Patricia Wilden's photos

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Approaching. Storm , Morston Quay, Norfolk 2

04 Sep 2019 3 3 71
Morston Quay north Norfolk NR25 7BH, UK. The two images were taken 11 minutes apart - after which the heavens opened and a torrential cloudburst ensued. Managed to find shelter and avoided becoming soacked.

Approaching Storm, Morston Quary, Norfolk 1

04 Sep 2019 2 62
Morston Quay north Norfolk NR25 7BH UK. The two images were taken 11 minutes apart - after which the heavens opened and a torrential cloudburst ensued. Managed to find shelter and avoided becoming soacked.

Abandoned (fish eye lens)

28 Sep 2022 7 10 116
Former WWII USAF airbase in Suffolk, UK in woodland near Dickleburgh. Taken with 9mm fisheye camera mounted lens on an IR converted camera. Trying to avoid the typical IR look and aiming for detail.

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