Margrit May Berger (♫ SwissMay)'s photos

P1040951 Pano - mb - Eringer Kampfkuh - Swiss Figh…

19 Oct 2012 2 7 256
My last 3 photos of my Panoramio gallery 'Swiss Traditions', Meine 3 letzten Fotos von meinem Panoramio Album 'Schweizer Traditionen' *** swissmay3 *** Eringer Kampfkuh Schweiz *** fighting cows ***

P1090899 -Pano - mb - Geo Park North of Scotland -…

13 Jun 2008 15 27 295
last 3 photos of my gallery swissmay2 Diese Phoneboxes in Schottland gehören wohl auch bald der Vergangenheit an. My dear friends, Panoramio has been the place for my photos since 05.July 2007. I am sad it's getting closed, but also grateful for the time we all spent together. As everything has an end, this also happens to our beloved Panoramio. We met here, enjoying Panoramio together by the mutual passion for photos. Roaming about with the camera, we discovered many delightful subjects and we were happy to upload those photos into our growing galleries. The most beautiful thing about Panoramio, however, was to meet people, get friends and see sceneries from so many parts of our planet. Many countries, areas of which little or nothing was known, became familiar to us, many of us added valuable descriptions to the photos out of personal experiences, which can not be found in Wikipedia. Thank you very much, my Pano friends, for all the personal words to my photos and my special thanks for your beautiful and informative photos, which I have been adding into my favorites. I hope Google will let us visit Panoramio for more than a year. I loved the way we met, without boundaries of origin, gender, age, nationality or religion. If we didn't know before, we recognized here how close we are as human beings, how beautiful our nature is if we don't spoil it, how people live in other countries. No matter where we live, we must be concerned about preserving these values ​​and we should try to keep our world in balance, so that future Generations can experience these beauties as well. I wish you all the best and I am sure we will be enjoying the colours and using the light for many more photos in the future! :) Your May, Margrit ipernity, before on Panoramio!

3-P1000613 - Pano - mb - Ireland - Healeys Restaur…

17 Jun 2007 4 3 171
last 3 photos of my gallery swissmay2 in Pano

P1020131 mb - Pano - things, which have gone out o…

07 Jun 2010 3 2 232
last 3 photos of my gallery swissmay2 Moretonhampstead Post Office in Devon England. Those little Post offices with a shop will soon all be gone.

P1210504 mb - The Stagecoach of the San Gottardo…

29 Aug 2016 3 4 246
last 3 photos of my main gallery in Pano swissmay

1-P1140007 - Walls of Granite

26 Aug 2008 9 20 327
On a rainy Day in the Evening!

1-P1160595 - Gorge of the Schoellenen

09 Oct 2008 6 4 270
Wild and frightening is the Gorge of the Schoellenen Schoellenen per Fahrrad:

1-P1160592 Schoellenenschlucht

09 Oct 2008 1 1 208
Wild und schrecklich ist die Schlucht!

1-P1030869 Haymaking on the Hills

P4230176 - Pano - mb - my friend Rex, painting the…

23 Apr 2005 7 9 398
Berner Sennenhund - Bernese Mountain Dog Rex wasn´t my dog, but a very good friend, he used to join me on my walks, when I passed his little farm, :) Sad, he died many years ago.

P9170061 - mb - Pano - Back home again

17 Sep 2004 8 13 375
Simmentaler Fleckvieh auf dem Alpabtrieb! Back from the Meadows of the high Summer region! One of the first photos I uploaded on Pano in July 2007

1-PA080044 - Autumn on a Sunny Day!

5795973 - Emmental mit 7 Hengsten Hohgant und Bern…

23 Oct 2016 10 7 287
This is one of my photos, which I uploaded in Panoramio in 2007. OLYMPUS CORPORATION C770UZ - I took the photo on the 12th of May in 2007

1-P1010474 - Rotmilan - Milvus milvus - Freedom

1-P1010805 - Red in Green

1-P1160160 - Emmental

13 Oct 2011 8 5 219
Emmental is: Woods, lush Meadows, beautiful wooden Farmhouses sprinkled across the hills, View to the majestic Bernese Alps

1-P1040577 Thank you for the Honey - Honey!

22 Aug 2010 4 6 243
Biene, Insekt, Blume

1-P1140004 - Schoellenenbahn seit 1915

26 Aug 2008 4 4 329
This train connects Goeschenen and Andermatt through the gorge of the Schoellenen.

100 items in total

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