Edna Edenkoben's photos

How real is reality?

09 May 2019 25 34 51
HPRFFBMWW (Happy Polski Reality Fence Friday Bench Monday Wall Wednesdy)! ;-)

Sittin' on the bench of the wall

26 Apr 2018 27 43 77
Happy Benchy Hedgy Flowery Spring Wall Wednesday!

Higher and higher

05 Jun 1977 19 32 60
CN Tower Toronto Happy Tower Tuesday!

Brexit Bench

23 Apr 2018 25 72 82
Have a little Brexit while waiting for a phone call... ;-) HPBBBBM (Happy Phone Box Booth Brexit Bench Monday)!

Before Sunset

21 Nov 2009 32 47 71
Have a Happy Sunny Sunday!

Have a seat and feel at home!

08 Mar 2025 21 38 69
Happy Chairy Saturday :-)

Heute vor 15 Jahren um 15:53

07 Mar 2010 25 53 74
Der Michaelsberg bei Untergrombach Also vorne Untergrombach und hinten der Michaelsberg ;-) Links ein Zaun und insgesamt jede Menge Schnee im März!! Heute sonnig und 17 °C, was für ein Unterschied. HMMNUWSIMFF (Happy Mount Michael Near Untergrombach With Snow In March Fence Friday)! ;-)

Happy Therapeutic Thirsty Thursday!

06 Mar 2025 20 39 64
If this photo looks blurry to you, you drank too much ;-) Cheers!!

Happy Dijon Wall Wednesday!

10 Apr 1997 29 41 99
And Belated Happy Table Tuesday!! ;-)


04 Mar 2025 23 43 62
Mit denen legt man sich besser nicht an, denn die können auch ganz schnell zu Horrorclowns mutieren!! ;-)

Happy Smile Camera

03 Mar 2025 15 31 53
Faschingskamera zum Rosenmontag ;-) Mit der Happy Smile Camera kann man auch Katzen fotografieren (siehe PiP).

Here comes the sun...

10 Feb 2023 23 45 71
Happy Sunny Sunday!

Shipyard Ghosts

01 Mar 2025 20 40 69
These are Lotti and Werner, our friends from the shipyard. That's where we first met them and where we found out all about their interesting lives. The photo of the happy couple was taken in 1954. Not the digital one, but the analog one of Lotti and Werner I took a photo of ;-) Happy Chairy Saturday!

Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto

28 Feb 2025 32 64 86
...and his favorite song ;-) HDAMRFF (Happy Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto Fence Friday)!

Ach, lass mal...

20 Apr 2016 26 69 107
Happy ILD Wall Wednesday! ;-)

Tische deckt euch. Fische, bleibt im Main!

13 Jul 2022 25 33 78
Happy Table Tuesday!

Ghost Fountain

24 Feb 2025 26 58 96
...with Zombie benches. Only visible during a new moon midnight. And only in Karlsruhe...of course, where else? ;-) HGFWZBM (Happy Ghost Fountain With Zombie Benches Monday)!


23 Feb 2025 20 43 71
Hoffentlich nicht das Wahllokal ;-)

1344 photos in total