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Morgendlicht im Nebel
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Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Exposure:0.8 sec.
Focal Length:17.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 62.3 mm)
Flash:Off, Did not fire
Exposure mode:Manual
Max Aperture:4.0
Resolution:400 x 400 dpi
Original Date:2019:11:17 07:54:32.29
Created on:2019:11:17 07:54:32.29
Modified on:2019:11:17 09:24:11
Software:Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 9.0 (Windows)
Copyright:matlam-PHOTOGRAPHY Matthias Lammers
Already AppliedTrue
Approximate Focus Distance4294967295
ArtistMatthias Lammers
Auto Lateral CA0
Auto Tone DigestDB2B8FCC588DB6006BE81E9808A470 10
Auto Tone Digest No SatF59DC656CC709056183FE18EB21B0C 97
Blacks 2012+1
Blue Hue-48
Blue Saturation+46
Camera ProfileAdobe Standard
Camera Profile Digest661433344C8532AFA5A1E9091401E4 3C
Circle Of Confusion0.008 mm
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Activetrue
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Amount1.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Angle0.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Bottom0.563587
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Feather+50
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Flippedtrue
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Left-0.195759
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Mask Value1.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Midpoint+50
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Right0.473083
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Roundness0
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Top0.377718
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks Version+2
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Masks WhatMask/CircularGradient
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Range Mask Color Amount0.500000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Range Mask Depth Feather0.500000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Range Mask Depth Max1.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Range Mask Depth Min0.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Range Mask Lum Feather0.500000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Range Mask Lum Max1.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Range Mask Lum Min0.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Range Mask Type0
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Correction Range Mask Version+2
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Blacks 20120.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Brightness0.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Clarity 20120.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Contrast 20120.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Defringe0.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Dehaze0.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Exposure 2012-0.009500
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Highlights 20120.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Luminance Noise0.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Moire0.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Saturation0.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Shadows 20120.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Sharpness0.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Temperature0.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Texture0.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Tint0.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Toning Hue21.777201
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Toning Saturation0.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections Local Whites 20120.000000
Circular Gradient Based Corrections WhatCorrection
Clarity 2012+15
Color Noise Reduction25
Color Noise Reduction Detail50
Color Noise Reduction Smoothness50
Color SpacesRGB
Color Temperature7728
Contrast 2012+28
Convert To GrayscaleFalse
Country CodeDE
CreatorMatthias Lammers
Crop Angle0
Crop Bottom0.921875
Crop Constrain To Warp0
Crop Left0
Crop Right1
Crop Top0.078125
Custom RenderedNormal
Date Created2019:11:17 07:54:32.29+01:00
Date/Time Created2019:11:17 07:54:32+01:00
Defringe Green Amount0
Defringe Green Hue Hi60
Defringe Green Hue Lo40
Defringe Purple Amount0
Defringe Purple Hue Hi70
Defringe Purple Hue Lo30
Derived From Document IDEA765989A60CC1F039F030890BE6EA 40
Derived From Original Document IDEA765989A60CC1F039F030890BE6EA 40
Device Mfg DescIEC
Device Model DescIEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
Digital Creation Date/Time2019:11:17 07:54:32+01:00
Exif Version0231
Exposure 2012+0.61
Exposure Compensation0
Exposure ModeManual
Field Of View32.2 deg
Flash Compensation0
Focal Plane Resolution Unitcm
Focal Plane X Resolution1866.666656
