Margrit May Berger (♫ SwissMay)'s photos

P1060329 - mb - Novembernebel im Emmental

1-P1000913 - mb - Nymphalis urticae - kleiner Fuch…

P1210672 - mb - Do you want to take a Seat?

16 Sep 2016 10 17 270
This beautiful dog belongs to a lovely guesthouse. The owners had their day off, when I arrived, no one around, so the dog obviously felt bored, he welcomed me with this cushion, when I got out of the car. :-)

P1210673 - mb - Koi Fish - Nothing to eat for me?

P1160606 - mb - near the old Devil's Bridge, on th…

09 Oct 2008 19 24 315
Oben, am Ende der Schlucht mit Blick auf den Saumpfad oben links. ehemaliger Saumpfad Album Gotthardroute

P1050894 - mb - Koexistenz :-) Vertical flock ke…

21 Sep 2010 8 11 257
see Album Gotthard Route with descriptions and links. den ganzen Weg durch die Schöllenenschlucht, Urserental und über den St. Gotthardpass bis Airolo kannst du im Album betrachten!

P1260985 - mb - Grazing Goats on Gallery - A pragm…

08 Sep 2009 3 2 188 Album Gotthardroute

P1260987 -mb - Winding Road up through the Gorge,…

08 Sep 2009 2 1 201
Album Gotthardroute

P1140015 - mb - the Way through the Gorge - der We…

26 Aug 2008 2 4 278 Album Gotthardroute

P1050896 - mb - below the River, above the Rocks

21 Sep 2010 1 193 Album Gotthardroute

P1160588 - mb - Hohe Felswände in der Schoellenen

09 Oct 2008 203
Album Gotthardroute


09 Oct 2008 152
Album Gotthardroute

P1140012 -mb - unten Saumpfad, oben Bahn

26 Aug 2008 1 205
Album Gotthardroute

P1160828 - Pano - Paeonia - my very last photo on…

02 May 2015 12 14 256
dedicated to all my friends! the last photo I uploaded in Panoramio 134627444 My galleries in Panoramio swissmay swissmay2 swissmay3 swissmay4

P1100426 - Pano - Mystic Highland, view to the Isl…

15 Jun 2008 1 2 171
From my journey around Scotland in 2008 swissmay4

P1070135 - Pano - Eiger und Mönch - Berneralpen

12 Dec 2012 2 4 258
one of my latest photos from my b/w gallery in Panoramio swissmay4

P1090259 - Pano - traditioneller Trachtenreigen -…

08 Jun 2013 2 178
My last 3 photos of my Panoramio gallery 'Swiss Traditions', Meine 3 letzten Fotos von meinem Panoramio Album 'Schweizer Traditionen' swissmay3

1-P1030955 - Pano - mb - Kürbisse auf Handkarren -…

03 Oct 2012 5 9 176
My last 3 photos of my Panoramio gallery 'Swiss Traditions', Meine 3 letzten Fotos von meinem Panoramio Album 'Schweizer Traditionen' swissmay3

100 items in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.