Edna Edenkoben's photos


Villa aux Oliviers


Rooms with a view

Choose your fence

Spy Hole

High Security

We are plants. And we want out.

Watch Towers

X. No Twitter.

Underneath the Olive Trees

Olive Tree View

Bye bye Villa

Witch Edna?

31 Oct 2023 24 56 171
Trick or Treat! Flying around The Pyramid on Karlsruhe Market Square...you'd better be there!! Happily Spooky Halloween ;-)

Vaison-la-Romaine von oben

07 Oct 2023 20 40 116
Falls jemand eine Bank entdeckt...?? ;-)

Nepomuk's Fool Moon

28 Oct 2023 25 45 180
Under a full moon...

Valréas. It's for real.

Top Wine

05 Oct 2023 21 45 146
French wine is fine! Happy Thirsty Thursday. Cheers! A votre santé!

1350 items in total