Focal Plane Y Resolution1866.666656
Gradient Based Corr Activetrue
Gradient Based Corr Amount1.000000
Gradient Based Corr Brightness0.000000
Gradient Based Corr Clarity 20120.000000
Gradient Based Corr Contrast 20120.000000
Gradient Based Corr Correction Range Mask Color Amount0.500000
Gradient Based Corr Correction Range Mask Depth Feather0.500000
Gradient Based Corr Correction Range Mask Depth Max1.000000
Gradient Based Corr Correction Range Mask Depth Min0.000000
Gradient Based Corr Correction Range Mask Lum Feather0.500000
Gradient Based Corr Correction Range Mask Lum Max1.000000
Gradient Based Corr Correction Range Mask Lum Min0.000000
Gradient Based Corr Correction Range Mask Type0
Gradient Based Corr Correction Range Mask Version+2
Gradient Based Corr Defringe0.000000
Gradient Based Corr Exposure 20120.000000
Gradient Based Corr Highlights 20120.000000
Gradient Based Corr Hue21.777201
Gradient Based Corr Local Blacks 2012-0.047620
Gradient Based Corr Local Dehaze0.104760
Gradient Based Corr Local Texture0.123810
Gradient Based Corr Local Whites 20120.000000
Gradient Based Corr Luminance Noise0.000000
Gradient Based Corr Mask Center Weight0.295163
Gradient Based Corr Mask DabsM 0.610510 0.350815
Gradient Based Corr Mask Flow0.574000
Gradient Based Corr Mask Full X0.499628
Gradient Based Corr Mask Full Y0.396064
Gradient Based Corr Mask Radius0.015160
Gradient Based Corr Mask Value1.000000
Gradient Based Corr Mask WhatMask/Gradient
Gradient Based Corr Mask Zero X0.499556
Gradient Based Corr Mask Zero Y0.355703
Gradient Based Corr Moire0.000000
Gradient Based Corr Saturation0.000000
Gradient Based Corr Shadows 20120.000000
Gradient Based Corr Sharpness0.000000
Gradient Based Corr Temperature0.200000
Gradient Based Corr Tint0.000000
Gradient Based Corr WhatCorrection
Grain Amount0
Green Hue0
Green Saturation0
Has CropTrue
Has Extended XMP26099F2D49053DA8A8CF04D312229C 5A
Has SettingsTrue
Highlights 2012-79
History Actionderived, saved
History Changed/
History Instance IDxmp.iid:799aecdf-24e5-6248-881 7-21c7245d62a8
History Parametersconverted from image/x-canon-cr2 to image/jpeg, saved to new location
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 9.0 (Windows)
History When2019:11:17 09:24:11+01:00
Hue Adjustment Aqua0
Hue Adjustment Blue0
Hue Adjustment Green0
Hue Adjustment Magenta0
Hue Adjustment Orange-49
Hue Adjustment Purple0
Hue Adjustment Red0
Hue Adjustment Yellow-21
Hyperfocal Distance4.41 m
Image Number0
Image Size1920x1080
LensEF17-40mm f/4L USM
Lens IDCanon EF 17-40mm f/4L
Lens Info17-40mm f/?
Lens Manual Distortion Amount0
Lens ModelEF17-40mm f/4L USM
Lens Profile Enable0
Lens Profile SetupLensDefaults
Light Value6.3
Look Amount1.000000
Look GroupProfiles
Look NameAdobe Color
Look Parameters Camera ProfileAdobe Standard
Look Parameters Convert To GrayscaleFalse
Look Parameters Look TableE1095149FDB39D7A057BAB208837E2 E1
Look Parameters Process Version11.0
Look Parameters Tone Curve PV20120, 0, 22, 16, 40, 35, 127, 127, 224, 230, 240, 246, 255, 255
Look Parameters Tone Curve PV2012 Blue0, 0, 255, 255
Look Parameters Tone Curve PV2012 Green0, 0, 255, 255
Look Parameters Tone Curve PV2012 Red0, 0, 255, 255
Look Parameters Version12.0
Look Supports Amountfalse
Look Supports Monochromefalse
Look Supports Output Referredfalse
Look UuidB952C231111CD8E0ECCF14B86BAA70 77
Luminance Adjustment Aqua+23
Luminance Adjustment Blue+21
Luminance Adjustment Green+16
Luminance Adjustment Magenta0
Luminance Adjustment Orange+6
Luminance Adjustment Purple0
Luminance Adjustment Red0
Luminance Adjustment Yellow-16
Luminance Smoothing0
Metadata Date2019:11:17 09:24:11+01:00
Metering ModeMulti-segment
Original Document IDEA765989A60CC1F039F030890BE6EA 40
Override Look VignetteFalse
Owner NameMatthias Lammers
Paint Correction Activetrue
Paint Correction Amount1.000000
Paint Correction Brightness0.000000
Paint Correction Clarity 20120.000000
Paint Correction Contrast 20120.161900
Paint Correction Correction Range Mask Color Amount0.500000
Paint Correction Correction Range Mask Depth Feather0.500000
Paint Correction Correction Range Mask Depth Max1.000000
Paint Correction Correction Range Mask Depth Min0.000000
Paint Correction Correction Range Mask Lum Feather0.500000
Paint Correction Correction Range Mask Lum Max1.000000
Paint Correction Correction Range Mask Lum Min0.000000
Paint Correction Correction Range Mask Type0
Paint Correction Correction Range Mask Version+2
Paint Correction Defringe0.000000
Paint Correction Exposure 20120.000000
Paint Correction Highlights 20120.000000
Paint Correction Hue21.777201
Paint Correction Local Blacks 2012-0.047620
Paint Correction Local Dehaze0.000000
Paint Correction Local Texture0.000000
Paint Correction Local Whites 2012-0.695240
Paint Correction Luminance Noise0.000000
Paint Correction Mask Center Weight0.295163
Paint Correction Mask DabsM 0.711398 0.696946
Paint Correction Mask Flow0.574000
