. Vessel , an interactive honeycomb-like work of art opened to the public on 15 March 2019. [1] [1] Hudson YardsTM New York. 19 September 2019. www.hudsonyardsnewyork.com/discover/vessel Additional Source: Vessel (structure) Wikipedia. 5 September 2019. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vessel_(structure) ____________________ Entrance (l.) and Views from the Interior (r.) View inside Vessel (l.) and Street Views from the top of Vessel

The Cup of Life

20 Dec 2013 62 64 747
St. Paul's Chapel, New York, NY Note: Created by Jessica Stammen. The base is made of steel from the fallen World Trade Center. To me, in conjunction with Jeremiah 2 9:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” , this chalice has special meaning since it symbolizes God's love and His protection of my life represented by holding it in within His loving hands. www.ipernity.com/blog/285927/4727442

Green-Spotted Triangle Butterfly

09 Jul 2016 100 90 1059
Butterfly Conservatory, Niagara, Ontario, Canada Note: The Green-Spotted Triangle Butterfly ( Graphium agamemnon ) is a common species of butterfly native to India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and much of southeast Asia as well as Australia. I uploaded this photograph since green is so relevant on 9/11 since it symbolizes life and renewal. America certainly needs renewal at this time as society is torn apart. Article: Post 9/11 Requiem? www.ipernity.com/blog/285927/4727366

The Preciousness of Life

25 Oct 2015 81 71 986
New Rochelle, NY Note: Featuring a statue of Buddha and a Ladybug that represents the preciousness of life, all of which is intrinsically priceless, unique and special. Because of this, the ladybug is represented in color within a heart that symbolizes the love we ought to have for life. Associated Article: Even a Bug's Life Matters -- www.ipernity.com/blog/285927/4727304


14 Jun 2010 81 82 717
Atlantis Resort, Paradise Island, Bahamas Note: It is reassuring to hear Atlantis Resort was not seriously impacted by Cat 5 Hurricane Dorian and her 185 MPH winds and the property, marine life (including the "Katrina" dolphins), staff and visitors are okay. I posted this photo to show solidarity with the people of the Bahamas as they endure this record strength Atlantic hurricane.

Cubed Curve

04 Jan 2015 71 85 1115
New York, NY Info: Cubed Curve , a work of modern contemporary art was created by American sculptor and painter William Crovello (b. 1929) and placed outside the Time-Life Building at 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY in 1972 after being commissioned by the Association for a Better New York. It stood there until October 2018 when donated and transferred to Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA. Per the press release by Ursinus College, Cubed Curve , a large blue geometric metallic sculpture that weighs 3,500 pounds and “consists of [a] formed, bent and welded stainless steel plate that measures 144 inches high by 48 inches long” was inspired by a “brushstroke” motion and is a “seminal example of the artist’s skill in silhouetting open and closed spaces in three-dimensional form.” [1] ________ [1] Iconic New York City Sculpture Has New Home in Collegeville. Ursinus College. 17 October 2018. www.ursinus.edu/live/news/3112-iconic-new-york-city-sculpture-has-new-home-in Additional Sources: Berman Museum at Ursinus College receives iconic public sculpture from New York City. Artdaily.com. 23 October 2018. artdaily.com/news/108568/Berman-Museum-at-Ursinus-College-receives-iconic-public-sculpture-from-New-York-City#.XWB3nflKjIU biography of William CROVELLO (1929). Artprice.com. 23 August 2019. www.artprice.com/artist/150644/william-crovello/biography

652 items in total