Paint Correction Mask Radius0.012242
Paint Correction Mask Value1.000000
Paint Correction Mask WhatMask/Paint
Paint Correction Moire0.000000
Paint Correction Saturation0.000000
Paint Correction Shadows 20120.200000
Paint Correction Sharpness0.000000
Paint Correction Temperature0.714290
Paint Correction Tint-0.180950
Paint Correction WhatCorrection
Parametric Darks0
Parametric Highlight Split75
Parametric Highlights-19
Parametric Lights-17
Parametric Midtone Split50
Parametric Shadow Split25
Parametric Shadows0
Perspective Aspect0
Perspective Horizontal0
Perspective Rotate0.0
Perspective Scale100
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Perspective Vertical0
Perspective X0.00
Perspective Y0.00
Post Crop Vignette Amount0
Preserved File Name513A7679.CR2
Process Version11.0
Range Mask Map Info Range Mask Map Info Lab Max0.998123 0.509819 0.527169
Range Mask Map Info Range Mask Map Info Lab Min0.002197 0.483970 0.457267
Range Mask Map Info Range Mask Map Info Lum Eq0.000000 0.000000, 0.031250 0.002623, 0.062500 0.006589, 0.093750 0.013553, 0.125000 0.026003, 0.156250 0.047893, 0.187500 0.084787, 0.218750 0.142486, 0.250000 0.223485, 0.281250 0.322660, 0.312500 0.426218, 0.343750 0.516985, 0.375000 0.583197, 0.406250 0.623552, 0.437500 0.644781, 0.468750 0.655438, 0.500000 0.661784, 0.531250 0.667458, 0.562500 0.674727, 0.593750 0.685271, 0.625000 0.700365, 0.656250 0.720906, 0.687500 0.747198, 0.718750 0.778399, 0.750000 0.812459, 0.781250 0.846994, 0.812500 0.880240, 0.843750 0.911110, 0.875000 0.938641, 0.906250 0.961685, 0.937500 0.979245, 0.968750 0.991375, 1.000000 1.000000
Range Mask Map Info Range Mask Map Info RGB Max0.151812 0.158816 0.184848
Range Mask Map Info Range Mask Map Info RGB Min0.001114 0.001251 0.001770
Raw File Name513A7679.CR2
Recommended Exposure Index100
Red Hue0
Red Saturation-38
Resolution Unitinches
Retouch Areas Feather0.496000
Retouch Areas Heal Version+2
Retouch Areas Masks Alpha0.000000
Retouch Areas Masks Center Value1.000000
Retouch Areas Masks Mask Value1.000000
Retouch Areas Masks Perimeter Value0.000000
Retouch Areas Masks Size X0.004534
Retouch Areas Masks Size Y0.004534
Retouch Areas Masks WhatMask/Ellipse
Retouch Areas Masks X0.454018
Retouch Areas Masks Y0.377679
Retouch Areas Methodgaussian
Retouch Areas Offset Y0.360715
Retouch Areas Opacity1.000000
Retouch Areas Seed+2
Retouch Areas Source StatesourceAutoComputed
Retouch Areas Source X0.433185
Retouch Areas Spot Typeheal
Retouch InfocenterX = 0.454018, centerY = 0.377679, radius = 0.004534, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.433185, sourceY = 0.360715, spotType = heal
Rightsmatlam-PHOTOGRAPHY Matthias Lammers
Saturation Adjustment Aqua-94
Saturation Adjustment Blue-94
Saturation Adjustment Green0
Saturation Adjustment Magenta0
Saturation Adjustment Orange+28
Saturation Adjustment Purple0
Saturation Adjustment Red+17
Saturation Adjustment Yellow+23
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent3.7
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Sensitivity TypeRecommended Exposure Index
Shadow Tint0
Shadows 2012+56
Sharpen Detail25
Sharpen Edge Masking29
Sharpen Radius+1.0
Split Toning Balance0
Split Toning Highlight Hue0
Split Toning Highlight Saturation0
Split Toning Shadow Hue215
Split Toning Shadow Saturation15
Sub Sec Time Digitized29
Sub Sec Time Original29
Tone Curve0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve Blue0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve Green0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve NameLinear
Tone Curve Name 2012Linear
Tone Curve PV20120, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve PV2012 Blue0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve PV2012 Green0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve PV2012 Red0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve Red0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Map Strength0
Upright Center Mode0
Upright Center Norm X0.5
Upright Center Norm Y0.5
Upright Focal Length 35mm35
Upright Focal Mode0
Upright Four Segments Count0
Upright PreviewFalse
Upright Transform Count6
Upright Version151388160
Usage TermsZur freien persönlichen Verwendung des Porträtierten. Alle anderen Verwendungen sind genehmigungspflichtig.
Vignette Amount0
Web Statementhttp://matlam-photography.jimd
White BalanceAuto
Whites 2012+36
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 5.6-c140 79.160451, 2017/05/06-01:08:21

GPS Information

GPS Altitude17.9 m Above Sea Level
GPS Altitude RefAbove Sea Level
GPS Date Stamp2019:11:17
GPS Date/Time2019:11:17 06:54:26.902Z
GPS Dilution Of Precision1.5
GPS Latitude52 deg 39' 30.29" N
GPS Latitude RefNorth
GPS Longitude7 deg 29' 49.96" E
GPS Longitude RefEast
GPS Map DatumWGS-84
GPS Measure Mode3-Dimensional Measurement
GPS Position52 deg 39' 30.29" N, 7 deg 29' 49.96" E
GPS Satellites13
GPS StatusMeasurement Active
GPS Time Stamp06:54:26.902
GPS Version ID2.3.0.0